BS ISO 17858:2007
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Water quality. Determination of dioxin-like polychlorinated Biphenyls. Method using gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.2 Abbreviated terms
4 Principle
4.1 Spiking and extraction
4.2 Clean-up
4.3 Concentration
4.4 Identification
4.5 Quantification
4.6 Analytical quality
5 Contamination and interferences
6 Reagents and standards
7 Apparatus and materials
7.1 Sampling equipment for discrete sampling
7.2 Equipment for sample preparation
7.3 Extraction apparatus
7.4 Filtration apparatus
7.5 Clean-up apparatus
7.6 Concentration apparatus
7.7 Other equipment
8 Sample collection, preservation, storage and holding
9 Quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC)
9.1 General
9.2 Initial precision and recovery (IPR)
9.3 Spiking
9.4 Recovery of labelled compounds assessment
9.5 Method blanks
9.6 QC check sample
9.7 Method precision
10 Calibration
10.1 Operating conditions
10.2 Mass spectrometer (MS) resolution
10.3 Ion abundance ratios, minimum levels, signal-to-noise
ratios, and absolute retention times
10.4 Retention time
10.5 Isomer specificity
10.6 Calibration by isotope dilution
10.7 Calibration by internal standard
10.8 Combined calibration
11 Sample preparation
11.1 General
11.2 Determination of percent suspended solids
11.3 Preparation of aqueous samples containing 1%
of suspended solids or less
12 Extraction and concentration
12.1 Separatory funnel extraction of filtrates and of
aqueous samples that are visibly absent of particles
12.2 Solid-phase extraction (SPE) of samples containing
less than 1% suspended solids
12.3 Soxhlet extraction of filters and/or disks
12.4 Back-extraction with acid and base
12.5 Macro-concentration
12.6 Micro-concentration and solvent exchange
13 Extract clean-up
13.1 General
13.2 Gel permeation chromatography (GPC)
13.3 Silica clean-up
13.4 Alumina clean-up
13.5 Carbon column
13.6 High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
13.7 Florisil clean-up
13.8 Silver nitrate/silica column
14 HRGC/HRMS analysis
15 System and laboratory performance
15.1 General
15.2 MS resolution
15.3 Calibration verification
15.4 GC resolution
15.5 Blank
16 Qualitative determination
17 Quantitative determination
17.1 Isotope dilution quantification
17.2 Internal standard quantification and labelled-
compound recovery
17.3 Concentration in sample
17.4 Results and reporting
17.5 Toxic equivalents (TEQ)
18 Analysis of complex samples
18.1 General
18.2 Recovery of labelled compounds
19 Pollution prevention
20 Waste management
21 Precision
Annex A (informative) Example chromatograms
Annex B (informative) Use of HRGC/LRMS
Annex C (informative) Precision data
Describes a method for the determination of dioxin-like tetra- to hepta-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in waters and wastewaters (containing less than 1% suspended solids) using high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS).
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 04/30099822 DC. (03/2007)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This International Standard specifies a method for the determination of dioxin-like tetra- to hepta-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in waters and wastewaters (containing less than 1%suspended solids) using high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC/HRMS). The method is optimized for dioxin-like PCBs, but can include other co-planar compounds such as polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDDs/PCDFs) and polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs). This method can be used to determine dioxin-like PCBs in other matrices (e.g. biota, sediments, air); however, additional clean-up steps and techniques can be required for samples with high organic loadings.
This method is applicable to the twelve non- and mono-ortho PCBs designated by the World Health Organization, as well as to other PCBs and co-planar compounds.
The detection limits and quantification levels in this method are dependent on the level of interferences as well as instrumental limitations. The minimum levels (ML) in Table2 are the levels at which the dioxin-like PCBs can typically be determined with no interferences present.
This method is “performance based”. The analyst is permitted to modify the method to overcome interferences or lower the cost of measurements, provided that all performance criteria in this method are met. The requirements for establishing method equivalency are given in 9.2.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 17858:2007 | Identical |
ISO 5667-2:1991 | Water quality Sampling Part 2: Guidance on sampling techniques |
ISO 5667-3:2012 | Water quality Sampling Part 3: Preservation and handling of water samples |
ISO 5667-1:2006 | Water quality Sampling Part 1: Guidance on the design of sampling programmes and sampling techniques |
ISO 18073:2004 | Water quality — Determination of tetra- to octa-chlorinated dioxins and furans — Method using isotope dilution HRGC/HRMS |
ISO 3696:1987 | Water for analytical laboratory use — Specification and test methods |
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