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BS ISO 2425:2010



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Hydrometry. Measurement of liquid flow in open channels under tidal conditions

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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Abbreviated terms
5 Principles of methods of measurement
6 Special considerations and choice of method
7 Measurement of tidal flow
8 Uncertainties in tidal flow measurement
Annex A (informative) - Measurement of tidal flow by
        cubature method
Annex B (informative) - Measurement methods suitable for
        tidal flow conditions
Annex C (informative) - Record of velocity measurement of
        a tidal river
Annex D (informative) - Measurement of tidal flow using
        an acoustic Doppler velocity meter

Specifies a summary of recommended methods for the determination of liquid flow in tidal channels, special consideration being given to those techniques that are either unique to or particularly appropriate for application under tidal conditions, including treatment of uncertainties.

Issue Date: 30/06/2008. Supersedes BS 3680-6(1995). (06/2008) Supersedes 09/30169001 DC. (12/2010)
British Standards Institution

This International Standard provides a summary of recommended methods for the determination of liquid flow in tidal channels, special consideration being given to those techniques that are either unique to or particularly appropriate for application under tidal conditions, including treatment of uncertainties. Reference is also made, where appropriate, to methods for the determination of flow in non-tidal channels, but attention is drawn to their limitations with respect to practicality and/or uncertainty. This International Standard does not describe alternative methods, such as the use of weirs, flumes, dilution gauging, salt velocity and floats, although they might be suitable under certain conditions, especially where the effect of tides only impedes and does not stop or reverse the passage of stream flow. These methods are described in detail in other International Standards. This International Standard specifies two types of technique: techniques for single measurements of tidal flow; techniques for continuous measurement of tidal flow. AnnexA specifies the cubature method of measurement. AnnexB specifies methods for the determination of flow under tidal conditions, and AnnexC gives an example of the computation for a single vertical. Similar computations are possible for other verticals. AnnexD describes the determination of tidal flow using an acoustic Doppler velocity meter.

Standards Relationship
ISO 2425:2010 Identical

ISO 748:2007 Hydrometry Measurement of liquid flow in open channels using current-meters or floats
ISO 5168:2005 Measurement of fluid flow — Procedures for the evaluation of uncertainties
ISO 6416:2017 Hydrometry — Measurement of discharge by the ultrasonic transit time (time of flight) method
ISO 1100-2:2010 Hydrometry Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Part 2: Determination of the stage-discharge relationship
ISO 4373:2008 Hydrometry Water level measuring devices
ISO 3454:2008 Hydrometry — Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment
ISO/TR 9823:1990 Liquid flow measurement in open channels Velocity-area method using a restricted number of verticals
ISO 4369:1979 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Moving-boat method
ISO/TR 7178:1983 Liquid flow measurement in open channels Velocity-area methods Investigation of total error
ISO 4366:2007 Hydrometry — Echo sounders for water depth measurements
ISO 9123:2017 Hydrometry — Stage-fall-discharge relationships
ISO 1088:2007 Hydrometry — Velocity-area methods using current-meters — Collection and processing of data for determination of uncertainties in flow measurement
ISO 15769:2010 Hydrometry Guidelines for the application of acoustic velocity meters using the Doppler and echo correlation methods
ISO/TR 9209:1989 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Determination of the wetline correction
ISO 9825:2005 Hydrometry Field measurement of discharge in large rivers and rivers in flood
ISO 1100-1:1996 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels Part 1: Establishment and operation of a gauging station
ISO 9213:2004 Measurement of total discharge in open channels Electromagnetic method using a full-channel-width coil
ISO 4375:2014 Hydrometry Cableway systems for stream gauging
ISO/TR 8363:1997 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels General guidelines for selection of method
ISO 772:1996 Hydrometric determinations — Vocabulary and symbols
ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995)

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