BS ISO 8805:1988
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information processing systems. Computer graphics. Graphical kernel system for three dimensions (GKS-3D) functional description
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0 Introduction
1 Scope and field of application
2 References
3 Definitions
4 The Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions
4.1 About this International Standard
4.1.1 Specification
4.1.2 Registration
4.2 Introduction to GKS-3D
4.3 Concepts
4.4 Graphical output
4.4.1 Output primitives
4.4.2 Output primitive attributes
4.4.3 Polyline attributes
4.4.4 Polymarker attributes
4.4.5 Text attributes
4.4.6 Text extent and concatenation
4.4.7 Fill area attributes
4.4.8 Fill area set attributes
4.4.9 Cell array attributes
4.4.10 Generalized Drawing Primitive attributes
4.4.11 Colour
4.4.12 View index
4.4.13 Hidden line/hidden surface removal (HLHSR)
4.5 Workstations
4.5.1 Workstation characteristics
4.5.2 Selecting a workstation
4.5.3 Deferring picture changes
4.5.4 Clearing the display space
4.5.5 Elimination of primitives outside segments
4.5.6 Sending messages to a workstation
4.5.7 Hidden line/hidden surface removal
4.6 Coordinate systems and transformations
4.6.1 Normalization transformations
4.6.2 Clipping
4.6.3 workstation transformations
4.6.4 Transformation of locator input
4.6.5 Transformation of stroke input
4.6.6 Viewing
4.6.7 Viewing utility functions
4.7 Segments
4.7.1 Introduction to segments
4.7.2 Segment attributes
4.7.3 Segment transformations
4.7.4 Clipping and WDSS
4.7.5 Workstation Independent Segment Storage
4.7.6 WISS functions and clipping
4.8 Graphical input
4.8.1 Introduction to logical input devices
4.8.2 Logical input device model
4.8.3 Operating modes of logical input devices
4.8.4 Measures of each input class
4.8.5 Input queue and current event report
4.8.6 Initialization of input devices
4.8.7 Locator and stroke input using 2D input
4.9 GKS-3D Metafile interface
4.10 GKS-3D levels
4.10.1 Introduction to levels
4.10.2 The level structure
4.10.3 Level functionality
4.11 States of GKS-3D and inquiry functions
4.11.1 Description of states
4.11.2 Inquiry functions
4.12 Error handling
4.13 Special interfaces between GKS-3D and the
application program
4.14 2D functions
5 GKS-3D functions
5.1 Notational conventions
5.2 Control functions
5.3 Output functions
5.4 Output attributes
5.4.1 Workstation independent primitive
5.4.2 Workstation attributes (representation)
5.5 Segment functions
5.5.1 Normalization transformation
5.5.2 View transformation
5.5.3 Workstation transformation
5.6 Segment functions
5.6.1 Segment manipulation functions
5.6.2 Segment attributes
5.7 Input functions
5.7.1 Initialization of input devices
5.7.2 Setting the mode of input devices
5.7.3 Request input functions
5.7.4 Sample input functions
5.7.5 Event input functions
5.8 Metafile functions
5.9 Inquiry functions
5.9.1 Introduction to inquiry functions
5.9.2 Inquiry function for operating state
5.9.3 Inquiry functions for GKS-3D description
5.9.4 Inquiry functions for GKS-3D state list
5.9.5 Inquiry functions for workstation state
5.9.6 Inquiry functions for workstation
description table
5.9.7 Inquiry functions for segment state list
5.9.8 Pixel inquiries
5.9.9 Inquiry function for GKS-3D error state
5.10 Utility functions
5.11 Error handling
6 GKS-3D data structures
6.1 Notation and data types
6.2 Operating state
6.3 GKS-3D description table
6.4 GKS-3D state list
6.5 Workstation state list
6.6 Workstation description table
6.7 Segment state list
6.8 GKS-3D error state list
A Function lists
A.1 Alphabetic
A.2 Order of appearance
A.2.1 Control functions
A.2.2 Output functions
A.2.3 Output attributes
A.2.3.1 Workstation independent primitive
A.2.3.2 Workstation attributes
A.2.4 Transformation functions
A.2.4.1 Normalization functions
A.2.4.2 View transformation
A.2.4.3 Workstation transformation
A.2.5 Segment functions
A.2.5.1 Segment manipulation functions
A.2.5.2 Segment attributes
A.2.6 Input functions
A.2.6.1 Initialization of input devices
A.2.6.2 Setting the mode of input devices
A.2.6.3 Request input functions
A.2.6.4 Sample input functions
A.2.6.5 Event input functions
A.2.7 Metafile functions
A.2.8 Inquiry functions
A.2.8.1 Inquiry function for operating
state value
A.2.8.2 Inquiry functions for GKS-3D
description table
A.2.8.3 Inquiry functions for GKS-3D
state list
A.2.8.4 Inquiry functions for
workstation state list
A.2.8.5 Inquiry functions for
workstation description table
A.2.8.7 Pixel inquiries
A.2.8.8 Inquiry function for GKS-3D
error state list
A.2.9 Utility functions
A.2.10 Error handling
A.3 Ordered by level
A.3.1 Level 0a
A.3.2 Level 0b
A.3.3 Level 0c
A.3.4 Level 1a
A.3.5 Level 1b
A.3.6 Level 1c
A.3.7 Level 2a
A.4 Applicability to workstation groups
B Error list
B.1 Implementation dependent
B.2 States
B.3 Workstations
B.4 Transformations
B.5 Output attributes
B.6 Output primitives
B.7 Segments
B.8 Input
B.9 Metafiles
B.10 Escape
B.11 Miscellaneous
B.12 System
B.13 3D transformations
B.14 3D output attributes
B.15 3D output primitives
B.16 Reserved errors
C Interfaces
C.1 General
C.2 Language binding
C.3 Implementation
D Allowable differences in GKS-3D implementations
D.1 General
D.2 Global differences
D.3 Workstation dependent differences
E Metafile structure
E.1 Metafiles
E.1.1 General
E.1.2 ISO 8632 Metafile
E.1.3 Metafile designed for GKS-3D
E.2 File format and data format
E.3 Generation of metafiles
E.4 Interpretation of metafiles
E.4.1 General
E.4.2 Control items
E.4.3 Output primitives
E.4.4 Output primitive attributes
E.4.5 Workstation attributes
E.4.6 Transformations
E.4.7 Segment manipulation
E.4.8 Segment attributes
E.4.9 Items from a GKSM written by a GKS system
E.5 Control items
E.6 Items for output primitives
E.7 Items for output primitive attributes
E.8 Items for workstation attributes
E.9 Items for transformations
E.10 Items for segment manipulation
E.11 Items for segment attributes
E.12 User items
F Sample programs
G GKS-3D functions summary
G.1 Control functions
G.2 Output functions
G.3 Output attributes
G.3.1 Workstation independent primitive
G.3.2 Workstation attributes (representations)
G.4 Transformation functions
G.4.1 Normalization transformation
G.4.2 Viewing transformation
G.4.3 Workstation transformation
G.5 Segment functions
G.5.1 Segment manipulation functions
G.5.2 Segment attributes
G.6 Input functions
G.6.1 Initialization of input devices
G.6.2 Setting mode of input devices
G.6.3 Request input functions
G.6.4 Sample input functions
G.6.5 Event input functions
G.7 Metafile functions
G.8 Inquiry functions
G.9 Utility functions
G.10 Error handling
H Colour models
Describes a set of functions for computer graphics programming, the Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions (GKS-3D). It is a basic graphics system for applications that produce computer generated three dimensional pictures on graphics output devices. Also provides application programs with the capability to define and display 3D graphical primitives, specified using 3D coordinates. In addition, the GKS-3D input model provides 3D locator and stroke input.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes BS EN 28805 (11/2001)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
This International Standard specifies a set of functions for computer graphics programming, the Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions (GKS-3D). GKS-3D is a basic graphics system for applications that produce computer generated three dimensional pictures on graphics output devices. It supports operator input and interaction by supplying basic functions for graphical input and picture segmentation. It allows storage and dynamic modification of pictures. A fundamental concept in GKS-3D is the workstation, consisting of a number of input devices and a single output device. Several workstations can be used simultaneously. The application program is allowed to adapt its behaviour at a workstation to make best use of workstation capabilities. This International Standard includes functions for storage on and retrieval from an external graphics file. Also, the functions are organized in upward compatible levels with increasing capabilities. This International Standard provides application programs with the capability to define and display 3D graphical primitives, specified using 3D coordinates. In addition, the GKS-3D input model provides 3D locator and stroke input. The output primitives of this International Standard differ from the output primitives of ISO7942 in the following ways: the polyline and polymarker primitives are defined by an arbitrary sequence of 3D coordinates; the text, fill area and cell array primitives remain planar, but may lie in a plane positioned arbitrarily in 3D space; the fill area set primitive is introduced. Functions are provided in this International Standard to generate these primitives. The functions of ISO7942 can be used in this International Standard. However, the output functions generate instances of 3D primitives — instances that are constrained to lie in a plane. Furthermore, additional capabilities are provided in this International Standard to: specify views of 3D objects; obtain information from 3D input devices; permit workstations to perform hidden line/hidden surface removal (HLHSR). This International Standard provides no specific functions for controlling such rendering techniques as light source, shading, texturing, and shadow computations. However, workstations may apply these techniques, locally as the primitives and attributes are realized, provided that the general guidelines of AnnexD concerning allowable workstation differences are followed. NOTE- For certain parameters of the functions, GKS-3D defines value ranges as being reserved for registration (see 4.1.2). The meanings of these values will be defined using the established procedures. GKS-3D defines a language independent nucleus of a graphics system. For integration into a programming language, GKS-3D is embedded in a language dependent layer obeying the particular conventions of that language.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 8805:1988 | Identical |
ISO 7942:1985 | Information processing systems Computer graphics Graphical Kernel System (GKS) functional description |
ISO/IEC 9592-2:1997 | Information technology Computer graphics and image processing Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) Part 2: Archive file format |
ISO/IEC 8632-1:1999 | Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 1: Functional specification |
ISO/IEC 2022:1994 | Information technology Character code structure and extension techniques |
ISO/IEC 8806-4:1991 | Information technology Computer graphics Graphical Kernel System for Three Dimensions (GKS-3D) language bindings Part 4: C |
ISO/IEC 9592-3:1997 | Information technology — Computer graphics and image processing — Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) — Part 3: Specification for clear-text encoding of archive file |
ISO 6093:1985 | Information processing Representation of numerical values in character strings for information interchange |
ISO/IEC 8632-3:1999 | Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 3: Binary encoding |
ISO/IEC 646:1991 | Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange |
ISO/IEC 8632-4:1999 | Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 4: Clear text encoding |
ISO/IEC 8632-2:1992 | Information technology — Computer graphics — Metafile for the storage and transfer of picture description information — Part 2: Character encoding |
ISO/IEC 9592-1:1997 | Information technology Computer graphics and image processing Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) Part 1: Functional description |
ISO/IEC 2382-13:1996 | Information technology Vocabulary Part 13: Computer graphics |
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