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BS ISO/IEC 13522-3:1997



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information technology. Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information MHEG script interchange representation

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1 Scope
    1.1 Context of the scope
    1.2 Scope of this part of ISO/IEC 13522
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations
5 Conformance
    5.1 Information object conformance
    5.2 Implementation conformance
    5.3 Application conformance
    5.4 Test methods
6 Overview
    6.1 Description methodology
    6.2 Data processing operations
    6.3 Access to external data and functions
7 MHEG/MHEG-3 relationship
    7.1 MHEG entities
    7.2 Functional entities
    7.3 MHEG-SIR script interpreter
8 Elements of MHEG-SIR
    8.1 Data types
    8.2 Data
    8.3 Functions
    8.4 Messages
    8.5 Instructions
    8.6 Identifiers
9 The MHEG-SIR virtual machine
    9.1 Structure of the MHEG-SIR virtual machine
    9.2 Structures and notations
    9.3 Memory areas
    9.4 Script statuses
    9.5 Processing units
10 Provisions for run-time environment access
    10.1 General mode
    10.2 Declaration of IDL interfaces
    10.3 Invocation of external operations in an MHEG-
          SIR program
    10.4 Handling of external exceptions in an MHEG-
          SIR program
    10.5 Invocation of external operations by an
          MHEG-3 engine
    10.6 Handling of external exceptions by an MHEG-3
    10.7 Platform mapping specifications
11 Provisions for MHEG object manipulation
    11.1 Invoking MHEG manipulation
    11.2 Receiving MHEG messages
12 MHEG-SIR declarations
    12.1 Type declaration
    12.2 Constant declaration
    12.3 Global variable declaration
    12.4 Package declaration
    12.5 Handler declaration
    12.6 Routine declaration
13 MHEG-SIR instructions
    13.1 Presentation methodology
    13.2 Classification of MHEG-SIR instructions
    13.3 Description of instructions
    13.4 Type conversion rules
14 IDL mapping to MHEG-SIR
    14.1 IDL specifications
    14.2 IDL interfaces and modules
    14.3 IDL operations
    14.4 IDL attributes
    14.5 IDL inherited operations
    14.6 IDL exceptions
    14.7 IDL types
    14.8 IDL constants
15 The MHEG-3 API
    15.1 Scriptinterpreter object
    15.2 MhScript object
    15.3 RtScript object
    15.4 RoutineInvocation object
Annex A (normative) ASN.1 specification of interchanged
Annex B (normative) Coded representation of interchanged
   B.1 Coding for interchanged scripts
   B.2 Coding for the program code
Annex C (normative) MHEG-SIR predefined elements
   C.1 Predefined types
   C.2 Predefined functions
   C.3 Predefined messages
Annex D (normative) IDL Platform mapping specification
        Platform description
        Package availability procedure
        Package load procedure
        Package unload procedure
        Operation invocation procedure
        Parameter passing procedure
        Output parameter retrieval procedure
        Return value retrieval procedure
        Data encoding rules
        Exception retrieval procedure
        System exceptions
        Resource limitations
Annex E (normative) MHEG API definition process
   E.1 Generic API definition framework
   E.2 MHEG API mapping to MHEG-SIR
Annex F (normative) IDL specification of the MHEG-3
Annex G (normative) Relationships with other parts of
ISO/IEC 13522
   G.1 Relationship with ISO/IEC 13522-1
   G.2 Relationship with ISO/IEC 13522-5
Annex H (normative) MHEG-SIR syntax (EBNF notation)
Annex J (informative) Textual notation for MHEG-SIR scripts
Annex K (informative) MHEG entities
   K.1 MHEG objects
   K.2 Mh-objects
   K.3 Rt-objects
   K.4 Interchanged MHEG objects
Annex L (informative) Main features of MHEG-SIR
   L.1 Features of using applications
   L.2 Functional features
   L.3 Technical features

Defines the coded representation of multimedia/hypermedia information objects for interchange as final form units within or across services and applications, by any method of interchange including local area networks, wide area telecommunication or broadcast networks, storage media etc.

Supersedes 96/641269 DC. (08/2005)
British Standards Institution

1.1 Context of the scope

ISO/IEC13522 specifies the coded representation of multimedia/hypermedia information objects (MHEG objects) for interchange as final form units within or across services and applications, by any means of interchange including local area networks, wide area telecommunication or broadcast networks, storage media, etc.

MHEG objects are usually produced by computer tools taking as a source form multimedia applications designed using multimedia scripting languages. In this context, one of the MHEG object classes, the script class, is intended to complement the other MHEG classes in expressing the functionality commonly supported by scripting languages. Script objects express more powerful control mechanisms and describe more complex relationships among MHEG objects than can be expressed by MHEG action and link objects alone. Furthermore, script objects express access and interaction with external services provided by the run-time environment.

Other parts of ISO/IEC13522 define the coded representation for script objects in an open manner so that script objects may encapsulate either standardised or proprietary script code. Script objects encapsulate scripts that may be encoded in any encoding format as registered according to ISO/IEC13522-4.

1.2 Scope of this part of ISO/IEC13522

The scope of this part of ISO/IEC13522 is to extend the coded representation of the MHEG script object class defined by another part of ISO/IEC13522, including ISO/IEC13522-1 and ISO/IEC13522-5.

This part of ISO/IEC13522 specifies the MHEG script interchange representation (MHEG-SIR) for the contents of script objects, i.e. the encoding of the script data component of the MHEG script class.

MHEG engines are system or application components that handle, interpret and present MHEG objects. This part of ISO/IEC13522 also specifies the semantics of interchanged scripts. These semantics are defined in terms of minimum requirements on the behaviour of MHEG engines that support the interpretation of interchanged scripts.

This part of ISO/IEC13522 is applicable to all applications that interchange multimedia and hypermedia information.

Standards Relationship
ISO/IEC 13522-3:1997 Identical

ISO/IEC 8825-1:2015 Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) Part 1:
ISO/IEC 13522-4:1996 Information technology — Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information — Part 4: MHEG registration procedure
ISO/IEC 9646-1:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Conformance testing methodology and framework Part 1: General concepts
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015 Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation Part 1:
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane
ISO/IEC 14750:1999 Information technology Open Distributed Processing Interface Definition Language
IEEE 754-2008 REDLINE IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
ISO/IEC 13522-1:1997 Information technology — Coding of multimedia and hypermedia information — Part 1: MHEG object representation — Base notation (ASN.1)

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