BS ISO/IEC 21000-7:2004
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information technology. Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) Digital item adaptation
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1 Scope
1.1 General
1.2 Organization of the document
1.3 Overview of Digital Item Adaptation
1.4 Overview of Digital Item Adaptation tools
1.5 Relation between Digital Item Adaptation and other parts
of ISO/IEC 21000
1.6 Relation between Digital Item Adaptation and ISO/IEC 15938
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols, and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.1.1 General terms and definitions
3.1.2 DIA-specific terms and definition
3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms
3.3 Schema documents
3.4 Use of prefixes in this specification
3.5 URI fragment identifiers for XML documents
3.5.1 Syntax of URI fragment identifiers
3.5.2 URI fragment identifiers examples
4 Schema tools
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Schema wrapper
4.3 Base types
4.3.1 Introduction
4.3.2 Base types syntax
4.3.3 Base types semantics
4.4 Description metadata
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Description metadata syntax
4.4.3 Description metadata semantics
4.5 Root elements
4.5.1 Introduction
4.5.2 Root element syntax
4.5.3 Root element semantics
4.5.4 Root element examples
4.6 Reference
4.6.1 Introduction
4.6.2 Reference syntax
4.6.3 Reference semantics
4.6.4 Reference examples
5 Low-level datatypes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Unsigned integer datatypes
5.2.1 Introduction
5.2.2 Unsigned integer datatypes syntax
5.2.3 Unsigned integer datatypes semantics
5.3 Common datatypes
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2 Single value datatypes
5.3.3 Vector datatypes
5.3.4 Matrix datatypes
5.4 Base stack function
5.4.1 Introduction
5.4.2 Base stack function syntax
5.4.3 Base stack function semantics
5.5 Argument types and extensions
5.5.1 Introduction
5.5.2 Argument types and extensions syntax
5.5.3 Argument types and extensions semantics
6 Usage environment description tools
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Schema wrapper
6.3 Usage environment
6.3.1 Introduction
6.3.2 Usage environment syntax
6.3.3 Usage environment semantics
6.4 User characteristics
6.4.1 Introduction
6.4.2 Users
6.4.3 User
6.4.4 UserInfo
6.4.5 UsagePreferences
6.4.6 UsageHistory
6.4.7 AudioPresentationPreferences
6.4.8 DisplayPresentationPreferences
6.4.9 ColorPreference
6.4.10 StereoscopicVideoConversion
6.4.11 GraphicsPresentationPreferences
6.4.12 ConversionPreference
6.4.13 PresentationPriorityPreference
6.4.14 FocusOfAttention
6.4.15 AuditoryImpairment
6.4.16 VisualImpairment
6.4.17 ColorVisionDeficiency
6.4.18 MobilityCharacteristics
6.4.19 Destination
6.5 Terminal capabilities
6.5.1 Introduction
6.5.2 Terminals
6.5.3 Terminal
6.5.4 CodecCapabilities
6.5.5 CodecCapability
6.5.6 CodecParameter
6.5.7 Displays
6.5.8 Display
6.5.9 DisplayCapabilities
6.5.10 AudioOutputs
6.5.11 AudioOutput
6.5.12 AudioOutputCapabilities
6.5.13 UserInteractionInputs
6.5.14 UserInteractionInput
6.5.15 DeviceClass
6.5.16 PowerCharacteristics
6.5.17 Storages
6.5.18 Storage
6.5.19 StorageCharacteristics
6.5.20 DataIOs
6.5.21 DataIO
6.5.22 DataIOCharacteristics
6.5.23 Benchmarks
6.5.24 Benchmark
6.5.25 CPUBenchmark
6.5.26 ThreeDBenchmark
6.5.27 IPMPTools
6.5.28 Terminal capabilities examples
6.6 Network characteristics
6.6.1 Introduction
6.6.2 Networks
6.6.3 Network
6.6.4 NetworkCapability
6.6.5 NetworkCondition
6.6.6 Network characteristics example
6.7 Natural environment characteristics
6.7.1 Introduction
6.7.2 NaturalEnvironments
6.7.3 NaturalEnvironments
6.7.4 Location
6.7.5 Time
6.7.6 AudioEnvironment
6.7.7 IlluminationCharacteristics
7 Bitstream syntax description link
7.1 Introduction
7.2 BSDLink syntax
7.3 BSDLink semantics
7.4 BSDLink example
8 Bitstream Syntax Description
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Introduction to BSD-based adaptation
8.1.2 Adaptation architecture
8.1.3 BSDL and gBS Schema
8.1.4 Bitstream Syntax Description transformation
8.1.5 Multi-step adaptation
8.1.6 Organization of this clause
8.2 Bitstream Syntax Description Language
8.2.1 Overview
8.2.2 Schema hierarchy
8.3 Bitstream generation: BSDL-1 and gBS Schema
8.3.1 BSDL-1
8.3.2 generic Bitstream Syntax Schema
8.4 BS Description generation: BSDL-2
8.4.1 Introduction
8.4.2 Schema for BSDL-2 extensions
8.4.3 Constraints on the syntax of BSDL-2 extensions
8.4.4 Semantics of BSDL-2 structural extensions
8.4.5 Semantics of BSDL-2 datatypes extensions
8.4.6 BSDL-2 validity of BS Schemas
8.4.7 Run-time constraints during BS Description generation
8.4.8 BS Description generation with BintoBSD
8.4.9 Examples
9 Terminal and network quality of service
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Schema wrapper
9.3 AdaptationQoS
9.3.1 Introduction
9.3.2 AdaptationQoS syntax
9.3.3 AdaptationQoS semantics
9.3.4 AdaptationQoS example
9.4 AdaptationQoS modules
9.4.1 Introduction
9.4.2 BaseModule syntax
9.4.3 BaseModule semantics
9.5 IOPin
9.5.1 Introduction
9.5.2 IOPin syntax
9.5.3 IOPin semantics
9.6 UtilityFunction
9.6.1 Introduction
9.6.2 UtilityFunction syntax
9.6.3 UtilityFunction semantics
9.6.4 UtilityRank syntax
9.6.5 UtilityRank semantics
9.6.6 UtilityFunction example
9.7 Look-up table
9.7.1 Introduction
9.7.2 LookUpTable syntax
9.7.3 LookUpTable semantics
9.7.4 Axis syntax
9.7.5 Axis semantics
9.7.6 Content syntax
9.7.7 Content semantics
9.7.8 LookUpTable example
9.8 Stack function
9.8.1 Introduction
9.8.2 StackFunction syntax
9.8.3 StackFunction semantics
9.8.4 StackFunction example
9.9 Switch mechanism
9.9.1 Introduction
9.9.2 BaseSwitchModule syntax
9.9.3 BaseSwitchModule semantics
9.9.4 UtilityFunctionSwitch syntax
9.9.5 UtilityFunctionSwitch semantics
9.9.6 LookUpTableSwitch syntax
9.9.7 LookUpTableSwitch semantics
9.9.8 StackFunctionSwitch syntax
9.9.9 StackFunctionSwitch semantics
10 Universal constraints description tools
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Universal constraints description syntax
10.3 Universal constraints description semantics
10.4 Universal constraints description examples
11 Metadata adaptability
11.1 Introduction
11.2 MetadataAdaptation syntax
11.3 MetadataAdaptation semantics
11.4 MetadataAdaptation examples
12 Session mobility tools
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Format of a DI for session mobility
12.3 SessionMobility syntax
12.4 SessionMobility semantics
12.5 Reconstructing a session
12.6 Session transfer example
13 DIA configuration tools
13.1 Introduction
13.2 DIAConfiguration syntax
13.3 DIAConfiguration semantics
Annex A (normative) Classification Schemes
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Classification Schemes
A.2.1 ThreeDBenchmarkCS
A.2.2 AdaptationQoSCS
A.2.3 AQoSRoundingMethodCS
A.2.4 CPUBenchmarkCS
A.2.5 DeviceClassCS
A.2.6 GraphicsCodingFormatCS
A.2.7 InvariantDimensionCS
A.2.8 KeyInputCS
A.2.9 LocationTypeCS
A.2.10 MediaInformationCS
A.2.11 PlaceTypeCS
A.2.12 RenderingFormatCS
A.2.13 SceneCodingFormatCS
A.2.14 SegmentDecompositionInfoCS
A.2.15 StackFunctionOperatorCS
Annex B (informative) Usage of the BSDLink tool
B.1 Introduction
B.2 Overview of the adaptation architecture
B.3 Example instances
B.3.1 Introduction
B.3.2 Usage environment description
B.3.3 BSDLink
B.3.4 Steering description
B.3.5 Further constraining the usage and usage
environment of a Digital Item
B.3.6 Bitstream Syntax Description
B.3.7 BSD transformation
B.3.8 Resources
Annex C (informative) Usage of DIA Configuration
C.1 Example 1
C.2 Example 2
C.3 Example 3
Annex D (informative) Address corrections in (g)BS Descriptions
for multi-step adaptations
Annex E (informative) UCD-based adaptation decision making engine
E.1 Introduction
E.2 ADTE architectures
E.3 UCD based ADTE processing model
Annex F (informative) Patent Statements
Annex G (informative) Schema
G.1 Schema definition for schema tools (clause 4)
G.2 Schema definition for usage environment descriptions
tools (clause 6)
G.3 Schema definition for Terminal and network quality of
service tools (clause 8)
Describes the syntax and semantics of tools that may be used to assist the adaptation of Digital Items, i.e., the Digital Item Declaration and resources referenced by the declaration.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 03/313509 DC. (12/2004)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
Supersedes |
1.1 General This part of ISO/IEC21000 specifies the syntax and semantics of tools that may be used to assist the adaptation of Digital Items, i.e., the Digital Item Declaration and resources referenced by the declaration. The tools could be used to satisfy transmission, storage and consumption constraints, as well as Quality of Service management by the various Users. It is important to emphasize that the adaptation engines themselves are non-normative tools of this part of ISO/IEC21000. 1.2 Organization of the document This document describes the various Digital Item Adaptation tools specified in part7 of the ISO/IEC21000 standard. In the remainder of this part of ISO/IEC21000, each tool is described by the following subclauses: Syntax: Normative specification of the syntax of the tool using XML Schema. Semantic: Normative specification of the semantics of the tool and its components. Informative examples: Optionally, informative examplesillustrating use of the tool. 1.3 Overview of Digital Item Adaptation The goal of the Terminals and Networks element described in ISO/IEC21000-1 is to achieve interoperable transparent access to (distributed) advanced multimedia content by shielding Users from network and terminal installation, management and implementation issues. To achieve this goal, the adaptation of Digital Items is required. This concept is illustrated in Figure1. As shown in this conceptual architecture, a Digital Item is subject to a resource adaptation engine, as well as a description adaptation engine, which together produce the adapted Digital Item. Figure1 Illustration of Digital Item Adaptation It is important to emphasise that the adaptation engines themselves are non-normative tools of Digital Item Adaptation. However, descriptions and format-independent mechanisms that provide support for Digital Item Adaptation in terms of resource adaptation, description adaptation, and/or Quality of Service management are within the scope of the standardization, and are collectively referred to in Figure1 as DIA Tools. 1.4 Overview of Digital Item Adaptation tools The Digital Item Adaptation tools in this part of ISO21000 are clustered into eight major categories as illustrated in Figure2. Figure2 Overview and organization of Digital Item Adaptation tools The categories are clustered according to their functionality and use for Digital Item Adaptation around the Schema Tools and Low-Level Data Types. The schema tools provide uniform root elements for all DIA descriptions as well as some low-level and basic datatypes which can be used by several DIA tools independently. The syntax and semantics of the schema tools and low-level datatypes are specified in clause4 and 5, respectively. The first major category is the Usage Environment Description Tools, which include User characteristics, terminal capabilities, network characteristics and natural environment characteristics. These tools provide descriptive information about the various properties of the usage environment, which originate from Users, to accommodate, for example, the adaptation of Digital Items for transmission, storage and consumption. The syntax and semantics of these tools are specified in clause6. The second category is referred to as BSDLink which provides the facilities to create a rich variety of adaptation architectures based on tools specified within this part of ISO/IEC21000, ISO/IEC21000-2, and ISO/IEC15398 among others. The syntax and semantics of this tool is specified in clause7. Bitstream Syntax Description tools comprise the third major category of Digital Item Adaptation tools. A BSD describes the syntax – in most cases, the high level structure – of a binary media resource. Using such a description, a Digital Item resource adaptation engine can transform the bitstream and the corresponding description using editing-style operations such as data truncation and simple modifications. These tools are specified in clause8. The fourth category of tools is referred to as Terminal and Network Quality of Service. The tools specified in this category describe the relationship between QoS constraints (e.g., on network bandwidth or a terminal’s computational capabilities), feasible adaptation operations satisfying these constraints and associated media resource qualities that result from adaptation. This set of tools therefore provides the means to trade-off these parameters with respect to quality so that an adaptation strategy can be formulated and optimal adaptation decisions can be made in constrained environments. The syntax and semantics of these tools are specified in clause9. The Universal Constraints Description Tools form the fifth category of tools which enables the possibility to describe limitation and optimisation constraints on adaptations. The syntax and semantics of these tools are specified in clause10. The sixth category is referred to as Metadata Adaptability. This tool specifies hint information that can be used to reduce the complexity of adapting the metadata contained in a Digital Item. On the one hand, they are used for filtering and scaling, and on the other hand, for integrating XML instances. The syntax and semantics of this tool are specified in clause11. For Session Mobility, the seventh category of tools, the configuration state information that pertains to the consumption of a Digital Item on one device is transferred to a second device. This enables the Digital Item to be consumed on the second device in an adapted way. The syntax and semantics of these tools are specified in clause12. Finally, the eighth category of tools is referred to as DIA Configuration Tools, which provides information required for the configuration of a Digital Item Adaptation Engine. The syntax and semantics of these description tools are specified in clause13. 1.5 Relation between Digital Item Adaptation and other parts of ISO/IEC21000 The Digital Item is the fundamental unit of distribution and transaction in the Multimedia Framework. While the different parts of ISO/IEC21000 deal with the components and different aspects of Digital Items, together they form a complete integrated interoperable framework. This subclause describes the relationship of this part of ISO/IEC21000 with the other parts of ISO/IEC21000 in addressing the specific function of adapting Digital Items. ISO/IEC21000-2 enables the declaration of Digital Items. A Digital Item is a packaging of resources, descriptions and rights expression. A Digital Item may contain elements that conform to ISO/IEC21000-3, ISO/IEC21000-4, ISO/IEC21000-5, ISO/IEC21000-6, and tools that are defined in this part of ISO/IEC21000. A Digital Item may be input to a Digital Item Adaptation Engine. The Adaptation Engine can modify the input Digital Item by adapting the resources or metadata within the Digital Item or the declaration of the Digital Item to the usage environment. Additionally, the identifiers and rights expressions pertaining to the adapted Digital Item need not be the same as those pertaining to the input Digital Item. This specification deals with adaptation but specifically does not address the relationship of rights and permissions to adaptations. The relationship of rights and permissions is to be addressed in an amendment to this part of ISO/IEC21000. It is expected that users of this part of ISO/IEC21000 will register terms describing their specific adaptations with the Registration Authority described in ISO/IEC21000-6 in order to provide interoperability. 1.6 Relation between Digital Item Adaptation and ISO/IEC15938 ISO/IEC15938 is a standard for multimedia content description. For the most part, the description of multimedia content is used to satisfy a User\'s request for the resources contained in a particular Digital Item. This search would be carried out by a search engine. However, given the Digital Item of interest, ISO/IEC15938 descriptions could also be used in the adaptation process. For example, ISO/IEC15938 offers tools for the summarization of media resources, tools that provide transcoding hints about the media resources, and tools that indicate the available variations of a given media resource. See ISO/IEC15938 for further information on the syntax and semantics of these tools. Besides serving as an input to the Digital Item Adaptation Engine, several ISO/IEC15938 tools are also referenced by the DIA specification. For example, tools that indicate a User\'s preference have been adopted as part of the DIA usage environment description tools, along with tools that indicate location and time associated with a User. The multimedia description schemes specified by ISO/IEC15938 can also be used to specify the decoding and encoding formats as part of the terminal capabilities description tool. In this particular case, there exists symmetry between tools that are used to describe media resources and tools that are used to describe the capabilities of a terminal. In this way, the media resources can easily be matched or adapted to satisfy the terminal capabilities.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO/IEC 21000-7:2007 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 21000-7:2004 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 14496-1:2010 | Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 1: Systems |
ISO/IEC 15938-3:2002 | Information technology — Multimedia content description interface — Part 3: Visual |
IEEE 754-2008 REDLINE | IEEE Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic |
ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004 | Information technology Coding of audio-visual objects Part 2: Visual |
ISO/IEC 15938-5:2003 | Information technology — Multimedia content description interface — Part 5: Multimedia description schemes |
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