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BS ISO/IEC 8613-5:1994



A Withdrawn Standard is one, which is removed from sale, and its unique number can no longer be used. The Standard can be withdrawn and not replaced, or it can be withdrawn and replaced by a Standard with a different number.

Information processing. Text and office systems. Office document architecture (ODA) and interchange format Information technology. Open document architecture (ODA) and interchange format. Open document interchange format

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1. Scope
2. Normative references
2.1 Identical Recommendations / International Standards
2.2 Paired Recommendations / International Standards
       equivalent in technical content
2.3 Additional references
3. Definitions
4. Abbreviations
5. Conventions
6. Document representations
6.1 ODIF
6.2 ODL and SDIF
7. Open Document Interchange Format (ODIF)
7.1 General description
7.2 Interchange format class A
7.3 Interchange format class B
7.4 Descriptors and text units
7.5 ASN.1 encoding and cryptographic techniques
7.5.1 Enciphered information
7.5.2 Sealed information
7.6 Interchange data elements
7.7 Document profile descriptor
7.8 Identifiers and expressions
7.9 Layout descriptors
7.10 Logical descriptors
7.11 Style descriptors
7.12 Default value lists
7.13 Text units
7.14 Colour attributes
7.15 Protected part descriptors
A. Coded representation
B. Application class tag assignments
C. Summary of object identifiers
D. Examples
D.1 Example 1: Sample document from Annex B of
      ITU-T Rec. T.412 / ISO/IEC 8613-2; Specific layout
      structure only
D.2 Example 2: Sample document from Annex B of
      ITU-T Rec. T.412 / ISO/IEC 8613-2; Specific logical
      structure only
D.3 Example 3: Sample document from Annex B of
      ITU-T Rec. T.412 / ISO/IEC 8613-2; Generic layout,
      generic logical and specific logical structures
D.4 Example 4: Sample document from Annex B of
      ITU-T Rec. T.412 / ISO/IEC 8613-2; Specific layout
      structure only
D.5 Example 5: Sample document profile from Annex C
      of ITU-T Rec. T414 / ISO/IEC 8613-4; Document
      profile only
E. Open Document Language (ODL)
E.1 Introduction
E.2 Fundamentals
E.2.1 Basic objects and their content
E.2.2 ODL names
E.2.3 Content
E.2.4 Linking the logical and layout structures
E.2.5 Attributes
E.3 Representation of attribute values
E.3.1 Constructed parameters
E.3.2 String parameters
E.3.3 Keyword parameters
E.3.4 Integer parameters
E.3.5 Real parameters
E.3.6 Expression parameters
E.3.7 Parameters requiring names or identifiers
E.3.8 Special SGML constructs
E.3.9 Alternative descriptions
E.3.10 Protected parts
E.4 Shared attributes
E.4.1 Identification attributes
E.4.2 Construction attributes
E.4.3 Relationship attributes
E.4.4 Content architecture class attributes: content
        architecture class
E.4.5 Miscellaneous attributes
E.5 Layout attributes
E.5.1 Property, formatting, and imaging attributes
E.5.2 Presentation attributes
E.5.3 Colour
E.6 Logical attributes
E.6.1 Protection
E.6.2 Layout style
E.7 Layout style attributes
E.7.1 Layout style identifier
E.7.2 Layout object class
E.7.3 Layout category
E.7.4 Logical stream category
E.7.5 Logical stream sub-category
E.7.6 Other layout directive attributes
E.7.7 Derived layout styles
E.8 Presentation style attributes
E.8.1 Presentation style identifier
E.8.2 Other presentation style attributes
E.8.3 Derived presentation styles
E.9 Content portion attributes
E.9.1 Identification attributes: Content identifier
E.9.2 Common coding attributes: type of coding
E.9.3 Content information attributes
E.9.4 Coding attributes
E.10 Data content notations
E.10.1 Notation declarations for content architectures
E.10.2 Content-related public text
E.11 SGML document type declaration and document type
E.11.1 Generic and specific parts present
E.11.2 Generic parts only
E.11.3 Specific parts only
E.12 Identification of ODA/ODL documents
E.13 Use of SDIF with ODA/ODL documents
E.14 Document profile
E.14.1 Representation of profile values
E.14.2 Public text
F. Examples of Open Document Language representations
F.1 ODL representation of a document
F.1.1 Specific structure examples
F.1.2 Generic structure
F.2 ODL representation of a document profile
G. Use of the Distinguished or Canonical Encoding type
G.1 The problem to be solved
G.2 The approach to a solution
G.3 The implementation optimization

Defines the format of the data stream used to interchange certain documents. Also defines the representation of the constituents which may appear in an interchanged document.

British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
ISO/IEC 8613-5:1994 Identical

ISO 9069:1988 Information processing SGML support facilities SGML Document Interchange Format (SDIF)
ISO/IEC 2022:1994 Information technology Character code structure and extension techniques
ISO/IEC 8825:1990 Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Specification of Basic Encoding Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times
ISO 8879:1986 Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
ISO/IEC 9541-2:1991 Information technology — Font information interchange — Part 2: Interchange format
ISO/IEC 8613-10:1995 Information technology Open Document Architecture (ODA) and Interchange Format Part 10: Formal specifications

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