CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 15944-9:16
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information technology Business Operational View Part 9: Business transaction traceability framework for commitment exchange (Adopted ISO/IEC 15944-9:2015, first edition, 2015-10-01)
Hardcopy , PDF
0 Introduction
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols and abbreviations
5 Principles and assumptions
5 Principles and assumptions
6 Traceability reference model
7 Traceability requirements to business transaction
8 Open-edi collaboration space and traceability
9 Traceability attributes for Open-edi scenario scoping
Annex A (Normative) - List of terms and definitions with
cultural adaptability of traceability: ISO English and
ISO French language equivalency
Annex B (Informative) - Introduction to GS1 Glossary
Annex C (Informative) - Date/time referencing
Annex D (Informative) - Introduction to Annex D and Annex E
in Part 5 of ISO/IEC 15944 regarding business location
Annex E (Informative) - Samples of international standards
or specifications in support of traceability
Annex F (Informative) - Mapping of BTEs through their
identifiers in a traceability framework
Annex G (Informative) - Introduction to sample regulations
as the sources of requirements of traceability
This Part of ISO/IEC 15944 presents a framework consisting of several models, including a reference model, a model of concepts, a content model, an information model, as well as rules, templates and other technical specifications for traceability requirements based on internal or external constraints as applicable to a business transaction.
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Canadian Standards Association
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Preface Standards development within the Information Technology sector is harmonized with international standards development. Through the CSA Technical Committee on Information Technology (TCIT), Canadians serve as the SCC Mirror Committee (SMC) on ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1 on Information Technology (ISO/IEC JTC1) for the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), the ISO member body for Canada and sponsor of the Canadian National Committee of the IEC. Also, as a member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Canada participates in the International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee (ITU-T). For brevity, this Standard will be referred to as \"CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 15944-9\" throughout. At the time of publication, ISO/IEC 15944-9:2015 is available from ISO and IEC in English only. CSA Group will publish the French version when it becomes available from ISO and IEC. Scope 1.1 Statement of scope This Part of ISO/IEC 15944 presents a framework consisting of several models, including a reference model, a model of concepts, a content model, an information model, as well as rules, templates and other technical specifications for traceability requirements based on internal or external constraints as applicable to a business transaction. The internal constraints are imposed in Open-edi due to mutual agreements among parties to a business transaction and the external constraints are invoked by the nature of a business transaction due to applicable laws, regulations, policies, etc. of jurisdictional domains which need to be considered in Open-edi business transactions. All requirements in this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 originate from external constraints. However, parties to a business transaction may well by mutual agreement apply external constraints of this nature as internal constraints. The focus therefore of this traceability framework standard is on commitment exchange among autonomous parties to a business transaction. As such, this statement of scope includes the ability of the traceability framework to specify a group of structured and inter-related concepts pertaining to traceability as a legal or regulatory requirement in the Open-edi context, in addition to concepts that appear in other Parts of ISO/IEC 15944 these concepts having the characteristics of cultural adaptability through the use of multilingual terms and definitions; provide additional specifications for Open-edi scenarios and scenario components from the perspective of traceability as required by internal or external constraints in business transactions; provide a more detailed specification for business transactions regarding aspects of traceability, including refined models of Person, Data and Process in support of the ability for Open-edi to incorporate elements or characteristics of traceability in its information bundles (including their semantic components) and business processes; realize specifications and descriptions from the traceability requirements as rules and guidelines, to provide recommendations or guidance on Open-edi practices; and provide revised primitive Open-edi scenario templates for traceability, integrating the modifications to the template from other existing Parts of ISO/IEC 15944. This Part of ISO/IEC 15944 can be used by Open-edi implementers (including business modellers and system designers) and Open-edi standard developers in specifying Open-edi scenarios, developing Open-edi related standards, and implementing Open-edi rules and guidelines for Open-edi activities. 1.2 Exclusions 1.2.1 Functional Services View (FSV) This Standard focuses on the BOV aspects of a business transaction, especially commitment exchange and does not concern itself with the technical mechanisms needed to achieve the business requirements, i.e., the various Functional Services View (FSV) aspects, including the specification of requirements of an FSV nature which include security techniques and services, communication protocols, etc. This includes any existing standard (or standards development of an FSV nature) that have been ratified by existing ISO, IEC, UN/ECE and/or ITU standards. As such, this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 does not specify any FSV aspects about traceability, which shall be part of the implementation of BOV standards in an IT system. 1.2.2 Internal behaviour of organizations (and public administration) Although an organization, (e.g., an e-Business enterprise) may impose traceability requirements on business models and supporting IT systems, this Part and the other Parts of ISO/IEC 15944 focus on the external behaviour of parties to a business transaction. Therefore, excluded from the scope of this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 is the application of traceability requirements within an organization. The Open-edi Reference Model does not specify these internal behaviours of an organization as not germane to business transactions (which focus on external behaviours pertaining to electronic data interchange among the autonomous parties to a business transaction). Therefore, excluded from the scope of this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 are: a) internal use and management of recorded information pertaining to an identifiable individual by an organization (or public administration) within an organization; and b) implementation of internal information management controls, internal procedural controls or operational controls within an organization or public administration necessary for it to comply with applicable traceability requirements in observance of their lawful or contractual rights, duties and obligations as a legal entity in the jurisdictional domain(s) of which they are part. However, the specifications for the external behaviour of an organization in this standard may well be used in the internal issues. But it is not the intent of this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 to specify the internal requirements of an organization. 1.2.3 Metrological traceability In ISO/IEC Guide 99:20077, 2.41, the term \"traceability\" is defined as \"property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a reference through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement uncertainty\". In this context, the word traceability is used as a metrological term. The word \"traceability\" as used in this Part of ISO/IEC 15944 does not relate to metrology and thus the specification of metrological traceability is not addressed in this Part of ISO/IEC 15944. 1.3 Aspects not currently addressed During the development of this part of the standard, requirements specified by International Air Transport Association (IATA) were identified as an important source of traceability principles. However, due to the lack of resources or the technical input from IATA at the time of this standard, such requirements were not incorporated in the current version of this part of the standard. Also, in the case of an individual acting as seller, where both external constraints of privacy protection and traceability apply, requirements on the provision of the personal information of that individual is not specified in this Part of ISO/IEC 15944-9. The aspects are expected to be addressed in a future edition of this Part or another (new) Part of ISO/IEC 15944.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO/IEC 15944-9:2015 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 15944-1:2011 | Information technology — Business operational view — Part 1: Operational aspects of open-edi for implementation |
ISO 22000:2005 | Food safety management systems Requirements for any organization in the food chain |
ISO/TS 16949:2009 | Quality management systems Particular requirements for the application of ISO 9001:2008 for automotive production and relevant service part organizations |
ISO/IEC 15459-5:2014 | Information technology Automatic identification and data capture techniques Unique identification Part 5: Individual returnable transport items (RTIs) |
ISO/IEC 14662:2010 | Information technology — Open-edi reference model |
ISO 10005:2005 | Quality management systems Guidelines for quality plans |
ISO 10006:2003 | Quality management systems Guidelines for quality management in projects |
ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 | International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM) |
ISO 8601:2004 | Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times |
ISO/IEC 15944-5:2008 | Information technology — Business operational view — Part 5: Identification and referencing of requirements of jurisdictional domains as sources of external constraints |
ISO 22745-2:2010 | Industrial automation systems and integration Open technical dictionaries and their application to master data Part 2: Vocabulary |
ISO 9001:2015 | Quality management systems — Requirements |
ISO 9000:2015 | Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary |
ISO 26324:2012 | Information and documentation — Digital object identifier system |
ISO 10007:2017 | Quality management — Guidelines for configuration management |
ISO 22005:2007 | Traceability in the feed and food chain General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation |
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