CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC TR 15938-8-04 (R2017)
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Information Technology - Multimedia Content Description Interface - Part 8: Extraction and Use of MPEG-7 Descriptions (Adopted ISO/IEC TR 15938-8:2002, first edition, 2002-12-15)
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Canadian Standards Association
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Technical corrigendum #1 to this standard is available. Scope This International Standard specifies a metadata system for describing multimedia content. This document gives examples of extraction and use of descriptions using Description Schemes, Descriptors, and datatypes specified in ISO/IEC 15938. The following set of subclauses are provided for each description tool, where optional subclauses are indicated as (optional): - Informative examples (optional): provides informative examples that illustrate the instantiation of the description tool in creating descriptions. - Extraction (optional): provides informative examples that illustrate the extraction of descriptions from multimedia content. - Use (optional): provides informative examples that illustrate the use of descriptions. This document is meant to be a companion technical report for Part 5 (Multimedia Description Schemes) and Part 3 (Visual) of ISO/IEC 15938. As such, the content of this technical report is not easily understood without the technical specifications. In this technical report, effort has been made to preserve the specific sub clause numbering of ISO/IEC 15938-5 and ISO/IEC 15938-3 to allow easy correlation of the content on extraction and use in the technical report with the technical specifications.
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