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CAN/CSA-Z243.182-89 (R2013)



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information Processing Systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access and Management - Part 3: File Service Definition (Adopted ISO 8571-3:1988)

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0 Introduction
1 Scope and Field of Application
2 References
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations
5 Conventions
Section One: General
6 Model of the File Service
7 Services of the File Service
8 Functional Units and Service Classes
9 Levels of File Service
10 Negotiation of Service Class, FTAM QoS and Functional
Section Two: Definition of File Service Primitives
11 File Service Primitives
12 Sequences of Primitives
13 Common File Service Parameters
14 FTAM Regime Control
15 File Selection Regime Control
16 File Management
17 File Open Regime Control
18 Grouping Control
19 Recovery (Internal Service Only)
20 Access to File Contents
Section Three: Definition of Bulk Data Transfer
21 Bulk Data Transfer Service Primitives
22 Sequences of Bulk Data Transfer Primitives
23 Common Bulk Data Transfer Parameters
24 Bulk Data Transfer
25 Checkpointing and Restart (Internal BDT Service Only)
A - Diagnostic Parameter Values
B - Relation of Attributes to Primitives
C - File Transfer with Commitment Control
D - Reference to FTAM Control Information
E - State Transition Diagrams

Scope This part of ISO 8571 defines in an abstract way the externally visible file transfer, access and management service within the OSI Application Layer in terms of: (a) the primitive actions and events of the service; (b) the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event; (c) the relationship between, and the valid sequences of, these actions and events. The service defined in ISO 8571-3 is that which is provided by the OSI file transfer, access and management protocol ISO 8571-4 in conjunction with the Association Control Service Elements ISO 8649 and with the Presentation service ISO 8822. ISO 8571-3 does not specify individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the implementation of entities and interfaces within a computer system. There is, therefore, no conformance to this part of ISO 8571.

Reconfirmed EN
Canadian Standards Association

Scope This part of ISO 8571 defines in an abstract way the externally visible file transfer, access and management service within the OSI Application Layer in terms of: (a) the primitive actions and events of the service; (b) the parameter data associated with each primitive action and event; (c) the relationship between, and the valid sequences of, these actions and events. The service defined in ISO 8571-3 is that which is provided by the OSI file transfer, access and management protocol ISO 8571-4 in conjunction with the Association Control Service Elements ISO 8649 and with the Presentation service ISO 8822. ISO 8571-3 does not specify individual implementations or products, nor does it constrain the implementation of entities and interfaces within a computer system. There is, therefore, no conformance to this part of ISO 8571.

Standards Relationship
ISO 8571-3:1988 Identical

ISO/IEC 9804:1998 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Service definition for the Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery service element
ISO/IEC 8831:1992 Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Job transfer and manipulation concepts and services
ISO/TR 8509:1987 Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection Service conventions
ISO 8571-4:1988 Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection File Transfer, Access and Management Part 4: File Protocol Specification
ISO 8571-2:1988 Information processing systems — Open Systems Interconnection — File Transfer, Access and Management — Part 2: Virtual Filestore Definition
ISO 8571-1:1988 Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection File Transfer, Access and Management Part 1: General introduction
ISO/IEC 8649:1996 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Service definition for the Association Control Service Element
ISO/IEC 8822:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Presentation service definition

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