CEN/TR 14381:2003
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Information technology - Character repertoire and coding transformations - European fallback rules
0 Introduction
0.1 Rationale for the provision of fallback rules
0.2 Basic concepts
0.3 Requirements
0.4 Satisfying the requirements
1 Scope and field of application
1.1 Scope
1.2 Field of application
2 Normative references
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Basic definitions
3.2 Other definitions
3.3 Abbreviations
4 Specification of the general fallback rules
Annex I The list of fallback specification per
Annex II Examples of fallback representation of text
in different languages and scripts
II.1 Multilingual original text
II.2 Multilingual text with fallbacks
Annex III Notes on fallback for Latin, Greek and
Cyrillic characters
III.1 Fallback from extended Latin characters
III.2 Fallback from Greek characters to Latin
III.3 Fallback with a One-to-many transliteration
III.4 Fallback with a one-to-many transcription
III.5 Restoring Greek text from Latin script
fallback text
III.6 Fallback with a one-to-one transliteration
III.7 Fallback from Cyrillic characters to Latin
III.8 Fallback with a one-to-many transliteration
III.9 Restoring Cyrillic text from Latin script
fallback text
III.10 Fallback with a one-to-one transliteration
Multilingual fallbacks of European characters, applicable in multilingual pan-European environment. Harmonising work of all bodies dealing with standardised fallbacks.
Committee |
CEN/TC 304
DocumentType |
Technical Report
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
NEN NPR CEN/TR 14381 : 2003 | Identical |
I.S. CEN TR 14381:2003 | Identical |
ISO 8879:1986 | Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) |
ISO/IEC 646:1991 | Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange |
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 | Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane |
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