CEN/TR 17004:2016
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Mechanical products - Conditions to set up environmental communication models by recognizing sectorial particularities
European foreword
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Principal considerations before applying
a type of communication
5 Choice of a type of communication according
to categories of mechanical products
6 Communication
Annex A (informative) - Already existing initiatives
in the mechanical sector
This Technical Report provides guidance on how to apply existing communication models regarding environmental concerns to mechanical products.Carrying out communication models for environmental performances of mechanical products can be relevant for several entities, e.g. single companies, enterprises, collective bodies (trade associations, standardization committees, etc.) and others.On the one hand side, mechanical products represent a large variety of non-uniform items. They can be characterized by several properties distinguishing them from each other. On the other hand side, various generic standards/standard-series are existent addressing on how to communicate environmental issues.This Technical Report provides a consistent approach on how to match a particular mechanical product with an appropriate generic standard.In order to do so, this Technical Report contains criteria to cluster the great variety of mechanical products into categories. Based on this categorization, existing standards concerning environmental performance communication are evaluated with regards to their suitability.
Committee |
CEN/TC 406
DocumentType |
Technical Report
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
FD CEN/TR 17004 : 2017 FD | Identical |
NEN NPR CEN/TR 17004 : 2016 | Identical |
S.R. CEN/TR 17004:2016 | Identical |
PD CEN/TR 17004:2016 | Identical |
PNE-FprCEN/TR 17004 | Identical |
EN ISO 14021:2016 | Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) (ISO 14021:2016) |
ISO 14006:2011 | Environmental management systems Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign |
ISO 14955-1:2017 | Machine tools — Environmental evaluation of machine tools — Part 1: Design methodology for energy-efficient machine tools |
EN ISO 14006:2011 | Environmental management systems - Guidelines for incorporating ecodesign (ISO 14006:2011) |
ISO 14024:1999 | Environmental labels and declarations Type I environmental labelling Principles and procedures |
ISO 14021:2016 | Environmental labels and declarations — Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling) |
EN ISO 14040:2006 | Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework (ISO 14040:2006) |
ISO 14044:2006 | Environmental management Life cycle assessment Requirements and guidelines |
ISO/TR 14062:2002 | Environmental management Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development |
CEN/TS 16524:2013 | Mechanical products - Methodology for reduction of environmental impacts in product design and development |
EN ISO 14025:2010 | Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declarations - Principles and procedures (ISO 14025:2006) |
EN ISO 14020:2001 | Environmental labels and declarations - General principles (ISO 14020:2000) |
ISO 14001:2015 | Environmental management systems — Requirements with guidance for use |
ISO 14020:2000 | Environmental labels and declarations — General principles |
EN ISO 14001:2015 | Environmental management systems - Requirements with guidance for use (ISO 14001:2015) |
ISO 14025:2006 | Environmental labels and declarations — Type III environmental declarations — Principles and procedures |
EN ISO 14050:2010 | Environmental management - Vocabulary (ISO 14050:2009) |
ISO 14040:2006 | Environmental management Life cycle assessment Principles and framework |
ISO 14050:2009 | Environmental management Vocabulary |
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