DIN EN 60934 : 2013
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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CIRCUIT-BREAKERS FOR EQUIPMENT (CBE) (IEC 60934:2000 + A1:2007 + A2:2013)
Superseded date
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Published date
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes DIN IEC 60934:DRAFT AMD 1. (11/2007) DRAFT 2016 issued in August 2016. (08/2016)
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
UNE-EN 60934:2003 | Identical |
NF EN 60934 : 2001 AMD 2 2013 | Identical |
IEC 60934:2000+AMD1:2007+AMD2:2013 CSV | Identical |
I.S. EN 60934:2001 | Identical |
EN 60934:2001/A2:2013 | Identical |
SN EN 60934 : 2001 | Identical |
NBN EN 60934 : 2001 AMD 2 2013 | Identical |
BS EN 60934 : 2001 | Identical |
VDE 0642 : 2013 | Corresponds |
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