DIN EN ISO 19105:2005-05
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Geographic information - Conformance and testing (ISO 19105:2000); English version EN ISO 19105:2005
Hardcopy , PDF
1 Scope
2 Conformance
2.1 Conformance requirements
2.2 Abstract test suite
3 Terms and definitions
4 Abbreviated terms
5 General framework of conformance
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Conformance clause
5.3 Conformance requirements
5.4 Implementation conformance statement
5.5 A conforming implementation
6 Conformance testing methodology
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Types of conformance tests
6.3 Implementation Extra Information for Testing
6.4 Conformance assessment
6.5 Intrinsic properties of the conformance assessment
7 Test methods
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Approaches to conformance testing
7.3 Areas of geographic information for conformance
8 Abstract test suites and executable test suites
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Test purposes
8.3 Abstract test cases
8.4 Executable test cases
8.5 Relationship between abstract and executable
test cases
Annex A (normative) Conformance clauses
Annex B (informative) Supporting organizations
Defines the framework, concepts and methodology for testing and criteria to be achieved to claim conformance to the family of ISO geographic information standards.
DevelopmentNote |
The 2020 draft version has released for standard DIN EN ISO 19105
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
German Institute for Standardisation (Deutsches Institut für Normung)
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 19105:2000 | Identical |
NBN EN ISO 19105 : 2005 | Identical |
NEN EN ISO 19105 : 2005 | Identical |
NS EN ISO 19105 : 1ED 2005 | Identical |
I.S. EN ISO 19105:2005 | Identical |
SN EN ISO 19105 : 2005 | Identical |
UNI EN ISO 19105 : 2005 | Identical |
UNE-EN ISO 19105:2005 | Identical |
BS EN ISO 19105:2005 | Identical |
EN ISO 19105:2005 | Identical |
NF EN ISO 19105 : 2005 | Identical |
ONORM EN ISO 19105 : 2005 | Identical |
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