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ECMA 234 : 1ED 95



The latest, up-to-date edition.


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Section 1 - General
1 Scope
2 Conformance
3 Normative references
4 Definitions
5 Formal notations
Section 2 - Windows Subsystem
6 CallWindowProc
7 DispatchMessage
8 GetMessage, PeekMessage
9 WaitMessage
10 GetMessagePos, GetMessageTime
11 InSendMessage, ReplyMessage
12 PostAppMessage, PostMessage, PostQuitMessage
13 SendMessage
14 SetMessageQueue
15 TranslateAccelerator
16 TranslateMDISysAccel
17 TranslateMessage
18 RegisterWindowMessage
19 GetMessageExtraInfo
20 GetQueueStatus
21 RegisterClass, UnregisterClass
22 GetClassInfo
23 GetClassName
24 GetClassWord, SetClassWord
25 GetClassLong, SetClassLong
26 SetWindowLong
27 CreateWindow, CreateWindowEx
28 DestroyWindow
29 WindowProc
30 DefDlgProc
31 DefFrameProc
32 DefMDIChildProc
33 DefWindowProc
34 GetWindowWord
35 GetWindowLong
36 SetWindowWord
37 BeginDeferWindowPos
38 EndDeferWindowPos
39 DeferWindowPos
40 SetWindowPos
41 ShowWindow, IsWindowVisible
42 ArrangeIconicWindows
43 OpenIcon
44 BringWindowToTop
45 CloseWindow
46 IsIconic, IsZoomed
47 ShowOwnedPopups
48 IsWindow
49 IsWindowEnabled, EnableWindow
50 GetActiveWindow, SetActiveWindow
51 GetCapture, SetCapture, ReleaseCapture
52 GetFocus, SetFocus
53 GetSysModalWindow, SetSysModalWindow
54 AnyPopup
55 GetLastActivePopup
56 IsChild
57 GetParent, SetParent
58 GetWindow, GetTopWindow, GetNextWindow
59 MoveWindow
60 GetDeskTopWindow
61 GetWindowPlacement, SetWindowPlacement
62 AdjustWindowRect, AdjustWindowRectEx
63 GetClientRect, GetWindowRect
64 GetWindowText, GetWindowTextLength, SetWindowText
65 EnumWindows, EnumWindowsProc
66 EnumChildWindows, EnumChildProc
67 FindWindow
68 AppendMenu, InsertMenu, ModifyMenu
69 RemoveMenu, DeleteMenu, DestroyMenu
70 CreateMenu, CreatePopupMenu
71 GetMenu
72 DrawMenuBar
73 GetSystemMenu
74 CheckMenuItem, EnableMenuItem, HiliteMenuItem
75 GetMenuItemID, GetSubMenu
76 GetMenuState, GetMenuString
77 GetMenuItemCount
78 GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
79 SetMenuItemBitmaps
80 TrackPopupMenu
81 SetMenu
82 IsMenu
83 GetScrollPos, SetScrollPos
84 GetScrollRange, SetScrollRange
85 ShowScrollBar
86 ScrollWindow
87 EnableScrollBar
88 ScrollDC
89 ScrollWindowEx
90 CreateCaret, DestroyCaret
91 GetCaretBlinkTime, SetCaretBlinkTime
92 GetCaretPos, SetCaretPos
93 HideCaret, ShowCaret
94 CreateCursor, DestroyCursor
95 LoadCursor
96 GetCursorPos, SetCursorPos
97 ShowCursor
98 GetCursor, SetCursor
99 ClipCursor
100 GetClipCursor
101 CopyCursor
102 SetProp, GetProp
103 RemoveProp
104 EnumProps
105 EnumPropsProc
106 GetClipboardViewer
107 SetClipboardViewer
108 ChangeClipboardChain
109 OpenClipboard
110 GetOpenClipboardWindow
111 CloseClipboard
112 EmptyClipboard
113 GetClipboardOwner
114 CountClipboardFormats
115 EnumClipboardFormats
116 GetPriorityClipboardFormat
117 IsClipboardFormatAvailable
118 RegisterClipboardFormat, GetClipboardFormatName
119 GetClipboardData, SetClipboardData
120 CallWndProc
121 GetMsgProc
122 MessageProc
123 SysMsgProc
124 AddAtom, GlobalAddAtom
125 DeleteAtom, GlobalDeleteAtom
126 FindAtom, GlobalFindAtom
127 GetAtomName, GetGlobalAtomName
128 InitAtomTable
129 CheckDlgButton
130 CheckRadioButton
131 CreateDialog, CreateDialogIndirect
132 CreateDialogParam, CreateDialogIndirectParam
133 DialogBox, DialogBoxIndirect
134 DialogBoxIndirectParam, DialogBoxParam
135 DlgDirList, DlgDirListComboBox
136 DlgDirSelect, DlgDirSelectComboBox
137 EndDialog
138 GetDialogBaseUnits
139 GetDlgCtrlID
140 GetDlgItem
141 GetDlgItemInt, SetDlgItemInt
142 GetDlgItemText, SetDlgItemText
143 GetNextDlgGroupItem, GetNextDlgTabItem
144 IsDialogMessage
145 IsDlgButtonChecked
146 MapDialogRect
147 SendDlgItemMessage
148 DlgDirSelectEx
149 DialogProc
150 BeginPaint
151 EndPaint
152 ExcludeUpdateRgn
153 GetUpdateRect
154 GetUpdateRgn
155 InvertRect
156 UpdateWindow
157 ValidateRgn, InValidateRgn
158 RedrawWindow
159 LockWindowUpdate
160 GetMapMode, SetMapMode
161 GetPolyFillMode, SetPolyFillMode
162 GetROP2, SetROP2
163 GetBkColor, SetBkColor
164 GetBkMode, SetBkMode
165 GetBoundsRect, SetBoundsRect
166 GetCurrentPosition, GetCurrentPositionEx
167 InvalidateRect, ValidateRect
Section 3 - Graphics Subsystem
168 CreateCompatibleDC
169 CreateDC, CreateIC
170 GetDC, GetWindowDC, GetDCEx
171 DeleteDC
172 ReleaseDC
173 SaveDC, RestoreDC
174 ResetDC
175 GetDCOrg
176 CopyIcon
177 DrawIcon
178 DestroyIcon
179 CreateIcon
180 UnrealizeObject
181 PtVisible, RectVisible
182 SelectObject
183 DeleteObject
184 EnumObjects, EnumObjectsProc
185 GetObject
186 GetStockObject
187 IsGDIObject
188 AnimatePalette
189 CreatePalette
190 GetNearestColor, GetNearestPaletteIndex
191 GetPaletteEntries, GetSystemPaletteEntries,
192 GetSystemPaletteUse, SetSystemPaletteUse
193 RealizePalette
194 SelectPalette
195 GetSysColors
196 SetSysColors
197 UpdateColors
198 ResizePalette
199 CreateMetaFile, CloseMetaFile
200 CopyMetaFile
201 DeleteMetaFile
202 EnumMetaFile, EnumMetaFileProc
203 GetMetaFile
204 GetMetaFileBits, SetMetaFileBits, SetMetaFileBitsBetter
205 PlayMetaFile, PlayMetaFileRecord
206 GetViewportExt, GetViewportExtEx
207 GetViewportOrg, GetViewportOrgEx
208 OffsetViewportOrg, OffsetViewportOrgEx
209 ScaleViewportExt, ScaleViewportExtEx
210 SetViewportExt, SetViewportExtEx
211 SetViewportOrg, SetViewportOrgEx
212 DPtoLP, LPtoDP
213 GetWindowExt, GetWindowExtEx
214 GetWindowOrg, GetWindowOrgEx
215 OffsetWindowOrg, OffsetWindowOrgEx
216 ScaleWindowExt, ScaleWindowExtEx
217 SetWindowExt, SetWindowExtEx
218 SetWindowOrg, SetWindowOrgEx
219 MapWindowPoints
220 WindowFromPoint
221 ChildWindowFromPoint
222 ClientToScreen, ScreenToClient
223 CombineRgn
224 CreateEllipticRgn, CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
225 CreatePolygonRgn, CreatePolyPolygonRgn
226 CreateRectRgn, CreateRectRgnIndirect
227 CreateRoundRectRgn
228 EqualRgn
229 GetRgnBox
230 OffsetRgn
231 PtInRegion
232 RectInRegion
233 SetRectRgn
234 ExcludeClipRect
235 IntersectClipRect
236 OffsetClipRect
237 SelectClipRect
238 GetClipBox
239 CreateBrushIndirect
240 CreateDIBPatternBrush
241 CreateHatchBrush
242 CreateSolidBrush
243 CreatePen, CreatePenIndirect
244 GetBrushOrg, GetBrushOrgEx
245 SetBrushOrg
246 CreatePatternBrush
247 Arc, Chord, Pie
248 LineDDA, LineDDAProc
249 LineTo, MoveTo, MoveToEx, Polyline
250 Polygon, PolyPolygon
251 Ellipse, Rectangle, RoundRect
252 FrameRgn, FillRgn, InvertRgn, PaintRgn
253 DrawFocusRect
254 FillRect, FrameRect
255 FloodFill, ExtFloodFill
256 GetPixel, SetPixel
257 CreateBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect
258 CreateCompatibleBitmap, CreateDiscardableBitmap
259 CreateDIBitmap
260 GetBitmapBits, SetBitmapBits
262 GetDIBits, SetDIBits
263 SetDIBitsToDevice
264 StretchDIBits
265 PatBlt
266 BitBlt, StretchBlt
267 GetStretchBltMode, SetStretchBltMode
268 GetBitMapDimension, GetBitMapDimensionEx
269 SetBitMapDimension, SetBitMapDimensionEx
270 AddFontResource
271 RemoveFontResource
272 CreateFont, CreateFontIndirect
273 EnumFonts, EnumFontsProc
274 EnumFontFamilies, EnumFontFamProc
275 GetCharWidth, GetABCCharWidths
276 GetFontData
277 GetKerningPairs
278 GetOutlineTextMetrics
279 GetRasterizerCaps
280 GetAspectRatioFilter, GetAspectRatioFilterEx
281 SetMapperFlags
282 DrawText
283 TextOut, ExtTextOut, TabbedTextOut
284 GetTextExtent, GetTextExtentPoint, GetTabbedTextExtent
285 GetTextAlign, SetTextAlign
286 SetTextColor, GetTextColor
287 GetTextCharacterExtra, SetTextCharacterExtra
288 GetTextFace
289 GetTextMetrics
290 GrayString, GrayStringProc
292 AbortDoc
293 DeviceCapabilities
294 DeviceMode
295 EndDoc
296 EndPage
297 Escape
298 ExtDeviceMode
299 GetDeviceCaps
300 SetAbortProc, AbortProc
301 SpoolFile
302 StartDoc
303 StartPage
304 QueryAbort

This ECMA Standard defines the Windows Application Program Interfaces to the C Programming Language.

TC 37
European Computer Manufacturers Association

ISO/IEC 9899:2011 Information technology Programming languages C
ISO/IEC TR 10182:2016 Information technology — Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces — Guidelines for language bindings

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