EN 15981:2011
The latest, up-to-date edition.

European Learner Mobility - Achievement information (EuroLMAI)
This European Standard specifies a model for the recording and exchange of learner achievement information among student management information systems, as well as the aggregation of information by third party suppliers.The model proposed within this European Standard is not intended to define the representation of the entire spectrum of Learner Mobility information - the scope of the standard is restricted to the definition of the electronic representation of official, institutionally attested achievement information for learners engaged in formal learning processes, in order to facilitate its recording and subsequent exchange within the European education area.Achievement Information structured and presented in compliance with this standard may, of course, be used for other purposes - for instance, to provide descriptions of achievement to enrich a learner-owned report, in terms of an e-portfolio. However, guidance on the specification and the organisation of information for purposes other than the representation of formal achievement reports is outside the scope of this European Standard.In addition, this European Standard defines refinements to the EuroLMAI model for representing the Europass DS.The Europass Diploma Supplement Application Profile of EuroLMAI, in full compliance with the Europass requirements, focuses on the expression of information regarding the qualification awarded to a learner upon completion of a formal educational programme. The proposed profile is needed for the general purposes of:-the exploitation of academic achievements abroad: in continuing education or in seeking job opportunities;-the admission of students or graduates in home and European universities: acknowledgment of credits or transfer of credits accumulated in home institutions moving from one university to another;-the expression of the level, content and nature of qualifications to potential employers both nationally and at a European level;..............
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
UNI EN 15981 : 2011 | Identical |
UNE-EN 15981:2013 | Identical |
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