EN ISO 28258:2013
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Soil quality - Digital exchange of soil-related data (ISO 28258:2013)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Rationale
5 Soil features information model
6 Description of submodels
7 Software keys
8 Validating software (control tools)
Annex A (informative) - Soil attribute examples from ISO 25177
Annex B (informative) - Code list examples from ISO 25177
Annex C (informative) - Construction of XML files
ISO 28258:2013 describes how to digitally exchange soil-related data. It aims to facilitate the exchange of valid, clearly described and specified soil-related data between individuals and organizations via digital systems, and enables any soil data producer, holder or user to find and transfer data in an unambiguous way.It contains definitions of features, several parameter specifications and encoding rules that allow consistent and retrievable data exchange. It also allows the explicit geo-referencing of soil data by building on other International Standards, thus facilitating the use of soil data within geographical information systems (GIS). Because soil data are of various origins and are obtained according to a huge variety of description and classification systems, ISO 28258:2013 provides no attribute catalogue, but a flexible approach to the unified encoding of soil data by implementing the provisions of ISO 19156 observations and measurements (OM) for use in soil science.
Committee |
CEN/TC 444
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes PREN ISO 28258. (10/2013) NEW CHILD IS ADDED
DocumentType |
ProductNote |
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
SupersededBy |
Standards | Relationship |
I.S. EN ISO 28258:2013 | Identical |
NF EN ISO 28258 : 2013 | Identical |
ISO 28258:2013 | Identical |
NS EN ISO 28258 : 2013 | Identical |
UNI EN ISO 28258:2020 | Identical |
BS EN ISO 28258:2013 | Identical |
DIN EN ISO 28258:2014-03 | Identical |
NBN EN ISO 28258 : 2013 | Identical |
UNI EN ISO 28258 : 2014 | Identical |
NEN EN ISO 28258 : 2013 | Identical |
PN EN ISO 28258 : 2014 | Identical |
SN EN ISO 28258 : 2014 | Identical |
ONORM EN ISO 28258 : 2015 | Identical |
UNE-EN ISO 28258:2013 | Identical |
PNE-prEN ISO 28258 | Identical |
ISO 11074:2015 | Soil quality — Vocabulary |
IEC 62198:2013 | Managing risk in projects - Application guidelines |
ISO 19136:2007 | Geographic information Geography Markup Language (GML) |
ISO 7168-2:1999 | Air quality Exchange of data Part 2: Condensed data format |
ISO 19109:2015 | Geographic information Rules for application schema |
ISO 7168-1:1999 | Air quality Exchange of data Part 1: General data format |
ISO 5127:2017 | Information and documentation — Foundation and vocabulary |
ISO 9241-151:2008 | Ergonomics of human-system interaction Part 151: Guidance on World Wide Web user interfaces |
ISO 19108:2002 | Geographic information Temporal schema |
ISO 13374-2:2007 | Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines Data processing, communication and presentation Part 2: Data processing |
ISO 19118:2011 | Geographic information — Encoding |
ISO/TS 19139:2007 | Geographic information Metadata XML schema implementation |
ISO/IEC 19501:2005 | Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2 |
ISO 19115:2003 | Geographic information Metadata |
ISO 19156:2011 | Geographic information — Observations and measurements |
ISO 19106:2004 | Geographic information — Profiles |
ISO 9000:2015 | Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary |
ISO 3166-1:2013 | Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions Part 1: Country codes |
ISO 19107:2003 | Geographic information Spatial schema |
ISO 25177:2008 | Soil quality Field soil description |
ISO 15903:2002 | Soil quality Format for recording soil and site information |
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