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I.S. EN 61158-6-2:2014



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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For Harmonized Standards, check the EU site to confirm that the Standard is cited in the Official Journal.

Only cited Standards give presumption of conformance to New Approach Directives/Regulations.

Dates of withdrawal of national standards are available from NSAI.

1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols, abbreviations
   and conventions
4 Abstract syntax
5 Transfer syntax
6 Structure of FAL protocol state machines
7 AP-Context state machine
8 FAL service protocol machine (FSPM)
9 Application relationship protocol machines (ARPMs)
10 DLL mapping protocol machine 1 (DMPM 1)
11 DLL mapping protocol machine 2 (DMPM 2)
12 DLL mapping protocol machine 3 (DMPM 3)
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to
         international publications with their
         corresponding European publications

Gives user programs with a means to access the fieldbus communication environment.

For CENELEC adoptions of IEC publications, please check www.iec.ch to be sure that you have any corrigenda that may apply. (01/2017) Partially Supersedes 2004 edition of I.S. EN 61158-6. (07/2017)
National Standards Authority of Ireland

Standards Relationship
EN 61158-6-2:2014 Identical

EN 61158-1:2014 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 1: Overview and guidance for the IEC 61158 and IEC 61784 series
IEC 61784-1:2014 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 1: Fieldbus profiles
ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994 Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model
ISO/IEC 10646:2014 Information technology Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
IEC 61131-3:2013 Programmable controllers - Part 3: Programming languages
ISO/IEC 8825-1:2015 Information technology ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) Part 1:
EN 61800-7-202:2016 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-202: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems - Profile type 2 specification
IEC 61784-3-2:2016 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 2
IEEE 802.3-2012 IEEE Standard for Ethernet
ISO/IEC 8802-3:2000 Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks Specific requirements Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications
IEEE 802.1Q-2014 IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks--Bridges and Bridged Networks
IEC 62026-3:2014 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controller-device interfaces (CDIs) - Part 3: DeviceNet
IEEE 802.1D-2004 IEEE Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks: Media Access Control (MAC) Bridges
ISO/IEC 10731:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model Conventions for the definition of OSI services
ISO/IEC 9545:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Application Layer structure
ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011 Information technology — Microprocessor Systems — Floating-Point arithmetic
EN 61784-3-2:2017 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-2: Functional safety fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 2
EN 62026-3:2015 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Controller-device interfaces (CDIs) - Part 3: DeviceNet
ISO 639-2:1998 Codes for the representation of names of languages — Part 2: Alpha-3 code
EN 61158-4-2:2014 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications -Part 4-2: Data-link layer protocol specification - Type 2 elements
IEC 61588:2009 Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked measurement and control systems
ISO/IEC 8824-1:2015 Information technology Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation Part 1:
IEC 61158-5-2:2014 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-2: Application layer service definition - Type 2 elements
IEC 61158-3-2:2014 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-2: Data-lonk layer service definition - Type 2 elements
ISO/IEC 8822:1994 Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Presentation service definition
EN 61158-5-2:2014 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 5-2: Application layer service definition - Type 2 elements
EN 61158-3-2:2014 Industrial communication networks - Fieldbus specifications - Part 3-2: Data-link layer service definition - Type 2 elements
IEC 61800-7-202:2015 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 7-202: Generic interface and use of profiles for power drive systems - Profile type 2 specification
IEC 61784-2:2014 Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 2: Additional fieldbus profiles for real-time networks based on ISO/IEC 8802-3

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