I.S. ENV 13734:2000
A Withdrawn Standard is one, which is removed from sale, and its unique number can no longer be used. The Standard can be withdrawn and not replaced, or it can be withdrawn and replaced by a Standard with a different number.
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1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations
5 Requirements
6 Communication Parties and Roles
7 Domain Information Model
7.1 General
7.1.1 Modelling Concept
7.1.2 Scope of the Domain Information Model
7.1.3 Approach
7.1.4 Extension of the Model
7.2 Subject Diagram - Overview
7.3 Model for the Medical Subject
7.3.1 Virtual Medical Object
7.3.2 Virtual Medical Device
7.3.3 Channel
7.3.4 Metric
7.3.5 Numeric
7.3.6 Sample Array
7.3.7 Real Time Sample Array
7.3.8 Time Sample Array
7.3.9 Distribution Sample Array
7.3.10 Enumeration
7.3.11 Persistent Metric (PM)-Store
7.3.12 Persistent Metric (PM)-Segment
7.4 Model for the Alert Subject
7.4.1 Alert
7.4.2 Alert Status
7.4.3 Alert Monitor
7.5 Model for the System Subject
7.5.1 VMS
7.5.2 MDS
7.5.3 Simple MDS
7.5.4 Hydra MDS
7.5.5 Composite Single Bed MDS
7.5.6 Composite Multiple Bed MDS
7.5.7 Log
7.5.8 Event Log
7.5.9 Battery
7.6 Model for the Control Subject
7.6.1 Service and Control
7.6.2 Operation
7.6.3 Select Item Operation
7.6.4 Set Value Operation
7.6.5 Set String Operation
7.6.6 Toggle Flag Operation
7.6.7 Activate Operation
7.6.8 Limit Alert Operation
7.7 Model for the Extended Services Subject
7.7.1 Scanner
7.7.2 Configurable Scanner
7.7.3 Episodic Configurable Scanner
7.7.4 Periodic Configurable Scanner
7.7.5 Fast Periodic Configurable Scanner
7.7.6 Unconfigurable Scanner
7.7.7 Context Scanner
7.7.8 Alert Scanner
7.7.9 Operating Scanner
7.7.10 Discriminator
7.8 Model for the Communication Subject
7.8.1 Communication Controller
7.8.2 Specialized Communication Controller
7.9 Model for the Archival Subject
7.9.1 Multipatient Archive
7.9.2 Patient Archive
7.9.3 Session Archive
7.9.4 Physician
7.9.5 Session Test
7.9.6 Session Notes
7.9.7 Ancillary
7.10 Model for the Patient Subject
7.10.1 Patient Demographics
7.11 Domain Information Model - Dynamic Model
7.11.1 General
7.11.2 MDS Communication Finite State Machine
7.11.3 Dynamic Object Relations
8 Domain Information Model - Object Definitions
8.1 General
8.1.1 Notation
8.1.2 Common Data Types
8.2 Top Object
8.2.1 Attributes
8.2.2 Behaviour
8.2.3 Notifications
8.3 Objects in the Medical Subject
8.3.1 Virtual Medical Object
8.3.2 Virtual Medical Device
8.3.3 Channel Object
8.3.4 Metric
8.3.5 Numeric
8.3.6 Sample Array
8.3.7 Real Time Sample Array
8.3.8 Time Sample Array
8.3.9 Distribution Sample Array
8.3.10 Enumeration
8.3.11 PM-Store
8.3.12 PM-Segment
8.4 Objects in the Alert Subject
8.4.1 Alert
8.4.2 Alert Status
8.4.3 Alert Monitor
8.5 Objects in the System Subject
8.5.1 Virtual Medical System
8.5.2 Medical Device System
8.5.3 Simple MDS
8.5.4 Hydra MDS
8.5.5 Composite Single Bed MDS
8.5.6 Composite Multiple Bed MDS
8.5.7 Log
8.5.8 Event Log
8.5.9 Battery
8.6 Objects in the Control Subject
8.6.1 Service and Control Object
8.6.2 Operation
8.6.3 Select Item Operation
8.6.4 Set Value Operation
8.6.5 Set String Operation
8.6.6 Toggle Flag Operation
8.6.7 Activate Operation
8.6.8 Limit Alert Operation
8.7 Objects in the Extended Services Subject
8.7.1 Scanner
8.7.2 Configurable Scanner
8.7.3 Episodic Configurable Scanner
8.7.4 Periodic Configurable Scanner
8.7.5 Fast Periodic Configurable Scanner
8.7.6 Unconfigurable Scanner
8.7.7 Context Scanner
8.7.8 Alert Scanner
8.7.9 Operating Scanner
8.7.10 Discriminator
8.8 Objects in the Communication Subject
8.9 Objects in the Archival Subject
8.9.1 Multipatient Archive
8.9.2 Patient Archive
8.9.3 Session Archive
8.9.4 Physician
8.9.5 Session Test
8.9.6 Session Notes
8.10 Objects in the Patient Subject
8.10.1 Patient Demographics
9 Service Model for Communicating Systems
9.1 General
9.2 Communicating Systems
9.3 General Service Model Overview
9.3.1 Conceptual Architecture of Communicating Systems
9.3.2 Operational Services
9.3.3 Notification Services
9.3.4 Services Used by a Manager System
9.3.5 Services Used by an Agent System
9.3.6 Services Used by a Hybrid System
9.4 General Object Management Services Definition
9.4.1 Event Report
9.4.2 GET
9.4.3 SET
9.4.4 ACTION
9.4.5 CREATE
9.4.6 DELETE
10 The Medical Data Information Base
11 Conformance Model
11.1 Applicability
11.2 Conformance Specification
11.3 Implementation Conformance Statements
11.3.1 General Format
11.3.2 General Implementation Conformance Statement
11.3.3 Service Support Implementation Conformance
11.3.4 DIM MOC Implementation Conformance Statement
11.3.5 MOC Attribute Implementation Conformance Statement
11.3.6 MOC Behaviour Implementation Conformance Statement
11.3.7 MOC Notification Implementation Conformance
11.3.8 Levels of Conformance
Annex A - Normative, Medical data information base (MDIB)
nomenclature, data dictionary and codes
A.1 Overview of Annex A
A.1.1 Introduction
A.1.2 Code Assignment to the MDIB Elements
A.2 Data Dictionary and Codes for Object Oriented Modelling
A.2.1 Introduction
A.2.3 Object-Oriented Modelling Elements: Inventory
A.3 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for Vital Signs
A.3.1 Introduction
A.3.2 Base Concepts
A.3.3 First Set of Differentiating Criteria
A.3.4 Second Set of Differentiating Criteria
A.3.5 Third Set of Differentiating Criteria
A.3.6 Attributes
A.3.7 Code Table
A.4 Terminology and Codes for Units of Measurement
A.4.1 Introduction
A.4.2 Orders of Magnitude Discriminator
A.4.3 Units outside of SI
A.4.4 Units of Measurement
A.5 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for Metrics
(Measurements and Enumerations)
A.5.1 Nomenclature for ECG Measurements
A.5.2 Nomenclature for ECG Enumerations
A.5.3 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Haemodynamic Monitoring Measurements
A.5.4 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Respiratory Measurements
A.5.5 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
common Blood Gas, Blood, Urine and other fluid
Chemistry Measurements
A.5.6 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Fluid Output Measurements
A.5.7 Nomenclature ,Data Dictionary and Codes for Pumps
A.5.8 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Neurological Monitoring Measurements
A.5.9 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Neurophysiologic Enumerations
A.5.10 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Stimulation Modes
A.5.11 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Miscellaneous Measurements
A.6 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for Body Sites
A.6.1 Introduction
A.6.2 Sites for neurophysiological signal monitoring:
location near peripheral nerves
A.6.3 Sites for neurophysiological signal monitoring:
location near muscles
A.6.4 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for sites
for EEG-electrode placement on the head
A.6.5 Sites for EOG signal monitoring
A.6.6 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for General
Neurological Sites for monitoring measurements and
A.6.7 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for Body
sites for Cardiovascular Measurements
A.6.8 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
miscellaneous body sites used in vital signs
monitoring and measurement
A.6.9 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for
Qualifiers of Body Sites Locations
A.7 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for Alerts
A.7.1 Introduction
A.7.2 Diagnostic Pattern Events
A.7.3 Device and environment related Events
A.8 Nomenclature, Data Dictionary and Codes for External
A.8.1 Introduction
A.8.2 External Nomenclature
Annex B - Informative Scenarios
B.1 Overview
B.1.2 Introduction
B.1.3 Application to the Scope of the Vital Signs
B.2 Scenario 1 - Data Logger - Single Device
B.2.1 Overview
B.2.2 Examples
B.2.3 Data Requirements
B.2.4 Communications Requirements
B.3 Scenario 2 - Data Logger - Multiple Devices
B.3.1 Overview
B.3.2 Examples
B.3.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.3.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
B.4 Scenario 3 - Real-Time Data Display
B.4.1 Overview
B.4.2 Examples
B.4.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.4.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
B.5 Scenario 4 - Patient Alarm Monitoring
B.5.1 Overview
B.5.2 Example
B.5.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.5.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
B.6 Scenario 5 - Remote Control
B.6.1 Overview
B.6.2 Examples
B.6.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.6.4 Communication Requirements
B.7 Scenario 6 - Patient Viewing Interoperability
B.7.1 Overview
B.7.2 Examples
B.7.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.7.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
B.8 Scenario 7 - Patient Monitoring Interoperability
B.8.1 Overview
B.S.2 Examples
B.S.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.8.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
B.9 Scenario 8 - Patient Data Exchange (Off-line)
B.9.1 Overview
B.9.2 Examples
B.9.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.9.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
B.10 Scenario 9 - Patient Data Exchange (On-line/Interactive)
B.10.1 Overview
B.10.2 Examples
B.10.3 Data Requirements Introduced
B.10.4 Communication Requirements Introduced
Annex C - Informative Communicating Systems Example
C.1 General
C.1.1 Disclaimers
C.1.2 Purpose
C.1.3 Organization
C.1.4 Sample Application
C.2 The Manager/Agent Framework
C.3 Local Agent Initialization
C.4 Association
C.5 Configuration
C.5.1 MDS Create Event
C.5.2 Context Scanner
C.6 Using the GET Service
C.7 Using Scanner Objects for Automated Attribute Access
Annex D - Informative Nomenclature Building for the Medical
Data Information Base and the Data Dictionary
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Categorial Structures and Descriptors
D.3 Possible Uses and Advantages from the Approach of
Categorial Structures
D.4 Target Categories in the MDIB
Annex E - Informative, Further References
Specifies the definition and structuring of information that is communicated or referred to in communication between application entities.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
ENV 13734 : DRAFT 2000 | Identical |
ISO 639:1988 | Code for the representation of names of languages |
ISO/IEC 10165-2:1992 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Structure of management information: Definition of management information |
ISO/IEC 10164-13:1995 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Summarization Function |
ISO/IEC 9595:1998 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Common management information service |
ISO/IEC 10040:1998 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems management overview |
ISO/IEC 9545:1994 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Application Layer structure |
ISO/IEC 8824:1990 | Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Specification of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) |
ISO/IEC 10164-11:1994 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Metric objects and attributes |
ISO 7498-2:1989 | Information processing systems Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model Part 2: Security Architecture |
ISO/IEC 10164-10:1995 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Usage metering function for accounting purposes |
ISO/IEC 10164-7:1992 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Security alarm reporting function |
ISO 8601:2004 | Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times |
ISO/IEC 10164-3:1993 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Attributes for representing relationships |
ISO/IEC 10164-8:1993 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Security audit trail function |
ISO/IEC 10164-9:1995 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Objects and attributes for access control |
ISO/IEC 10164-2:1993 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: State Management Function Part 2: |
ISO/IEC 10164-4:1992 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Alarm reporting function Part 4: |
ISO/IEC 10164-5:1993 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems management: Event Report Management Function |
ISO/IEC 8650-2:1997 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Protocol specification for the Association Control Service Element: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma |
ISO/IEC 8650-1:1996 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Connection-oriented protocol for the Association Control Service Element: Protocol specification |
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 | Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane |
ISO/IEC 8649:1996 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Service definition for the Association Control Service Element |
ISO/IEC 10164-12:1994 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Test Management Function |
CR 1350:1993 | Investigation of syntaxes for existing interchange formats to be used in health care |
ISO 2925:1973 | Aluminium fluoride for industrial use — Preparation and storage of test samples |
ISO/IEC 10164-14:1996 | Information technology Open Systems Interconnection Systems Management: Confidence and diagnostic test categories Part 14: |
ISO/IEC 5218:2004 | Information technology Codes for the representation of human sexes |
ISO/IEC 10164-6:1993 | Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Systems Management: Log control function |
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