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IEC TR 61908:2004



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The technology roadmap for industry data dictionary structure, utilization and implementation

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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Overview
   3.1 Dictionaries and Libraries
   3.2 The IEC Dictionary
   3.3 The ECALS Dictionary
   3.4 The RosettaNet Dictionary
   3.5 The Global Dictionary situation analysis
   3.6 The interoperability experiment
   3.7 Phase I mapping results
   3.8 Phase II Dictionary Interchange results
   3.9 Phase III Formal harmonization results
4 Background
   4.1 Evaluation techniques
   4.2 Proposed participation
   4.3 Proposed process flow
   4.4 Reports
   4.5 Timing
5 Introduction of the actual programme experiment
6 Procedure used for Section A experiment (RosettaNet
   to ECALS and MERCI)
   6.1 Queries (Use case queries) both MERCI and ECALS
   6.2 Queries (3-level queries)
   6.3 Output files (created by ECALS)
   6.4 RosettaNet to MERCI (IEC) queries
        6.4.1 Specific mappings
        6.4.2 Identification of missing values
        6.4.3 Qualification properties without mapping
        6.4.4 Result presentation
        6.4.5 Mapping problems
   6.5 Evaluation of RosettaNet to ECALS exchange
        6.5.1 TRP (transport, routing, packaging) issues
        6.5.2 Mapping issues (RN - >ECALS)
        6.5.3 Query-Response rule differences
        6.5.4 Mapping issues (RN - >ECALS)
        6.5.5 Mapping issues (ECALS - >RN) Preliminary
        6.5.6 Mapping issues (ECALS - >RN) Preliminary
7 Procedure used for Section B experiment (ECALS to RosettaNet
   and MERCI)
   7.1 Queries (Use case queries, both RosettaNet and MERCI)
   7.2 Queries (3-level queries)
   7.3 Output files (created by RosettaNet)
   7.4 ECALS to MERCI (IEC Queries)
        7.4.1 Procedure used for Section B experiment (ECALS
               to MERCI)
   7.5 Output files (created by MERCI)
   7.6 Evaluation techniques (ECALS to RosettaNet)
        7.6.1 Mapping issues (ECALS to RosettaNet)
        7.6.2 Message translation issues (ECALS to
        7.6.3 Maintenance of mapping tables (ECALS to
        7.6.4 Contents are not provided enough (ECALS to
        7.6.5 Additional comments (ECALS to RosettaNet)
   7.7 Evaluation technique (ECALS to MERCI)
8 Procedure used for Section C experiment
9 Phase III evaluations
10 Conclusions
   10.1 Cooperative spirit statement
   10.2 Lessons learned
        10.2.1 Dictionaries vs. Libraries
        10.2.2 Discontinuity in class structures
        10.2.3 Product complexity (viewpoints)
        10.2.4 Transportation mechanisms (software tools)
        10.2.5 Search engine capabilities
   10.3 Importance of interoperability
11 Recommendations
12 Epilogue
Annex A (informative) Open and interoperable domain
                      dictionaries initiative

Applicable to the technology roadmap for industry data dictionary structure, utilization and implementation. This report covers one aspect of industry relationships; that of data dictionaries. A data dictionary is made up of information about products. The products can be electronic components, base material, clothing, chemicals or any product that can be described in terms of an industry understood descriptive name (element) and the characteristics that make up that part (attributes).

TC 91
Stability Date: 2015. (10/2012)
Technical Report
International Electrotechnical Committee

Standards Relationship
PD IEC/TR 61908:2004 Identical
NEN NPR IEC/TR 61908 : 2004 Identical

IEC 61360-4:2005 Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 4: IEC reference collection of standard data element types and component classes
IEC 61360-2:2012 Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 2: EXPRESS dictionary schema
IEC 61360-1:2017 Standard data element types with associated classification scheme - Part 1: Definitions - Principles and methods
ISO 13584-42:2010 Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts library — Part 42: Description methodology: Methodology for structuring parts families
ISO 13584-26:2000 Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts library — Part 26: Logical resource: Information supplier identification

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