IEC TR 62296:2003
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Considerations of unaddressed safety aspects in the Second Edition of IEC 60601-1 and proposals for new requirements
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This Technical Report contains a series of recommendations developed by an expert working group of IEC subcommittee 62A in response to questions of interpretation of the second edition of IEC 60601-1.This Technical Report is primarily intended to be used by:- manufacturers of medical electrical equippment;- test houses and others responsible for assessment of compliance with IEC 60601-1, and- those developing subsequent editions of IEC 60601-1.The recommendations in the first edition of IEC/TR 62296 have been considered in preparing the third edition of IEC 60601-1. If and when additional recommendations are developed by IEC/SC 62A/WG 14 and published as amendments to this technical report, these will also be considered for incorporation into the third edition through the amendment/revision process.
Committee |
TC 62/SC 62A
DocumentType |
Technical Report
Pages |
PublisherName |
International Electrotechnical Committee
Status |
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