IEEE 1387.2-1995
A Withdrawn Standard is one, which is removed from sale, and its unique number can no longer be used. The Standard can be withdrawn and not replaced, or it can be withdrawn and replaced by a Standard with a different number.

IEEE Standard for Information Technology- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX(TM)) System Administration - Part 2: Software Administration
Section 1: General
1.1 Scope
1.2 Normative References
1.3 Conformance
1.4 Test Methods
Section 2: Terminology and General Requirements
2.1 Conventions
2.2 Definitions
2.3 Dependencies on Other Standards
Section 3: Software Structures
3.1 Software_Collection
3.2 Distribution
3.3 Media
3.4 Installed_Software
3.5 Vendor
3.6 Software
3.7 Products
3.8 Bundles
3.9 Filesets
3.10 Subproducts
3.11 Software_Files
3.12 Files
3.13 Control_Files
Section 4: Software Administration Utilities
4.1 Common Definitions for Utilities
4.2 swask--Ask for user responses
4.3 swconfig--Configure software
4.4 swcopy--Copy Distribution
4.5 swinstall--Install software
4.6 swlist--List software catalog
4.7 swmodify--Modify software catalog
4.8 swpackage--Package distribution
4.9 swremove--Remove software
4.10 swverify--Verify software
Section 5: Software Packaging Layout
5.1 Directory Structure
5.2 Software Definition File Format
5.3 Serial Format and Multiple Media
Annex A (informative) Bibliography
Annex B (informative) Rationale and Notes
B.1 General
B.2 Terminology and General Requirements
B.3 Software Structures
B.4 Software Administration Utilities
B.5 Software Packaging Layout
Annex C (informative) Sample Files
C.1 Defaults File
C.2 Product Specification File
C.3 Software Packaging Layout
C.4 INDEX File
C.5 INFO File
C.6 Control Script
Annex D (informative) Portability Considerations
D.1 User Requirements
D.2 Portability Capabilities
D.3 Profiling Considerations
Alphabetic Topical Index
Figure 5-1 - Example of Software Packaging Layout
Figure B-1 - Roles in Software Administration
Figure B-2 - Example of Software Structure
Figure B-3 - Software Object Containment
Figure B-4 - Software Object Inheritance
Figure B-5 - Fileset State Transitions (Within Distributions)
Figure B-6 - Fileset State Transitions (Within Installed Software)
Figure B-7 - Installation State Changes
Figure B-8 - Order of Install Operations
Figure B-9 - Order of Remove Operations
Figure B-10 - SDU INFO file format
Figure B-11 - SVR4 pkgmap file format
Table 2-1 - Typographical Conventions
Table 3-1 - Attributes of the SoftwareCollection Common Class
Table 3-2 - Attributes of the Distribution Class
Table 3-3 - Attributes of the Media Class
Table 3-4 - Attributes of the Installed Software Class
Table 3-5 - Attributes of the Vendor Class
Table 3-6 - Attributes of the Software Common Class
Table 3-7 - Attributes of the Product Class
Table 3-8 - Attributes of the Bundle Class
Table 3-9 - Attributes of the Fileset Class
Table 3-10 - Attributes of the Subproduct Class
Table 3-11 - Attributes of the Software_Files Common Class
Table 3-12 - Attributes of the File Class
Table 3-13 - Attributes of the Control File Class
Table 4-1 - Software_spec Version Identifiers
Table 4-2 - Script Return Codes
Table 4-3 - Event Status
Table 4-4 - General Error Events
Table 4-5 - Session Events
Table 4-6 - Analysis Phase Events
Table 4-7 - Execution Phase Events
Table 4-8 - Return Codes
Table 4-9 - Default Levels
Table 5-1 - File Attributes for INFOR File
Table B-1 - Possible Attributes of a Host Class
Table B-2 - Mapping from Software to DMTF Component ID
Table B-3 - Comparison of Some Existing Practices
Table B-4 - Comparison of Software Administration Packages
Table B-5 - Comparison of Existing Practice for Software Packaging
Table B-6 - Packaging Layout Comparisons
Table D-1 - 1387.2 Portability Capability Summary
Part of the POSIX series of standards for applications and user interfaces to open systems. It defines a software packaging layout, a set of information maintained about software, and a set of utility programs to manipulate that software and information.
Committee |
Portable Applications
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
CSA ISO/IEC 15068-2 : 2002 : R2006 | Identical |
CSA ISO/IEC 15068-2:2002 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 15068-2:1999 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 9945-1:2003 | Information technology Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Part 1: Base Definitions |
ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003 | Information technology Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) Part 2: System Interfaces |
ISO/IEC 646:1991 | Information technology ISO 7-bit coded character set for information interchange |
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 | Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane |
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