INCITS/ISO/IEC 10179 : 1996
A Withdrawn Standard is one, which is removed from sale, and its unique number can no longer be used. The Standard can be withdrawn and not replaced, or it can be withdrawn and replaced by a Standard with a different number.

1 Scope
2 Conformance
3 Normative References
4 Definitions
5 Notation and Conventions
5.1 Syntax Productions
5.2 Procedure Prototypes
6 DSSSL Overview
6.1 Areas of Standardization
6.2 Conceptual Model
6.3 DSSSL Languages
6.3.1 The Transformation Language
6.3.2 The Style Language
7 DSSSL Specifications
7.1 DSSSL Document Architecture
7.1.1 Features
7.1.2 SGML Grove Plan
7.1.3 Character Repertoire
7.1.4 Standard Characters
7.1.5 Other Characters
7.1.6 Baseset Encoding
7.1.7 Literal Described Character
7.1.8 Sdata Entity Mapping
7.1.9 Separator Characters
7.1.10 Name Characters
7.1.11 Character Combination
7.2 Public Identifiers
7.3 Lexical Conventions
7.3.1 Case Sensitivity
7.3.2 Identifiers
7.3.3 Tokens, Whitespace, and Comments
8 Expression Language
8.1 Overview of the Expression Language
8.2 Basic Concepts
8.2.1 Variables and Regions
8.2.2 True and False
8.2.3 External Representations
8.2.4 Disjointness of Types
8.3 Expressions
8.3.1 Primitive Expression Types
8.3.2 Derived Expression Types
8.4 Definitions
8.5 Standard Procedures
8.5.1 Booleans
8.5.2 Equivalence
8.5.3 Pairs and Lists
8.5.4 Symbols
8.5.5 Keywords
8.5.6 Named Constants
8.5.7 Quantities and Numbers
8.5.8 Characters
8.5.9 Strings
8.5.10 Procedures
8.5.11 Date and Time
8.5.12 Error Signaling
8.6 Core Expression Language
8.6.1 Syntax
8.6.2 Procedures
9 Groves
9.1 Nodal Properties
9.2 Grove Plans
9.3 Property Set Definition
9.3.1 Common Attributes
9.3.2 Modules
9.3.3 Data Type Definition
9.3.4 Class Definition
9.3.5 Property Definition
9.3.6 Normalization Rule Definition
9.4 Intrinsic Properties
9.5 Auxiliary Groves
9.6 SGML Property Set
9.7 DSSSL SGML Grove Plan
10 Standard Document Query Language
10.1 Primitive Procedures
10.1.1 Application Binding
10.1.2 Node Lists
10.1.3 Named Node Lists
10.1.4 Error Reporting
10.1.5 Application Name Transformation
10.1.6 Property Values
10.1.7 SGML Grove Construction
10.2 Derived Procedures
10.2.1 HyTime Support
10.2.2 List Operations
10.2.3 Generic Property Operations
10.2.4 Core Query Language
10.2.5 SGML Property Operations
10.3 Auxiliary Parsing
10.3.1 Word Searching
10.3.2 Node Regular Expressions
10.3.3 Regexp Constructors
10.3.4 Regular Expression Searching Procedures
11 Transformation Language
11.1 Features
11.2 Associations
11.3 Transform-expression
11.3.1 Subgrove-spec
11.3.2 Create-spec
11.3.3 Result-node-list
11.3.4 Transform-grove-spec
11.3.5 SGML Prolog Parsing
11.4 SGML Document Generator
11.4.1 Verification Mapping
11.4.2 Transliteration
12 Style Language
12.1 Features
12.2 Flow Object Tree
12.3 Areas
12.3.1 Display Areas
12.3.2 Inline Areas
12.3.3 Inlined and Displayed Flow Objects
12.3.4 Attachment Areas
12.4 Flow Object Tree Construction
12.4.1 Construction Rules
12.4.2 Primary Flow Object
12.4.3 Sosofos
12.4.4 Multi-process Feature
12.4.5 Styles
12.4.6 Characteristic Specification
12.4.7 Synchronization of Flow Objects
12.5 Common Data Types and Procedures
12.5.1 Layout-driven Generated Text
12.5.2 Length Specification
12.5.3 Decoration Areas
12.5.4 Spaces
12.5.5 Glyph Identifiers
12.5.6 Glyph Substitution Tables
12.5.7 Font Information
12.5.8 Addresses
12.5.9 Color
12.6 Flow Object Classes
12.6.1 Sequence Flow Object Class
12.6.2 Display-group Flow Object
12.6.3 Simple-page-sequence Flow Object Class
12.6.4 Page-sequence Flow Object Class
12.6.5 Column-set-sequence Flow Object Class
12.6.6 Paragraph Flow Object Class
12.6.7 Paragraph-break Flow Object Class
12.6.8 Line-field Flow Object Class
12.6.9 Sideline Flow Object Class
12.6.10 Anchor Flow Object Class
12.6.11 Character Flow Object Class
12.6.12 Leader Flow Object Class
12.6.13 Embedded-text Flow Object Class
12.6.14 Rule Flow Object Class
12.6.15 External-graphic Flow Object Class
12.6.16 Included-container-area Flow Object Class
12.6.17 Score Flow Object Class
12.6.18 Box Flow Object Class
12.6.19 Side-by-side Flow Object Class
12.6.20 Side-by-side-item Flow Object Class
12.6.21 Glyph-annotation Flow Object Class
12.6.22 Alignment-point Flow Object Class
12.6.23 Aligned-column Flow Object Class
12.6.24 Multi-line-inline-note Flow Object Class
12.6.25 Emphasizing-Mark Flow Object Class
12.6.26 Flow Object Classes for Mathematical Formulae
12.6.27 Flow Object Classes for Tables
12.6.28 Flow Object Classes for Online Display
Annex A: Further Information
Specifies the processing of valid SGML documents. Intends to be used in a wide variety of SGML application environments, including both electronic publishing and conventional printing.
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Information Technology Industry Council
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO/IEC 10179:1996 | Identical |
ISO/IEC 9541-1:1991 | Information technology — Font information interchange — Part 1: Architecture |
ISO/IEC 10180:1995 | Information technology Processing languages Standard Page Description Language (SPDL) |
ISO/IEC 6429:1992 | Information technology Control functions for coded character sets |
ISO 639:1988 | Code for the representation of names of languages |
ISO/IEC 9070:1991 | Information technology — SGML support facilities — Registration procedures for public text owner identifiers |
ISO 8601:2004 | Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times |
ISO 8879:1986 | Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) |
ISO/IEC 9541-2:1991 | Information technology — Font information interchange — Part 2: Interchange format |
ISO/IEC 10744:1997 | Information technology — Hypermedia/Time-based Structuring Language (HyTime) |
ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000 | Information technology Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Part 1: Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane |
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