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ISO 12172:2003



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Space data and information transfer systems Telecommand Data routing service

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1. Introduction
    1.1 Purpose and Scope
    1.2 Applicability
    1.3 Bit Numbering Convention and Nomenclature
2. Telecommand Data Routing Service Overview
3. Segmentation Layer: Standard Data Structures and
    3.1 Overview of the Layer
    3.2 Standard Data Structures Within the Layer
         3.2.1 Frame Data Unit
         3.2.2 Telecommand Segment
    3.3 Standard Procedures Within the Layer
         3.3.1 Sending End Procedures
         3.3.2 Receiving End Procedures
4. Transfer Layer: Standard Data Structures and Procedures
    4.1 Overview of the Layer
    4.2 Standard Data Structures Within the Layer
         4.2.1 TC Transfer Frame Format
         4.2.2 Command Link Control Word Format
    4.3 Standard Procedures Within the Layer
         4.3.1 Frame Delimiting and Fill Removal Procedure
         4.3.2 Frame Validation Check Procedure
         4.3.3 Command Operation Procedure
A Data Routing Service Acronyms and Terminology
B Data Routing Service Specification
2-1 Telecommand System
3-1 Orientation of the Segmentation Layer
3-2 Telecommand Segment Format
3-3 Example of the Segmentation Procedure
4-1 Orientation of the Transfer Layer
4-2 TC Transfer Frame Format
4-3 Command Link Control Word Format
B-1 TC Data Routing Service Elements
4-1 Interpretation of the "Bypass" and "Control Command"

ISO 12172:2003 specifies the common requirements which define the data routing service of a spacecraft telecommand. The intent of this document is to provide a common framework within which space agencies may implement compatible future spacecraft telecommanding systems.

Supersedes ISO/DIS 12172 (02/2003)
International Organization for Standardization

Standards Relationship
BS ISO 12172:2003 Identical
BS Z 15:1998 Identical

BS ISO 22672:2011 Space data and information transfer systems. Space link extension (SLE). Forward space packet service specification
ISO 26143:2013 Space data and information transfer systems Space link extension (SLE) Return operational control fields service
ISO 22672:2011 Space data and information transfer systems Space link extension (SLE) Forward space packet service specification
ISO 22671:2011 Space data and information transfer systems Space link extension (SLE) Forward communications link transmission unit (CLTU) service
ISO 13419:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Packet telemetry
BS ISO 13419:2003 Space data and information transfer systems. Packet telemetry
BS ISO 26143:2013 Space data and information transfer systems. Space link extension (SLE). Return operational control fields service
BS ISO 12173:2003 Space data and information transfer systems. Telecommand. Command operation procedures
BS ISO 12174:2003 Space data and information transfer systems. Telecommand. Architectural specification for the data management service
ISO 12174:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Telecommand Architectural specification for the data management service
EN 16603-50:2014 Space engineering - Communications
ISO 12173:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Telecommand Command operation procedures
BS EN 16603-50:2014 Space engineering. Communications
BS ISO 22671:2011 Space data and information transfer systems. Space link extension (SLE). Forward communications link transmission unit (CLTU) service

ISO 12174:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Telecommand Architectural specification for the data management service
ISO 12171:2002 Space data and information transfer systems Telecommand Channel service
ISO 13419:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Packet telemetry
ISO 13420:1997 Space data and information transfer systems Advanced orbiting systems Networks and data links Architectural specification
ISO 15894:2000 Space data and information transfer systems Protocol specification for space communications File protocol
ISO 15893:2010 Space data and information transfer systems — Space communications protocol specification (SCPS) — Transport protocol (SCPS-TP)
ISO 11754:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Telemetry channel coding
ISO 12173:2003 Space data and information transfer systems Telecommand Command operation procedures
ISO 15891:2000 Space data and information transfer systems Protocol specification for space communications Network protocol

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