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ISO 14452:2012



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Network services billing — Requirements

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This International Standard specifies the minimum requirements for billing of all consumption-based utility

network services to domestic customers. It covers the processes required to produce the bill and to deal with

issues that arise after the bill has been sent, as well as the content of the billing document or statement. This

International Standard is applicable to utility network services that are unmetered, metered at the point of

delivery or metered remotely (e.g. on the supplier's own premises), and it covers any unmetered or unmeasured

charges appearing on the same bill as metered or measured charges, as well as flat rate charges.

NOTE 1 Utility network services include electricity supply, water, sanitation, gas supply, district heating and


NOTE 2 The requirements given in this International Standard are also applicable to other consumers who are legally

entitled to use the service provided by the supplier, except where in order to comply with privacy or data protection

requirements, it is necessary for the supplier to obtain the authority of the registered customer before dealing with another

consumer on billing matters.

This International Standard does not cover pricing, except for a requirement to provide information to

customers. It is only applicable to billing for consumption-based utility network services and it applies to all bills

or statements for utility network services where there is an ongoing account relationship between the customer

and the supplier, regardless of the payment method used.

NOTE 3 This includes bills for metered consumption, bills where a formula is used to estimate consumption (e.g. water

bills based on the number of persons per household or the size of the house), or where a flat rate fee is charged regardless

of consumption (e.g. telephony or internet bills where the tariff allows unlimited usage). It also applies to prepayment

customers, where a bill or account from the supplier is necessary to enable the customer to reconcile the amount paid

in advance with the cost of consumption, or where the customer expects to receive a bill based on point of sale or other

advertising (e.g. mobile telephony and energy metering) where codes, keys, electronic dongles or electronic cards are

used to load and reload the service and to indicate what was purchased.

NOTE 4 Services that are not billed [e.g. mobile telephony paid for by pre-purchased SIM (Subscriber Identity Module)

cards that are unmetered] and services that are funded directly by the taxpayer without bills being issued are not covered

by this International Standard.

NOTE 5 Many of the key principles in this International Standard also apply to all forms of billing, and suppliers are

therefore encouraged to adopt the relevant requirements in this International Standard for billing of other services.

Supersedes ISO/DIS 14452. (06/2012)
International Organization for Standardization

Standards Relationship
NEN ISO 14452 : 2012 Identical
BS ISO 14452:2012 Identical

BS ISO 50007:2017 Energy services. Guidelines for the assessment and improvement of the energy service to users
ISO 50007:2017 Energy services Guidelines for the assessment and improvement of the energy service to users

ISO 10002:2014 Quality management Customer satisfaction Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations

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