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ISO 15592-3:2008



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it — Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis — Part 3: Determination of total particulate matter of smoking articles using a routine analytical smoking machine, preparation for the determination of water and nicotine, and calculation of nicotine-free dry particulate matter

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Superseded by

ISO 15592-3:2022


English, French

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ISO 15592-3:2008 specifies methods for the determination of total particulate matter and preparation for the subsequent determination of nicotine-free dry particulate matter present in the smoke from articles made from fine-cut tobacco, generated and collected using a routine analytical smoking machine.

ISO 15592-3:2008 specifies the method for the classification of unknown wrappers by comparison of fine-cut smoking articles made using them with those made using a standard wrapper.

ISO 15592-3:2008 specifies the method of making of fine-cut tobacco smoking articles using specified wrappers both with and without attached filters, and the method of determination of the yield of a fine-cut smoking article made using a loose filter and tobacco inserted into a wrapper.

Supersedes ISO/DIS 15592-3. (12/2008)
International Organization for Standardization

Standards Relationship
BS ISO 15592-3:2008 Identical
DIN ISO 15592-3:2011-07 Identical
NF ISO 15592-3 : 2009 Identical
UNE-ISO 15592-3:2012 Identical
NEN ISO 15592-3 : 2009 Identical
DS ISO 15592-3 : 2009 Identical
PN ISO 15592-3 : 2005 Identical

BS ISO 15592-1:2001 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it. Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis Sampling
PD ISO/TR 17219:2013 Review of human smoking behavior and recommendations for a new ISO standard for the machine smoking of cigarettes
ISO 10185:2004 Tobacco and tobacco products Vocabulary
DIN ISO 21147:2005-05 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it - Survey and analysis of consumer-made articles (ISO 21147:2003)
BS ISO 10185:2004 Tobacco and tobacco products. Vocabulary
UNE-ISO 15592-1:2012 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it -- Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis -- Part 1: Sampling
DIN ISO 15592-1:2005-05 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it - Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis - Part 1: Sampling (ISO 15592-1:2001)
BS ISO 21147:2003 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it. Survey and analysis of consumer-made articles
ISO/TR 17219:2013 Review of human smoking behaviour and recommendations for a new ISO standard for the machine smoking of cigarettes
ISO 21147:2003 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it — Survey and analysis of consumer-made articles

ISO 3400:1997 Cigarettes — Determination of alkaloids in smoke condensates — Spectrometric method
ISO 6488:2004 Tobacco and tobacco products Determination of water content Karl Fischer method
ISO 10362-2:2013 Cigarettes — Determination of water in smoke condensates — Part 2: Karl Fischer method
ISO 2471:2008 Paper and board — Determination of opacity (paper backing) — Diffuse reflectance method
ISO 15592-2:2001 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it — Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis — Part 2: Atmosphere for conditioning and testing
ISO 6565:2015 Tobacco and tobacco products — Draw resistance of cigarettes and pressure drop of filter rods — Standard conditions and measurement
ISO 4387:2000 Cigarettes Determination of total and nicotine-free dry particulate matter using a routine analytical smoking machine
ISO 16055:2012 Tobacco and tobacco products Monitor test piece Requirements and use
ISO 2144:2015 Paper, board and pulps Determination of residue (ash) on ignition at 900 degrees C
ISO 3308:2012 Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine — Definitions and standard conditions
ISO 2965:2009 Materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having a discrete or oriented permeable zone and materials with bands of differing permeability Determination of air permeability
ISO 536:2012 Paper and board Determination of grammage
ISO 534:2011 Paper and board — Determination of thickness, density and specific volume
ISO 10362-1:1999 Cigarettes Determination of water in smoke condensates Part 1: Gas-chromatographic method
ISO 15592-1:2001 Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it — Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis — Part 1: Sampling
ISO 10315:2013 Cigarettes Determination of nicotine in smoke condensates Gas-chromatographic method
ISO 2470:1999 Paper, board and pulps Measurement of diffuse blue reflectance factor (ISO brightness)

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