JIS B 8622:2016
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Absorption Refrigerating Machines
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Japanese, English
Introduction1 Scope2 Normative references3 Terms and definitions4 Classification5 Rating6 Composition of standard apparatus7 Performance8 Test instrument and test conditions9 Test method10 Inspection11 Marking12 Instruction manual13 Test recordAnnex A (normative) - Test method for refrigerating capacity and heating capacityAnnex B (normative) - Test method for refrigerating capacity and heating capacity under part load conditionAnnex C (normative) - Calculation of part load valueAnnex D (normative) - Calculation of body heat loss rateAnnex E (normative) - Pressure loss testAnnex F (normative) - Test methods for withstand pressure and airtightness of city gas side or liquefied petroleum gas sideAnnex G (normative) - Test method for combustion unitAnnex H (normative) - Noise test methodAnnex I (informative) - Operation, inspection and maintenanceBibliography
Defines absorption refrigerator, absorption chiller/heater and absorption heat pump (hereafter referred to as absorption refrigerating machine), each having a refrigerating capacity of 25 kW or over.
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Japanese Standards Association
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Supersedes |
2016 [21/11/2016]2009(R2014) [20/10/2014]2009 [21/12/2009]2002 ERRATA 2009 [01/11/2009]2002(R2007) [20/05/2007]2002 [20/07/2002]9486
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