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NEN EN 14969 : 2006



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Nomenclature of railway trackwork activities
5 Qualification bodies
  5.1 General
  5.2 General requirements
  5.3 Documentation and records
  5.4 Access to documentation and records
  5.5 Confidentiality
  5.6 Appeals
6 Application, assessment and review procedures
  6.1 General
  6.2 Application procedure
      6.2.1 Language of application
      6.2.2 Request for application documents
      6.2.3 Supply of application documents
      6.2.4 Formal application for qualification
      6.2.5 Registration of application
      6.2.6 Completeness of application
      6.2.7 Submission of inaccurate information
      6.2.8 Qualification process period
  6.3 Assessment procedure
      6.3.1 Assessment of application and decision of
             the Qualification Body
      6.3.2 Notification of intended decision
      6.3.3 Award/rejection of qualification
      6.3.4 Qualification document validity period
  6.4 Review procedure
      6.4.1 General provisions
      6.4.2 Change of relevant circumstances
      6.4.3 Infringements relating to qualification
      6.4.4 Annual review
      6.4.5 Technical review
      6.4.6 Review decision
  6.5 Access to documentation and records
7 Evidence of meeting administrative and legal obligations
  7.1 General
  7.2 Administrative and legal data
  7.3 Documentation to be provided by the applicant
  7.4 Assessment criteria the applicant shall comply with
8 Financial criteria for qualification
  8.1 General
  8.2 Financial qualification criteria
  8.3 Financial assessment
  8.4 Documentation
9 Technical criteria for qualification by activity and
  qualification categories
  9.1 General
  9.2 Qualification by activity relative to the size of
      contracts executed
  9.3 Classification by technical capability
      9.3.1 Qualification of personnel
      9.3.2 Management and operation of equipment
      9.3.3 Quality, safety and environment
  9.4 Documentation
Annex A (informative) List of Infrastructure Managers
Annex B (normative) Qualification document
Annex C (normative) Appeal form
Annex D (normative) Notification of appeal decision
Annex E (normative) Application for qualification
  E.1 General data
  E.2 Documentation concerning legal standing
  E.3 Documents concerning financial criteria
  E.4 Complete list of specialized personnel employed by
      the applicant
  E.5 Complete list of heavy equipment owned by the
  E.6 Documentation concerning technical criteria:
      references for trackworks
      E.6.1 Project
      E.6.2 Contract volume
      E.6.3 Period of performance of the trackwork
      E.6.4 Handing over of works
      E.6.5 General description of the trackwork carried
      E.6.6 Boundary conditions of the railway traffic
      E.6.7 Contract content and own activities
      E.6.8 Personnel employed on the works
      E.6.9 Heavy equipment
      E.6.10 Quality Assurance (QA)
      E.6.11 Reference certificate from the Client
Annex F (normative) Notification of intended decision
Annex G (normative) Notification of decision
Annex H (informative) Procedure for the establishment of
        the Quality Index of Qualified Contractors
  H.1 Scope
  H.2 Documentation
  H.3 Evaluation of the services
  H.4 Quality index (Iq) of the Contractor
  H.5 Evaluation form
      H.5.1 Contract identification
      H.5.2 Review form
Annex I (normative) Notification of change of contractor

Specifies the definitions, procedures, criteria and their assessment as well as the respective documentation related to a qualification system of trackwork contractors, which relates to the Directive 2004/17/EC.

Netherlands Standards

Standards Relationship
I.S. EN 14969:2006 Identical
UNI EN 14969 : 2006 Identical
EN 14969:2006 Identical
UNE-EN 14969:2007 Identical
BS EN 14969:2006 Identical
DIN EN 14969:2006-11 Identical

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