NFPA 1953:2021
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Standard on Protective Ensembles for Contaminated Water Diving
Chapter 1 Administration 1.1 Scope. 1.2 Purpose. 1.3 Application. 1.4 Units. Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 2.1 General. 2.2 NFPA Publications. 2.3 Other Publications. 2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. (Reserved) Chapter 3 Definitions 3.1 General. 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. 3.3 General Definitions. Chapter 4 Certification 4.1 General. 4.2 Certification Program. 4.3 Inspection and Testing. 4.4 Annual Verification of Product Compliance. 4.5 Manufacturers’ Quality Assurance Program. 4.6 Hazards Involving Compliant Product. 4.7 Manufacturers’ Investigation of Complaints and Returns. 4.8 Manufacturers’ Safety Alert and Product Recall Systems. Chapter 5 Labeling and Information 5.1 Product Label Requirements. 5.2 User Information.Chapter 6 Design Requirements 6.1 Contaminated Water Diving Operations Protective Dry Suit Design Requirements. 6.2 Contaminated Water Diving Operations Protective Dry Suit Glove Design Requirements. 6.3 Contaminated Water Diving Operations Protective Dry Suit Footwear Design Requirements. Chapter 7 Performance Requirements 7.1 Contaminated Water Diving Operations Protective Dry Suit Ensemble Performance Requirements. 7.2 Contaminated Water Diving Operations Protective Dry Suit Glove Elements. 7.3 Contaminated Water Diving Operations Protective Dry Suit Footwear Elements. Chapter 8 Test Methods 8.1 Sample Preparation Procedures. 8.2 Air Retention Test. 8.3 Exhaust Valve Inward Leakage Test. 8.4 Inlet Valve Pull Test. 8.5 Burst Strength Test. 8.6 Puncture Propagation Tear Resistance Test. 8.7 Seam Breaking Strength Test. 8.8 Chemical Permeation Resistance Test. 8.9 CBRN Permeation Resistance Test. 8.10 Viral Penetration Resistance Test. 8.11 Cut Resistance Test. 8.12 Abrasion Resistance Test One. 8.13 Zipper Strength Test. 8.14 Resistance to Twist of Pull and Slider Test. 8.15 Opening and Closing of Zippers Test. 8.16 Zipper Point Breaking Strength Test. 8.17 Retroreflectivity Test. 8.18 Corrosion Resistance Test. 8.19 Label Durability and Legibility Test. 8.20 Puncture Resistance Test.8.21 Abrasion Resistance Test Two. 8.22 Torque Test. 8.23 Slip Resistance. 8.24 Footwear Drainage Test. 8.25 Chemical Degradation Resistance Test for Exhaust Valves. 8.26 Hood to Full-Face Diving Mask Seal Test. 8.27 Diving Helmet Seal Test. 8.28 Chemical Penetration Resistance Test. 8.29 Abrasion Resistance Test Three. Annex A Explanatory Material Annex B Informational References
This standard shall specify the minimum design, performance, testing, and certification requirements for protective clothing and equipment items, including dry suit, dry suit gloves and dry suit footwear designed to provide limited protection from physical, environmental and certain chemical and biological hazards that are listed herein for emergency services personnel during contaminated water dive operations.
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National Fire Protection Association
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