NFPA 31:2024
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Standard for the Installation of Oil-Burning Equipment
Chapter 1 Administration 1.1 Scope. 1.2 Purpose. 1.3 Application. (Reserved) 1.4 Retroactivity. 1.5 Equivalency. 1.6 Units. 1.7 Code Adoption Requirements. (Reserved) Chapter 2 Referenced Publications 2.1 General. 2.2 NFPA Publications. 2.3 Other Publications. 2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. Chapter 3 Definitions 3.1 General. 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. 3.3 General Definitions. Chapter 4 Basic Installation and Operation Requirements 4.1 Scope. 4.2 Use of Approved Equipment. 4.3 Installation of Oil-Burning Appliances and Equipment. 4.4 Electrical Services. 4.5 Acceptable Liquid Fuels. 4.6 Use of Crankcase Oil and Used Oil. 4.7 Temporary Heating. Chapter 5 Air for Combustion and Ventilation 5.1 Scope. 5.2 Basic Requirements. 5.3 Appliances Located in Unconfined Spaces. 5.4 Appliances Located in Confined Spaces. 5.5 Combustion Air for Commercial and Industrial Installations. 5.6 Louvers and Grilles. 5.7 Specially Engineered Installations. Chapter 6 Venting of Combustion (Flue) Gases 6.1 Scope. 6.2 Basic Requirements. 6.3 Draft. 6.4 Draft Regulators. 6.5 Chimney Connectors. 6.6 Chimneys. 6.7 Special Venting Systems. 6.8 Replacement and Upgrading of Chimneys. (Reserved) Chapter 7 Tanks for Liquid Fuels 7.1 Scope. 7.2 Basic Design and Construction of Tanks. 7.3 Tank Foundations. 7.4 Tank Supports. 7.5 Installation of Underground Tanks. 7.6 Installation of Tanks Inside Buildings. 7.7 Requirements for Dedicated Tank Rooms and Tank Enclosures. 7.8 Auxiliary Tanks. 7.9 Installation of Outside Aboveground Tanks. 7.10 Tank Heating Systems. 7.11 Special Storage Arrangements. 7.12 Tank Leakage Testing and Periodic Inspection. 7.13 Abandonment and Removal from Service of Tanks and Related Equipment. 7.14 Fuel Storage Systems That Are Permanently Taken Out of Service. 7.15 Permanent Abandonment of Underground Tanks. Chapter 8 Heating Fuel Piping Systems and Components 8.1 Scope. 8.2 Acceptable Piping — Types and Materials. 8.3 Acceptable Fittings — Types and Materials. 8.4 Piping System Design. 8.5 Tank Fill Piping. 8.6 Tank Vent Piping. 8.7 Fuel Supply and Return Piping. 8.8 Auxiliary Tank Piping. 8.9 Piping for Cross-Connected Tanks. 8.10 Pumps, Valves, Gauges, and Appurtenances. 8.11 Testing of Fuel Supply Piping. Chapter 9 Oil Distribution Systems 9.1 Scope. 9.2 Centralized Oil Distribution Systems. 9.3 Oil Distribution Systems for Roof-Mounted or Ceiling-Suspended Oil-Fired Units. Chapter 10 Installation of Oil Burners and Oil-Burning Appliances 10.1 Scope. 10.2 Basic Requirements. 10.3 Posting of Instructions. 10.4 Replacement of Appliances and Chimneys. (Reserved) 10.5 Operating Controls. 10.6 Specific Requirements for Installation of Boilers, Furnaces, Floor-Mounted Unit Heaters, and Water Heaters. 10.7 Specific Requirements for Attic Furnaces. 10.8 Specific Requirements for Duct Furnaces. 10.9 Specific Requirements for Floor Furnaces. 10.10 Specific Requirements for Furnaces Used with Refrigeration Systems. 10.11 Specific Requirements for Industrial Furnaces and Boilers — Stationary Type. 10.12 Specific Requirements for Miscellaneous Heaters (Air Heaters, Salamanders, and so forth). 10.13 Specific Requirements for Recessed Wall Furnaces. 10.14 Specific Requirements for Floor-Mounted Restaurant-Type Cooking Appliances. 10.15 Specific Requirements for Suspended-Type Unit Heaters. 10.16 Specific Requirements for Direct-Vent Appliances. (Reserved) 10.17 Specific Requirements for Appliances on Roofs. 10.18 Installation of Outdoor Appliances. Chapter 11 Installation and Operation of Oil-Burning Stoves, Kerosene-Burning Room Heaters, and Kerosene-Burning Portable Heaters 11.1 Scope. 11.2 Basic Requirements. 11.3 Additional Requirements for Kerosene-Burning Portable Heaters. Chapter 12 Used Oil–Burning Appliances 12.1 Scope. 12.2 Basic Requirements. 12.3 Use of Used Oil–Burning Appliances. 12.4 Listing Requirements. 12.5 Installation Instructions. 12.6 Installation Clearances. 12.7 Burners for Used Oil–Burning Appliances. 12.8 Venting of Combustion (Flue) Gases. 12.9 Used Oil Supply Tanks. 12.10 Piping, Pumps, and Valves. 12.11 Operating Requirements. 12.12 Vent Connector and Chimney Inspection. 12.13 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations. Chapter 13 Oil-and-Gas–Burning Appliances 13.1 Scope. 13.2 Listing Requirements. 13.3 Installation, Operation, and Servicing Instructions. 13.4 Clearances from Oil–Gas-Fired Appliance to Combustible Material. 13.5 Construction. 13.6 Flue Connections. 13.7 Piping, Pumps, and Valves. 13.8 Performance. 13.9 Testing. Annex A Explanatory Material Annex B Reserved Annex C Typical Chimney and Vent Terminations Annex D Considerations for Combustion Equipment Firing Alternative (Nonpetroleum) Fuels Annex E Relining Masonry Chimneys Annex F Informational References
This standard shall apply to the installation of stationary liquid fuel–burning appliances, including but not limited to industrial-, commercial-, and residential-type steam, hot water, or warm air heating appliances; domestic-type range burners; space heaters; and portable liquid fuel–burning equipment.
DevelopmentNote |
TIA 24-1, Reference: 2.3.4,, A., and F.1.2.5(new), Issued Date 25-Aug-2023
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PublisherName |
National Fire Protection Association
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Supersedes |
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NFPA 211:2024 | Standard for Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vents, and Solid Fuel–Burning Appliances |
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API STD 650:2020+ERR 1:2021 | Welded Tanks for Oil Storage |
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NFPA 90A:2024 | Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems |
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NFPA 15:2022 | Standard for Water Spray Fixed Systems for Fire Protection |
NFPA 30A:2024 | Code for Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Repair Garages |
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