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NS EN ISO 11073-10201 : 1ED 2005



The latest, up-to-date edition.


Published date


1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions
4 Abbreviations and acronyms
5 General requirements
   6.1 General
        6.1.1 Modeling concept
        6.1.2 Scope of the DIM
        6.1.3 Approach
        6.1.4 Extension of the model
   6.2 Package diagram-overview
   6.3 Model for the Medical Package
        6.3.1 VMO (i.e., virtual medical object)
        6.3.2 VMD (i.e., virtual medical device) object
        6.3.3 Channel object
        6.3.4 Metric object
        6.3.5 Numeric object
        6.3.6 Sample Array object
        6.3.7 Real Time Sample Array object
        6.3.8 Time Sample Array object
        6.3.9 Distribution Sample Array object
        6.3.10 Enumeration object
        6.3.11 Complex Metric object
        6.3.12 PM-Store (i.e., persistent metric) object
        6.3.13 PM-Segment object
   6.4 Model for the Alert Package
        6.4.1 Alert object
        6.4.2 Alert Status object
        6.4.3 Alert Monitor object
   6.5 Model for the System Package
        6.5.1 VMS (i.e., virtual medical system) object
        6.5.2 MDS object
        6.5.3 Simple MDS object
        6.5.4 Hydra MDS object
        6.5.5 Composite Single Bed MDS object
        6.5.6 Composite Multiple Bed MDS object
        6.5.7 Log object
        6.5.8 Event Log object
        6.5.9 Battery object
        6.5.10 Clock object
   6.6 Model for the Control Package
        6.6.1 SCO
        6.6.2 Operation object
        6.6.3 Select Item Operation object
        6.6.4 Set Value Operation object
        6.6.5 Set String Operation object
        6.6.6 Toggle Flag Operation object
        6.6.7 Active Operation object
        6.6.8 Limit Alert Operation object
        6.6.9 Set Range Operation object
   6.7 Model for the Extended Services Package
        6.7.1 Scanner object
        6.7.2 CfgScanner (i.e., configurable scanner)
        6.7.3 EpiCfgScanner (i.e., episodic configurable
               scanner) object
        6.7.4 PeriCfgScanner (i.e., periodic configurable
               scanner) object
        6.7.5 FastPeriCfgScanner (i.e., fast periodic
               scanner) object
        6.7.6 UcfgScanner (i.e., unconfigurable scanner) object
        6.7.7 Context Scanner object
        6.7.8 Alert Scanner object
        6.7.9 Operating Scanner object
   6.8 Model for the Communication Package
        6.8.1 Communication Controller object
        6.8.2 DCC (i.e., device communication
               controller) object
        6.8.3 BCC (i.e., bedside communication
               controller) object
        6.8.4 Device Interface object
        6.8.5 MibElement object
        6.8.6 Specialized MibElement object
   6.9 Model for the Archival Package
        6.9.1 Multipatient Archive object
        6.9.2 Patient Archive object
        6.9.3 Session Archive object
        6.9.4 Physician object
        6.9.5 Session Test object
        6.9.6 Session Notes object
        6.9.7 Ancillary object
   6.10 Model for the Patient Package
        6.10.1 Patient Demographics object
   6.11 DIM-dynamic model
        6.11.1 General
        6.11.2 MDS communication finite state machine
        6.11.3 Communicating systems-startup object
               interaction diagram
        6.11.4 Communication Package-MibElement data
        6.11.5 Dynamic object relations
7 DIM object definitions
   7.1 General
        7.1.1 Notation
        7.1.2 Common data types
   7.2 Top object
        7.2.1 Attributes
        7.2.2 Behavior
        7.2.3 Notifications
   7.3 Objects in the Medical Package
        7.3.1 VMO
        7.3.2 VMD object
        7.3.3 Channel object
        7.3.4 Metric object
        7.3.5 Numeric object
        7.3.6 Sample Array object
        7.3.7 Real Time Sample Array object
        7.3.8 Time Sample Array object
        7.3.9 Distribution Sample Array object
        7.3.10 Enumeration object
        7.3.11 Complex Metric object
        7.3.12 PM-Store object
        7.3.13 PM-Segment object
   7.4 Objects in the Alert Package
        7.4.1 Alert object
        7.4.2 Alert Status object
        7.4.3 Alert Monitor object
   7.5 Objects in the System Package
        7.5.1 VMS object
        7.5.2 MDS object
        7.5.3 Simple MDS object
        7.5.4 Hydra MDS object
        7.5.5 Composite Single Bed MDS object
        7.5.6 Composite Multiple Bed MDS object
        7.5.7 Log object
        7.5.8 Event Log object
        7.5.9 Battery object
        7.5.10 Clock object
   7.6 Objects in the Control Package
        7.6.1 SCO
        7.6.2 Operation object
        7.6.3 Select Item Operation object
        7.6.4 Set Value Operation object
        7.6.5 Set String Operation object
        7.6.6 Toggle Flag Operation object
        7.6.7 Activate Operation object
        7.6.8 Limit Alert Operation object
        7.6.9 Set Range Operation Object
   7.7 Objects in the Extended Services Package
        7.7.1 Scanner object
        7.7.2 CfgScanner object
        7.7.3 EpiCfgScanner object
        7.7.4 PeriCfgScanner object
        7.7.5 FastPeriCfgScanner object
        7.7.6 UcfgScanner object
        7.7.7 Context Scanner object
        7.7.8 Alert Scanner object
        7.7.9 Operating Scanner object
   7.8 Objects in the Communication Package
        7.8.1 Communication Controller object
        7.8.2 DCC object
        7.8.3 BCC object
        7.8.4 Device Interface object
        7.8.5 MibElement object
        7.8.6 Device Interface MibElement object
        7.8.7 General Communication Statistics
               MibElement object
   7.9 Objects in the Archival Package
        7.9.1 Multipatient Archive object
        7.9.2 Patient Archive object
        7.9.3 Session Archive object
        7.9.4 Physician object
        7.9.5 Session Test object
        7.9.6 Session Notes object
   7.10 Objects in the Patient Package
        7.10.1 Patient Demographics object
8 Service model for communicating systems
   8.1 General
   8.2 Communicating systems
   8.3 General service model overview
        8.3.1 Conceptual architecture of communicating
   8.4 General object management services definition
        8.4.1 EVENT REPORT service
        8.4.2 GET service
        8.4.3 SET service
        8.4.4 ACTION service
        8.4.5 CREATE service
        8.4.6 DELETE service
9 MIDIB nomenclature
10 Conformance model
   10.1 Applicability
   10.2 Conformance specification
   10.3 ICSs
        10.3.1 General format
        10.3.2 General ICS
        10.3.3 Service Support ICS
        10.3.4 DIM managed object class (MOC) ICS
        10.3.5 MOC Attribute ICS
        10.3.6 MOC Behavior ICS
        10.3.7 MOC Notification ICS

Addresses the definition and structuring of information that is communicated or referred to in communication between application entities.

Norwegian Standards (Norges Standardiseringsforbund)

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