PD 7639-1:1994
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Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems Factors for the calculation of short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems according to BS 7639
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National foreword
Section 1. General
1.1 Scope and object
1.2 Normative references
1.3 Application of the factors
1.4 Symbols, subscripts and superscripts
Section 2. Factors used in IEC 909
2.1 Factor c for the equivalent voltage source at the
short-circuit location
2.2 Impedance correction factors K(KG, KPSU) when
calculating the short-circuit impedances of
generators and power-station units
2.3 Factor kappa for the calculation of the peak short-
circuit current
2.4 Factor mu for the calculation of the symmetrical
short-circuit breaking current
2.5 Factor lambda (lambda max, lambda min) for the
calculation of the steady-state short-circuit
2.6 Factor q for the calculation of the short-circuit
breaking current of asynchronous motors
2.7 Statement of the contribution of asynchronous
motors or groups of asynchronous motors (equivalent
motors) to the initial symmetrical short-circuit
A (informative) Bibliography
1 Values of kappa calculated with the methods A, B
and C for the example in figure 15
2 Data of low-voltage and medium-voltage asynchronous
motors (50 Hz) and calculated values
3 Data for transformers and motor groups for the
example in figure 28
4 Calculation of the partial short-circuit currents
I"kM1, I"kM2 and I"kM3; example: figure 28
5 Application of equation (74) respectively equation
(71) (IEC 909, equation (66)) to determine whether
the partial short-circuit currents (sum of I"kMi)
contribute less than 5 % to I"kQ
1 Model for the calculation of the coherence between
the voltage drop delta u and the short-circuit
current deviation delta i"k
2 Calculation of delta i"k according to equation (11)
for different parameters
3 Partial short-circuit current I"kG of a generator
directly connected to a network
4 Calculation of I"kG using the superposition method
5 Partial symmetrical short-circuit current I"kPSU at
the high voltage side of the unit transformer of a
power-station unit (PSU)
6 Simulation of a power station unit (PSU)
7 Partial short-circuit currents of a power-station
unit with tap changer
8 Cumulative-frequency-error curves of the partial
short-circuit currents calculated with simplified
equations compared to the values calculated from
the superposition method according to equation (28)
with KPSU given in equation (29) for 59 power
station units
9 Cumulative-frequency-error curves
10 Calculation of the factor kappa in the case of a
single-fed three-phase short circuit (series R-L-
11 Factor kappa and tp (f = 50 Hz) as a function of
R/X or X/R
12 Equivalent circuit diagram for the calculation of
kappa in case of two parallel branches (positive-
sequence system)
13 Factor kappa for the calculation of
ip = kappa(sqrt2I"k) for the case of two parallel
branches as shown in figure 12, with ZI = ZII.
0,005 < or = R1/X1 < or = 1,0 and 0,005 < or =
RII/XII < or = 10,0
14 Deviations delta kappa a, delta (1,15 kappa b) and
delta kappa c from the exact value kappa with
0,005 < or = ZI/ZII < or = 1,0 for the
configuration of figure 12
15 Example for the calculation of kappa and ip with
the methods A, B and C
16 Network configuration (single-fed short circuit)
and relevant data to demonstrate the decay of the
symmetrical a.c. component of a near-to-generator
17 Decay of the symmetrical short-circuit current
(factor mu) based on test station measurements and
18 Characteristic saturation curve method to find the
Potier reactance Xp in accordance with [3]
19 Equivalent circuit with the source voltage Eo(If)
and the Potier reactance Xp
20 Factor q from measured and calculated values of
IbM = mu qI"kM' equation (62), at different values
t min in comparison to q = qIEC
21 Time functions mu, q, mu q and exp-(1t/TAC) for the
current Ibm = mu qI"kM in this case of a short
circuit at the terminals of an asynchronous motor
22 Effective time constants TAC for the determination
of the symmetrical short-circuit breaking current
IbM and in comparison T mu q = -t min/ln(mu q)IEC.
(number of motors see table 2)
23 Time function IbM/I"kM in the case of a balanced
short circuit (Ib3M/I"kM) and a line-to-line short-
circuit (Ib2M/I"kM) at the terminals of an
asynchronous motor
24 Contribution of one asynchronous motor or a group
of asynchronous motors to the initial symmetrical
short-circuit current I"k = I"kQ + I"kM
25 Example for the estimation of the partial short-
circuit current I"kM supplied by a single
asynchronous motor or an equivalent motor
26 Partial short-circuit currents from several groups
of asynchronous motors fed through several
27 Investigation of the left and right side of
equation (73) to determine the deviation delta
according to equation (75): ukr = 6 %, ILR/IrM = 5
for both the transformers and motor groups
28 Example for the contribution of motor groups to the
short-circuit current - Application of equation
29 Partial short-circuit currents of the asynchronous
motor groups of figure 28 in relation to the
current I"kQ depending on S"kQ = sqrt(3UnQ.I"kQ)
Shows the origin and the application as far as necessary of the factors used to meet the demands of technical precision and simplicity when calculating short circuit currents. Also gives detailed tables and diagrams.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Also numbered as IEC 60909-1. (08/2005)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy |
BS 4727(1971) : LATEST | |
BS 7639:1993 | Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase a.c. systems |
BS 7638:1993 | Application guide for calculation of short-circuit currents in low-voltage radial systems |
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