SA TR ISO 27915:2024
The latest, up-to-date edition.
Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage - Quantification and verification
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AS TR ISO 27915:2024 identically adopts ISO/TR 27915:2017, which presents a review of publicly available literature identifying materially relevant issues and options relating to “good practices” for quantifying and verifying GHG emissions and reductions at the project level. Its scope covers all components of the CCS chain (e.g. capture, transport, storage) and includes a lifecycle assessment approach to estimating project level emissions and emission reductions from project assessment, construction and operations, through to completion and post-closure activities.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Technical Report
978 1 76139 958 9
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO/TR 27915:2017 | Identical |
First published as SA TR ISO 27915:2024.
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