SN EN 13508-2 : 2003 + A1 2011
The latest, up-to-date edition.

1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Sources of additional information
5 General
5.1 Purpose
5.2 Methods
5.3 The use of the coding system
5.4 National equivalent coding systems
5.5 Data transfer
5.6 Information to be supplied by the employing
6 Drains and sewers - Coding system
7 Drains and sewers - Header information
7.1 Requirements
7.2 Other header information
8 Drains and sewers - Codes
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 General
8.1.2 Main code
8.1.3 Characterisation
8.1.4 Quantification
8.1.5 Circumferential location
8.1.6 Observation at joint
8.1.7 Longitudinal location
8.1.8 Photograph reference
8.1.9 Video location reference
8.1.10 Remarks
8.2 Codes relating to the fabric of the pipeline
8.3 Codes relating to the operation of the pipeline
8.4 Inventory codes
8.5 Other codes
9 Manholes and inspection chambers - Coding system
10 Manholes and inspection chambers - Header information
10.1 Requirements
10.2 Other header information
11 Manholes and inspection chambers - Codes
11.1 Introduction
11.1.1 General
11.1.2 Main code
11.1.3 Characterisation
11.1.4 Quantification
11.1.5 Circumferential location
11.1.6 Observation at joint
11.1.7 Descriptive location
11.1.8 Vertical location
11.1.9 Photograph reference
11.1.10 Video location reference
11.1.11 Remarks
11.2 Codes relating to the fabric of the manhole or
inspection chamber
11.3 Codes relating to the operation of the manhole
or inspection chamber
11.4 Inventory codes
11.5 Other codes
12 Documentation
Annex A (normative) National equivalent coding systems
A.1 Header information
A.2 Codes
Annex B (informative) Format for electronic transfer of
coded data
B.1 Introduction
B.2 General
B.3 File header information
B.4 Inspection header information
B.5 Inspection data
B.6 Examples
Annex C (informative) Recommended system for coding of
header information for drains and sewers
C.1 Introduction
C.2 Location of the inspection
C.3 Inspection details
C.4 Pipeline details
C.5 Other information
C.6 Changes to header information
Annex D (informative) Recommended system for coding of
header information for manholes and inspection
D.1 Introduction
D.2 Location of the inspection
D.3 Inspection details
D.4 Manhole or inspection chamber details
D.5 Other information
D.6 Changes to header information
Annex E (informative) Sample coding sheet
Annex F (informative) Photographs illustrating the
coding system for drains and sewers
Annex G (informative) Photographs illustrating the
coding system for manholes and inspection
Annex H (informative) Sources of additional information
H.1 International Standards
H.2 Austria
H.2.1 Austrian Water and Waste Management
Association - Rules of Practice (ÖWAV -
Österreichischer Wasser- und
Abfallwirtschaftsverband - Regelblätter)
H.2.2 Other guidelines
H.3 Denmark
H.4 Finland
H.5 France
H.6 Germany
H.7 Netherlands
H.8 Norway
H.9 Sweden
H.10 Switzerland
H.11 United Kingdom
Applies to the establishment of the condition of drain and sewer systems by inspection, status codification and consideration of external factors and other information.
DevelopmentNote |
Also numbered as SIA 190.232. 2003 Edition Re-Issued in December 2011 & incorporates AMD 1 2011. (12/2011)
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
Swiss Standards
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
UNE-EN 13508-2:2003 | Identical |
BS EN 13508-2 : 2003 | Identical |
I.S. EN 13508-2:2003 | Identical |
DIN EN 13508-2:2011-08 | Identical |
EN 13508-2:2003+A1:2011 | Identical |
UNI EN 13508-2 : 2011 | Identical |
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