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UNI CEI EN 80000-14 : 2009



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0 Introduction
   0.1 Arrangement of the tables
   0.2 Tables of quantities
   0.3 Tables of units
        0.3.1 General
        0.3.2 Units for quantities of dimension one, or
              dimensionless quantities
   0.4 Numerical statements in this part of ISO/IEC 80000
   0.5 Remark on logarithmic quantities and their units
   0.6 Introduction specific to 80000-14
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, abbreviations and symbols
   3.1 General concepts
   3.2 Thresholds
   3.3 Safety and security
   3.4 Modalities
   3.5 Abbreviations
   3.6 Symbols used in telebiometrics
4 Content of this part of IEC 80000
5 Quantities and units used for more than one telebiometric
6 Quantities and units for TANGO-IN and TANGO-OUT
7 Quantities and units for VIDEO-IN and VIDEO-OUT
   7.1 Introductory text on dark adaptation
   7.2 Quantities and units
8 Quantities and units for AUDIO-IN and AUDIO-OUT
9 Quantities and units for CHEMO-IN and CHEMO-OUT
10 Quantities and units for RADIO-IN and RADIO-OUT
11 Quantities and units for CALOR-IN and CALOR-OUT
   11.1 Introductory text on body temperature
   11.2 Quantities and Units
Annex A (normative) - Codes and templates for specifying
      A.1 Telebiometric coding scheme for identifying
      A.2 Table of codes for the Scientific, Sensory, and
          Metric Layers
      A.3 An example of the use of the codes in a table of
          threshold values
Annex B (normative) - Construction of the telebiometric
      B.1 Structure of the model
      B.2 The metric layer
      B.3 The primary entities and their use in the
          Telebiometric Code
      B.4 Closing remarks
Annex C (normative) - Specification of the telebiometric
        code and its graphical symbols
      C.1 The telebiometric codes
      C.2 The graphics symbols for codes of telebiometric
          C.2.1 First page of chart
          C.2.2 Middle of chart
          C.2.3 End of chart
Annex D (informative) - Explanatory notes
      D.1 Unimodal and multimodal wetware interaction
      D.2 Wetware protocols
      D.3 Semi-open telebiometric systems
      D.4 Technophobia
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references to international
         publications with their corresponding European

Provides names, symbols, and definitions for quantities and units of telebiometrics related to human physiology. Also covers quantities and units for physiological, biological or behavioural characteristics that might provide input or output to telebiometric identification or verification systems (recognition systems), including any known detection or safety thresholds.

Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione (UNI)

Standards Relationship
EN 80000-14:2009 Identical

ISO 80000-4:2006 Quantities and units Part 4: Mechanics
IEC 80000-6:2008 Quantities and units - Part 6: Electromagnetism
ISO 80000-9:2009 Quantities and units Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics
ISO 80000-3:2006 Quantities and units Part 3: Space and time
ISO 80000-8:2007 Quantities and units Part 8: Acoustics
ISO/IEC Guide 99:2007 International vocabulary of metrology Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM)
EN ISO 80000-8:2007 Quantities and units - Part 8: Acoustics (ISO 80000-8:2007, corrected 2007-08-15)
ISO 80000-7:2008 Quantities and units Part 7: Light
ISO 80000-5:2007 Quantities and units Part 5: Thermodynamics
EN 80000-6:2008 Quantities and units - Part 6: Electromagnetism

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