VDI 4255 Blatt 1:2005-10
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Bioaerosols and biological agents - Sources of emissions and control measures - Overview
Hardcopy , PDF
German - English
Bioaerosol emission sources in the facilities described in Section 3.2 and emission control options must be identified and assessed • within the scope of pre-construction planning procedures (siting-related assessment of facilities with regard to their impact on neighbourhood communities), • within the scope of monitoring by the supervisory authorities (verification of compliance with permit terms and conditions or investigation of complaints and emission impact forecasts), and/or • within the scope of the in-plant quality assurance program (verification of effectiveness of engineering and organizational emission control measures, i.e. after remedial actions or after a change in the operational processes).
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Verlag des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure
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