AS 2900.0-1986
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Quantities, units, and symbols - General principles concerning quantities, units, and symbols
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Provides general information on principles concerning physical quantities, equations, quantity and unit symbols, and coherent unit systems, especially the International System of Units, SI. Their principles are intended for general use within the various fields of science and technology. This Standard is identical with ISO 31-0.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7262 4110 5
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
The purpose of this International Standard is to give general information about principles concerning physical quantities, equations, quantity and unit symbols, and coherent unit systems, especially the International System of Units, SI. The principles laid down in this International Standard are intended for general use within the various fields of science and technology and as a general introduction to the other International Standards in the ISO 31 series.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 31-0:1981 | Identical |
ISO 31-0:1992 | Identical |
Under Revisions See DR 02057 CP
AS 3807-1998 | Vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology |
AS/NZS 3802:1997 | Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates and times |
AS/NZS 1852.0:2000 | International Electrotechnical Vocabulary Introduction and list of Parts of AS 1852 and IEC 60050 |
AS 10303.41-1998 | Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange Integrated generic resources: Fundamentals of product description and support |
AS/NZS 3752:1996 | Welding - Methods for determination of the diffusible hydrogen content of ferritic weld metal produced by arc welding |
AS/NZS 3801:1995 | Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - Application level syntax rules |
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