AS 3168-1991
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Approval and test specifications - Fluorescent lamp ballasts
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Specifies essential safety requirements for approval and test purposes and is intended to be read in conjunction with AS 3100. Based on IEC 920.
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0 7262 6565 9
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Standards Australia
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UnderRevision |
This specification prescribes safety requirements for reactive ballasts designed for use on a.c. supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz, associated with tubular fluorescent lamps having rated wattages, dimensions and characteristics as specified in AS 1201, and operated with or without a starter switch. It applies to the complete ballasts and to such components as reactors, transformers and capacitors having a capacitance of not more than 0.1 mF, which are incorporated in the ballasts or supplied as separate elements essential to the functioning of ballasts in fluorescent lamp circuits.This specification does not apply to the following:(a) Electronic ballasts designed for use on a.c. supplies up to 1000 V at 50 Hz, associated with tubular fluorescent lamps, requirements for which are specified in AS 3134(Int).NOTE: As from the publication date of this amendment, all requirements prescribed throughout this Standard, for electronic ballasts associated with tubular fluorescent lamps, no longer apply.(b) Ballasts designed for use with cold-cathode fluorescent lamps, requirements for which are specified in AS 3143.(c) Capacitors which are incorporated in starters. (d) Ballasts of the resistive type.NOTES:1. It is emphasized that only safety matters and closely allied conditions are specified herein. Attention is drawn to AS 2643 which contains requirements intended to ensure the satisfactory performance of ballasts in fluorescent lamp circuits.2. Attention is drawn to Clause 12, which specifies requirements for capacitors having a capacitance greater than 0.1 mF, and used in tubular fluorescent lamp circuits.
Under Revision see DR 02468 CP
AS 2644-1990 | Capacitors for use in discharge lamp circuits |
AS 3145-1979 | Approval and test specification for radio interference suppression devices |
AS 1931.1-1996 | High-voltage test techniques - General definitions and test requirements |
AS 3137-1992 | Approval and test specification - Luminaires (lighting fittings) |
AS 3143-1982 | Approval and test specification for transformers for cold-cathode electric discharge lamps and lighting systems |
AS 2420-1987 | Fire test methods for solid insulating materials and non-metallic enclosures used in electrical equipment |
AS 3191-1981 | Approval and test specification for electric flexible cords (incorporating Corrigenda) |
AS 2643-1991 | Fluorescent lamp ballasts of reactive type - Performance requirements |
AS 3100-1990 | Approval and test specification - General requirements for electrical equipment |
AS 3134(INT)-1991 | Approval and test specification - a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps |
AS 1201-1989 | Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting service |
AS/NZS 3128:1993 | Approval and test specification - Portable lamp standards and brackets |
AS/NZS 60928:2000 | Auxiliaries for lamps - A.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements (IEC 60928:1995 MOD) |
AS/NZS 3105:2002 | Approval and test specification - Electrical portable outlet devices |
AS/NZS 3150:1993 | Approval and test specification - Insect electrocutors |
AS/NZS 60922:1998 | Auxiliaries for lamps - Ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) - General and safety requirements |
AS 3134(INT)-1991 | Approval and test specification - a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps |
AS/NZS 60598.1:2001 | Luminaires General requirements and tests (IEC 60598.1:1996, MOD) |
AS/NZS 3190:2002 | Approval and test specification - Residual current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices) |
AS 3134-1992 | Approval and test specification - a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps |
AS 3137-1992 | Approval and test specification - Luminaires (lighting fittings) |
AS 3138-1993 | Approval and test specification - Starters for fluorescent lamps |
AS/NZS 3105:1998 | Approval and test specification - Electrical portable outlet devices |
AS 2643-1991 | Fluorescent lamp ballasts of reactive type - Performance requirements |
AS/NZS 61046:2001 | Auxiliaries for lamps - D.C. or A.C. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps - General and safety requirements (IEC 61046:1993, MOD) |
AS/NZS 60598.1:1998 | Luminaires General requirements and tests |
AS 3190-1994 | Approval and test specification - Residual current devices (current-operated earth-leakage devices) |
AS/NZS 3118:1993 | Approval and test specification - Electric inspection handlamps |
AS 3315-1992 | Approval and test specification - Particular requirements for ultra-violet and infra-red radiation skin treatment appliances for household and similar use |
AS/NZS 3128:1998 | Approval and test specification - Portable lamp standards and brackets |
AS 4111-1993 | Starters for fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements |
SAA HB37.2-1993 | Handbook of Australian fire Standards Electrical equipment (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 3105:1993 |
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