AS/NZS 2243.9:2009
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Safety in laboratories Recirculating fume cabinets
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Specifies requirements and provides recommendations for the design, manufacture, selection and use of recirculating fume cabinets for use in laboratories. Includes test methods to determine their performance.
Committee |
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0 7337 9164 6
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes |
This Standard specifies safety requirements and gives recommendations for the design, manufacture, use and maintenance of recirculating fume cabinets and the test methods to determine their performance.NOTE: Requirements for fume cupboards (which extract air to the outside atmosphere) are set out in AS/NZS 2243.8.
Originated as AS 2243.9 - 1991.
Previous edition AS/NZS 2243.9:2003.
Third edition 2009.
AS 2444-2001 | Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets - Selection and location (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 3000:2007 | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS/NZS 1826:2008 | Electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres - Special protection - Type of protection ‘s’ |
AS 2252.2-2004 | Biological safety cabinets - Laminar flow biological safety cabinets (Class II) for personnel, environment and product protection |
AS/NZS 2208:1996 | Safety glazing materials in buildings |
AS/NZS 2243.8:2006 | Safety in laboratories - Fume cupboards |
AS 4260-1997 | High efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters - Classification, construction and performance (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 2252.1-2002 | Biological safety cabinets - Biological safety cabinets (Class I) for personnel and environment protection |
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 | Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures Simultaneous determination of ignitability, flame propagation, heat release and smoke release (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1807.20-2000 | Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators - Methods of test Determination of sound level at installed workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators |
AS/NZS 2647:2000 | Biological safety cabinets - Installation and use |
AS 1774.36-2009 | Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods Determination of resistance to explosive spalling |
AS/NZS 2982:2010 | Laboratory design and construction |
AS 5239-2011 | Examination of ignitable liquids in fire debris (Reconfirmed 2024) |
AS/NZS 2243.8:2014 | Safety in laboratories Fume cupboards |
AS 5388.1-2012 | Forensic analysis Recognition, recording, recovery, transport and storage of material |
AS/NZS 4782.3:2014 | Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications Procedure for quantitative analysis of mercury present in fluorescent lamps |
AS/NZS 2243.3:2010 | Safety in laboratories Microbiological safety and containment |
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