BS 5663-1:1987
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Methods of testing iron ores Determination of moisture content
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National foreword
Committees responsible
0 Introduction
1 Scope and field of application
2 References
3 Definitions
4 Principle
5 Apparatus
6 Samples
7 Procedure
8 Calculation and expression of results
9 Test report
A Determination of moisture content of adhesive or wet
iron ores
B Corrections for sprinkled water and/or rain-water
C Precision of moisture measurement
1 Minimum mass of test portion
2 Number of test portions
3 Repeatability of moisture determination on the gross
4 Example of a test report for values of moisture
measurement on a test report
5 Example of recording and calculating procedure for
determination of moisture content of a consignment
from subsamples (mass-basis sampling)
6 Example of recording and calculating procedure for
determination of moisture content of a consignment
from subsamples (time-basis sampling)
7 Example of test report for determination of moisture
content of a consignment on four test portions taken
from the gross sample
8 Precision of moisture measurement
Gives a method for determining moisture content in consignment of iron ore. Applicable to all iron ores, whether natural or processed (for example concentrates and agglomerates such as pellets, sinters or briquettes). However, some limonites, sulfides, and certain ores containing a high content of combined water may give false results of moisture determination under the conditions specified.
Committee |
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 3087:2011 | Identical |
ISO 3087:1987 | Identical |
BS 6147:1989 | Methods for determination of bulk density of iron ores |
BS 5661:1987 | Method for preparation of samples of iron ores by manual means |
BS 5660-2:1987 | Methods of sampling iron ores Mechanical method of increment sampling and sample preparation |
BS 5660-1:1987 | Methods of sampling iron ores Manual method of increment sampling |
BS 5660-2:1987 | Methods of sampling iron ores Mechanical method of increment sampling and sample preparation |
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