BS 6065:1981
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Methods for sampling and acceptance testing of shaped refractory products
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National foreword
Cooperating organizations
1 Scope and field of application
2 Statistical terminology and symbols
3 General considerations and preliminary conditions
for sampling
4 Sampling for non-destructive tests
5 Sampling for destructive tests
6 Report on sampling
A Determination of the arithmetic mean and standard
deviation of a production
B Comparison of the means of two samples
C Equations used for calculating the values given in
the tables
D Bibliography
1 Change in risks when the number of independent
properties inspected increases
2 Inspection process
3 Single sampling plans for sampling by attributes in
normal inspection
4 Single sampling plans in the case of a guaranteed
value for the mean
5 Conformity decisions
6 Sequential sampling plans in the case of a
guaranteed value limit (mu G) for the mean and a
known standard deviation
7 Development of sequential sampling plan
8 Development of sequential sampling plan
9 Single sampling plans with a fixed unilateral limit
for the individual values and a known standard
10 Single sampling plans with a unilateral limit fixed
for the individual values and an unknown standard
11 Confidence interval of mu and sigma for different
sizes n
12 Values for the quantity g for the purpose of
comparing the means of two samples of the same size
1 Example of operating characteristic curves when
several properties are investigated simultaneously
2 Operating characteristic curves for single sampling
plans defined in table 4: testing for a guaranteed
value of the population mean when the standard
deviation is known
3 Procedure for decision on conformity
4 Operating characteristic curves of single sampling
plans of table 9 for AQL = 1.5 %: fixed unilateral
limit for individual values and known standard
5 Operating characteristic curves of single sampling
plans of table 9 for an AQL = 2.5 %: fixed
unilateral limit for individual values and known
standard deviation
6 Operating characteristic curves of single sampling
plans of table 9 for an AQL = 4.0 %: fixed
unilateral limit for individual values and known
standard deviation
7 Operating characteristic curves of single sampling
plans of table 9 for an AQL = 6.5 %: fixed
unilateral limit for individual values and known
standard deviation
Details methods for sampling products and for obtaining from a sample of the smallest possible size the most precise assessment possible of the quality of a consignment. See also BS 6434.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 78/71174 DC Also numbered as ISO 5022. (11/2003) Reviewed and confirmed by BSI, January 2006. (01/2006)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
This International Standard gives directives for sampling shaped refractory products and for obtaining, from a sample of the smallest possible size, the most precise assessment possible, of the quality of a consignment.
The methods described below make it possible to carry out an acceptance test based on an assessment of the extent to which the specifications have been observed, but do not make it possible to determine whether the accepted consignment is suitable for a given application or to compare different qualities of parts for this same purpose.
This International Standard applies to products manufactured from refractory materials.
It may be applied when the parties concerned have agreed to do so and have therefore, by common consent, made a choice between the various possibilities put forward in this International Standard, and have specified the various parameters (see 3.2) which must be defined in order to permit the application of the methods described.
It is also possible to apply the directives forming the subject of this International Standard while modifying, by prior agreement between the parties concerned, those values which, particularly in the tables, do not follow from statistical laws (see 3.3).
BS 6886:1987 | Specification for alumino-silicate refractories for use in coke ovens |
BS 1902-3.11:1983 | Methods of testing refractory materials. General and textural properties Measurement of dimensions and shape of refractory bricks and blocks (methods 1902-311) |
BS 3056-3:1986 | Sizes of refractory bricks Specification for bricks for rotary cement kilns |
BS 1902-7.1:1987 | Methods of testing refractory materials. Unshaped refractories used in monolithic construction Guidance on sampling (of unshaped refractories) |
BS 1902-5.3:1990 | Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties Determination of thermal expansion (horizontal method to 1100°C) (method 1902-503) |
BS 6434:1984 | Guide to the use of BS 6065 \'Methods for sampling and acceptance testing of shaped refractory products\' |
BS 1902-5.4:1989 | Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties Determination of thermal expansion (for large test pieces) (method 1902-504) |
BS 4966:1991 | Specification for silica refractories for use in coke ovens |
BS 1902-5.11:1986 | Methods of testing refractory materials. Refractory and thermal properties Determination of thermal spalling resistance by the prism test (method 1902-511) |
ISO 2859:1974 | Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes |
BS 6434:1984 | Guide to the use of BS 6065 \'Methods for sampling and acceptance testing of shaped refractory products\' |
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