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BS EN 12435:2006



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Health informatics. Expression of results of measurements in health sciences

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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms
  3.1 Definitions
  3.2 Abbreviations, initialisms and acronyms
4 Elements of data in a measurable quantity and its
5 Units for reporting information in health sciences
  5.2 Derived coherent units of SI and mathematical
      operations with units
  5.3 Derived coherent units of SI with special names
      and symbols
  5.4 Multiples and submultiples of units: prefix names
      and symbols
  5.5 Units outside SI: off-system units
  5.6 Units of dimensionless quantities and compound
      units with the unit `one' in the numerator
6 Expression of numerical value and uncertainty
  6.1 Numerical values
  6.2 Uncertainty of measurement
7 Representation of the results of measurement
  7.1 Display and printing
  7.2 Transmission and storage
8 Deprecation of the use of 'limited' (e.g. 7-bit)
  character sets
Annex A (informative) Table of kinds-of-quantity, their
        units and conversion factors
Annex B (informative) Dimension of a quantity
Annex C (informative) Conversion between kinds-of-quantity
Annex D (normative) Uncertainty of measurement
Annex E (normative) Rounding numerical values
Annex F (informative) Non-measurable properties

Offers a list of units of measurement to be used in representing values of measurable quantities in health sciences.

Supersedes DD ENV 12435 and 05/30133984 DC. (07/2006)
British Standards Institution

This document is intended for use by parties to the design, development, acquisition, use and monitoring of health-care related information and information systems. It provides a list of units of measurement to be used in representing values of measurable quantities in health sciences. The International System of Units forms the basis for this EN. Units with their associated kinds-of-quantity are arranged in order of dimension in Tables 1, 2 and 4 (Clause 5), and in Annex A. Different kinds-of-quantity may apply to a given combination of component(s) and system. Often the different quantities are interconvertible and examples of such interconvertibility are given in Annex C. Tables of conversion factors (Annex A) are provided from units in current use to SI units or their multiples. To represent the result of a measurement (Clause 6), this EN addresses requirements for the following: ¾ relational operator (Clause 4) ¾ numerical value (Subclause 6.1) ¾ uncertainty of measurement (Subclause 6.2; Annex D) ¾ unit of measurement (Clause 5). This EN covers the requirements for representation of these data elements in displayed and printed form, and provides an approach for support of languages in non-Roman alphabets (Clause 7). The scope of this standard is limited to textual representation. Support is not provided for the display or printing of images or graphs. This standard does not cover the requirements for expression of the results of measurements in speech, speech synthesis or handwriting. It does not cover the form and syntax of requests for clinical measurements, nor detailed aspects of data transmission. It refers the user to other CEN standards that address the detailed specification of the interchange format. It does not address the syntax for recording of natural-language statements about quantities, such as those used in recording information about drugs dispensed or about treatment of patients. It does not cover the units of financial quantitie

Standards Relationship
NEN EN 12435 : 2006 Identical
UNE-EN 12435:2006 Identical
NS EN 12435 : 1ED 2006 Identical
I.S. EN 12435:2006 Identical
DIN EN 12435:2006-09 Identical
NF EN 12435 : 2006 Identical
SN EN 12435 : 2006 Identical
EN 12435:2006 Identical
NBN EN 12435 : 2006 Identical
UNI EN 12435 : 2006 Identical

ISO/IEC 10646:2014 Information technology Universal Coded Character Set (UCS)
ISO 5428:1984 Greek alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange
ISO 31-11:1992 Quantities and units Part 11: Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology
ISO/IEC TR 10037:1991 Information technology SGML and Text-entry Systems Guidelines for SGML Syntax-Directed Editing Systems
EN 1068:2005 Health informatics - Registration of coding systems
ISO 31-0:1992 Quantities and units Part 0: General principles
ISO/IEC TR 9573:1988 Information processing SGML support facilities Techniques for using SGML
ISO/IEC 9070:1991 Information technology — SGML support facilities — Registration procedures for public text owner identifiers
ISO/IEC TR 9573-11:2004 Information processing SGML support facilities Part 11: Structure descriptions and style specifications for standards document interchange
ISO 4217:2015 Codes for the representation of currencies
ISO 31-2:1992 Quantities and units Part 2: Periodic and related phenomena
ISO 8879:1986 Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
ISO 31-10:1992 Quantities and units Part 10: Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations
ISO 9000:2015 Quality management systems — Fundamentals and vocabulary
CR 1350:1993 Investigation of syntaxes for existing interchange formats to be used in health care
ISO 31-12:1992 Quantities and units Part 12: Characteristic numbers
EN ISO 9000:2015 Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary (ISO 9000:2015)
EN 14720-1:2005 Health informatics - Service request and report messages - Part 1: Basic services including referral and discharge
ISO 3534-1:2006 Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability

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