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BS EN 60865-1:2012



The latest, up-to-date edition.

Short-circuit currents. Calculation of effects Definitions and calculation methods

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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and units
4 General
5 Rigid conductor arrangements
6 Flexible conductor arrangements
7 The thermal effect on bare conductors
Annex A (normative) - Equations for calculation
        of diagrams
Annex ZA (normative) - Normative references
         to international publications with their
         corresponding European publications

Pertains to the mechanical and thermal effects of short-circuit currents.

Renumbers and supersedes BS 7726-1(1994). 1994 version incorporates amendment 8218 to BS 7726-1(1994). Supersedes 92/23457 DC. (12/2005) Supersedes 08/30190022 DC. (04/2012)
British Standards Institution

IEC 60865-1:2011 is applicable to the mechanical and thermal effects of short-circuit currents. It contains procedures for the calculation of: the electromagnetic effect on rigid conductors and flexible conductors, the thermal effect on bare conductors. For cables and insulated conductors, reference is made, for example, to IEC 60949 and IEC 60986. For the electromagnetic and thermal effects in d.c. auxiliary installations of power plants and substations reference is made to IEC 61660-2. Only a.c. systems are dealt with in this standard. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1993 and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are:
- The determinations for automatic reclosure together with rigid conductors have been revised.
- The influence of mid-span droppers to the span has been included. For vertical cable-connection the displacement and the tensile force onto the lower fixing point may now be calculated. Additional recommendations for foundation loads due to tensile forces have been added. The subclause for determination of the thermal equivalent short-circuits current has been deleted (it is now part of IEC 60909-0). The regulations for thermal effects of electrical equipment have been deleted. The standard has been reorganized and some of the symbols have been changed to follow the conceptual characteristic of international standards.

Standards Relationship
SN EN 60865-1 : 1993 Identical
NBN EN 60865-1 : 2015 Identical
IEC 60865-1:2011 Identical
DIN EN 60865-1 : 2012-09 Identical
I.S. EN 60865-1:2012 Identical
EN 60865-1:2012 Identical
NF EN 60865-1 : 2012 Identical
UNE-EN 60865-1:2013 Identical
EN 60838-2-2:2006 Identical

IEC 61936-1:2010+AMD1:2014 CSV Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. - Part 1: Common rules
IEC 60986:2000+AMD1:2008 CSV Short-circuit temperature limits of electric cables with rated voltages from 6 kV (<em>U</em><sub>m</sub> = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (<em>U</em><sub>m</sub> = 36 kV)
EN 61660-2:1997 Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 2: Calculation of effects
IEC 61660-2:1997 Short-circuit currents in d.c. auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 2: Calculation of effects
IEC 60909-0:2016 Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents
IEC 60949:1988 Calculation of thermally permissible short-circuit currents, taking into account non-adiabatic heating effects
EN 60909-0:2016 Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents

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