BS ISO 17842-2:2015
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Safety of amusement rides and amusement devices Operation and use
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1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Operation, maintenance and use of amusement
rides and amusement devices
Annex A (informative) - Training, qualification and
experience for competent persons
Describes the minimum requirements necessary to ensure the safe maintenance, operation, inspection and testing of the following: mobile, temporary or permanently installed machinery and structures, e.g. roundabouts, swings, boats, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, chutes, grandstands, membrane or textile structures, booths, stages, side shows, and structures for artistic aerial displays.
Committee |
DevelopmentNote |
Supersedes 14/30278956 DC. (04/2015)
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
British Standards Institution
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
This part of ISO17842 specifies the minimum requirements necessary to ensure the safe maintenance, operation, inspection and testing of the following: mobile, temporary or permanently installed machinery and structures, e.g. roundabouts, swings, boats, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, chutes, grandstands, membrane or textile structures, booths, stages, side shows, and structures for artistic aerial displays. The above items, hereafter called devices, are intended to be installed both repeatedly without degradation or loss of integrity, and temporarily or permanently in fairgrounds and amusement parks or any other locations. Fixed grandstands, construction site installations, scaffolding, removable agricultural structures and simple coin operated children\'s amusement devices, carrying not more than three children, are not covered by this document.
Existing national rules on workers\' safety are not concerned by this document.
ISO17842-3 contains inspection requirements during design, manufacture, operation and use.
Standards | Relationship |
ISO 17842-2:2015 | Identical |
ISO 7010:2011 | Graphical symbols Safety colours and safety signs Registered safety signs |
ISO 9712:2012 | Non-destructive testing Qualification and certification of NDT personnel |
ISO 7165:2017 | Fire fighting — Portable fire extinguishers — Performance and construction |
ISO 4413:2010 | Hydraulic fluid power General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components |
ISO/TS 17929:2014 | Biomechanical effects on amusement ride passengers |
IEC 60204-1:2016 | Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 1: General requirements |
ISO 9554:2010 | Fibre ropes General specifications |
ISO 12100:2010 | Safety of machinery — General principles for design — Risk assessment and risk reduction |
ISO 5817:2014 | Welding — Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) — Quality levels for imperfections |
ISO/IEC 17020:2012 | Conformity assessment — Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection |
ISO 7001:2007 | Graphical symbols — Public information symbols |
ISO 9186-1:2014 | Graphical symbols — Test methods — Part 1: Method for testing comprehensibility |
ISO 22727:2007 | Graphical symbols — Creation and design of public information symbols — Requirements |
ISO 13857:2008 | Safety of machinery Safety distances to prevent hazard zones being reached by upper and lower limbs |
ISO 2307:2010 | Fibre ropes Determination of certain physical and mechanical properties |
ISO 4414:2010 | Pneumatic fluid power General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components |
IEC 60947-3:2008+AMD1:2012+AMD2:2015 CSV | Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units |
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