CEN ISO/TR 20883:2007
The latest, up-to-date edition.

Footwear - Performance requirements for components for footwear - Shanks (ISO/TR 20883:2007)
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Requirements
5 Marking and labelling
ISO/TR 20883:2007 establishes the performance requirements for shanks components for footwear (not for finished footwear), irrespective of the material, in order to assess the suitability for the end use and/or fitness for purpose. It also establishes the test methods to be used to evaluate the compliance with the requirements.This Technical Report applies to shanks for various kinds of footwear.ISO/TR 20883:2007 is intended to be used as a reference between the manufacturer and the supplier. It is not intended for third party certification of finished shoes destined for the consumer.
Committee |
CEN/TC 309
DocumentType |
Technical Report
PublisherName |
Comite Europeen de Normalisation
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
PD CEN ISO/TR 20883:2007 | Identical |
S.R. CEN ISO TR 20883:2007 | Identical |
PKN CEN ISO/TR 20883 : 2007 | Identical |
ISO/TR 20883:2007 | Identical |
NEN NPR CEN ISO/TR 20883 : 2007 | Identical |
UNI CEN ISO/TR 20883 : 2007 | Identical |
UNE-CEN ISO/TR 20883:2009 IN | Identical |
ISO 18896:2006 | Footwear Test methods for shanks Longitudinal stiffness |
ISO 18895:2006 | Footwear Test methods for shanks Fatigue resistance |
ISO 31-0:1992 | Quantities and units Part 0: General principles |
ISO 17709:2004 | Footwear Sampling location, preparation and duration of conditioning of samples and test pieces |
EN ISO 19952:2005 | Footwear - Vocabulary (ISO 19952:2005) |
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