DIN EN 13205-1 E : 2014
The latest, up-to-date edition.

National foreword<br>National Annex NA (informative) - Bibliography<br>Foreword <br>Introduction <br>1 Scope <br>2 Normative references <br>3 Terms and definitions <br>4 Symbols and abbreviations <br>5 Requirements<br>6 Test methods <br>7 Types of evaluation <br>8 Instructions for use <br>9 Marking, quality control <br>Annex A (normative) - Calculation of expanded<br> uncertainty for a measuring procedure<br>Bibliography
Defines performance requirements that are specific to aerosol samplers, primarily inhalable, thoracic and respirable aerosol samplers.
DevelopmentNote |
Together with DIN EN 13205-2 E, DIN EN 13205-4 E, DIN EN 13205-5 E and DIN EN 13205-6 E supersedes DIN EN 13205 E. (09/2014)
DocumentType |
PublisherName |
German Institute for Standardisation (Deutsches Institut für Normung)
Status |
Standards | Relationship |
EN 13205-1:2014 | Identical |
EN 14530:2004 | Workplace atmospheres - Determination of diesel particulate matter - General requirements |
ISO 24095:2009 | Workplace air Guidance for the measurement of respirable crystalline silica |
EN 13205-4:2014 | Workplace exposure - Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations - Part 4: Laboratory performance test based on comparison of concentrations |
EN 481:1993 | Workplace atmospheres - Size fraction definitions for measurement of airborne particles |
EN 13205-2:2014 | Workplace exposure - Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations - Part 2: Laboratory performance test based on determination of sampling efficiency |
EN 482:2012+A1:2015 | Workplace exposure - General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents |
ISO 13137:2013 | Workplace atmospheres — Pumps for personal sampling of chemical and biological agents — Requirements and test methods |
EN 13890:2009 | Workplace exposure - Procedures for measuring metals and metalloids in airborne particles - Requirements and test methods |
EN ISO 13137:2013 | Workplace atmospheres - Pumps for personal sampling of chemical and biological agents - Requirements and test methods (ISO 13137:2013) |
CEN/TR 15230:2005 | Workplace atmospheres - Guidance for sampling of inhalable, thoracic and respirable aerosol fractions |
ISO 3534-2:2006 | Statistics — Vocabulary and symbols — Part 2: Applied statistics |
EN 13205-5:2014 | Workplace exposure - Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations - Part 5: Aerosol sampler performance test and sampler comparison carried out at workplaces |
EN 1540:2011 | Workplace exposure - Terminology |
CEN/TR 13205-3:2014 | Workplace exposure - Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations - Part 3: Analysis of sampling efficiency data |
EN 13205-6:2014 | Workplace exposure - Assessment of sampler performance for measurement of airborne particle concentrations - Part 6: Transport and handling tests |
ISO 15767:2009 | Workplace atmospheres — Controlling and characterizing uncertainty in weighing collected aerosols |
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