I.S. EN 300:2006
The latest, up-to-date edition.
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For Harmonized Standards, check the EU site to confirm that the Standard is cited in the Official Journal.
Only cited Standards give presumption of conformance to New Approach Directives/Regulations.
Dates of withdrawal of national standards are available from NSAI.
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification of boards
5 General requirements for all OSB types
6 Requirement values
7 Requirements for non load-bearing boards, general purpose
boards and boards for interior fitments for use in dry
conditions (Type OSB/1)
8 Requirements for load-bearing boards for use in dry
conditions (Type OSB/2)
9 Requirements for load-bearing boards for use in humid
conditions (Type OSB/3)
9.1 General
9.2 Mechanical and swelling properties
9.3 Moisture resistance
10 Requirements for heavy duty load-bearing boards for use
in humid conditions (Type OSB/4)
10.1 General
10.2 Mechanical and swelling properties
10.3 Moisture resistance
11 Verification of compliance
11.1 General
11.2 External control, and inspection of an isolated lot
11.3 Factory production control
12 Marking
12.1 Boards marketed within the European Economic
Area for construction applications
12.2 Other boards
Annex A (normative) EN 1087-1 (Modified procedure)
Annex B (normative) Voluntary colour coding system for OSB
Annex C (normative) Supplementary properties
Pertains to Oriented Strand Boards (OSB). It defines terms, establishes a classification and specifies requirements.
DocumentType |
Pages |
PublisherName |
National Standards Authority of Ireland
Status |
Supersedes |
Standards | Relationship |
DIN EN 300:2006-09 | Identical |
BS EN 300:2006 | Identical |
UNE-EN 300:2007 | Identical |
NBN EN 300 : 2006 | Identical |
NF EN 300 : 2006 | Identical |
NEN EN 300 : 2006 | Identical |
SN EN 300 : 2006 | Identical |
EN 300:2006 | Identical |
NS EN 300 : 2ED 2006 | Identical |
UNI EN 300 : 2006 | Identical |
EN 326-3:2003 | Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 3: Inspection of an isolated lot of panels |
EN 321:2001 | Wood-based panels - Determination of moisture resistance under cyclic test conditions |
EN 319:1993 | Particleboards and fibreboards - Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to the plane of the board |
EN 120:1992 | Wood based panels - Determination of formaldehyde content - Extraction method called the perforator method |
EN 13986:2004 | Wood-based panels for use in construction - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking |
EN 310:1993 | Wood-based panels - Determination of modulus of elasticity in bending and of bending strength |
EN 1087-1:1995 | Particleboards - Determination of moisture resistance - Part 1: Boil test |
EN 326-1:1994 | Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 1: Sampling and cutting of test pieces and expression of test results |
EN 322:1993 | Wood-based panels - Determination of moisture content |
EN 326-2:2010+A1:2014 | Wood-based panels - Sampling, cutting and inspection - Part 2: Initial type testing and factory production control |
EN 596:1995 | Timber structures - Test methods - Soft body impact test of timber framed walls |
EN 324-1:1993 | Wood-based panels - Determination of dimensions of boards - Part 1: Determination of thickness, width and length |
ENV 1156:1998 | Wood-based panels - Determination of duration of load and creep factors |
EN 317:1993 | Particleboards and fibreboards - Determination of swelling in thickness after immersion in water |
EN 1058:2009 | Wood-based panels - Determination of characteristic 5-percentile values and characteristic mean values |
EN 1195:1997 | Timber structures - Test methods - Performance of structural floor decking |
EN 717-1:2004 | Wood-based panels - Determination of formaldehyde release - Part 1: Formaldehyde emission by the chamber method |
EN 789:2004 | Timber structures - Test methods - Determination of mechanical properties of wood based panels |
EN 594:2011 | Timber structures - Test methods - Racking strength and stiffness of timber frame wall panels |
EN 324-2:1993 | Wood-based panels - Determination of dimensions of boards - Part 2: Determination of squareness and edge straightness |
EN 323:1993 | Wood-based panels - Determination of density |
EN 320:2011 | Particleboards and fibreboards - Determination of resistance to axial withdrawal of screws |
EN 12369-1:2001 | Wood-based panels - Characteristic values for structural design - Part 1: OSB, particleboards and fibreboards |
EN 318:2002 | Wood based panels - Determination of dimensional changes associated with changes in relative humidity |
EN 335-3:1995 | Durability of wood and wood-based products - Definition of hazard classes of biological attack - Part 3: Application to wood-based panels |
EN 12871:2013 | Wood-based panels - Determination of performance characteristics for load bearing panels for use in floors, roofs and walls |
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