AS 2161-1978
A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.
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Industrial safety gloves and mittens (excluding electrical and medical gloves)
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AS/NZS 2161.3:1998
AS/NZS 2161.2:1998
AS/NZS 2161.1:2000
AS/NZS 2161.5:1998
AS/NZS 2161.4:1999
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Specifies gloves and mittens designed to provide protection for the hands and portions of the arms against common industrial hazards. It provides for gloves and mittens manufactured from leather, PVC, impregnated fabric, asbestos, treated wool, rubber and terry cord (loop pile). Materials are fully specified and the design and construction of fabricated gloves and mittens is covered. Appendices set out methods of test for dimensions, materials and properties, give recommendations for typical reinforcement of fabricated gloves, and include a guide to the selection for particular operations and hazards.
Committee |
DocumentType |
0 7262 1439 6
Pages |
PublisherName |
Standards Australia
Status |
SupersededBy | |
Supersedes |
Under Revision See DR 93127 and DR 95446-DR 95447 (in part).
Under Revision See DR 97415 (in part).
Under Revision see DR 99127 (in part)
SAA/SNZ HB62.2:1995 | Guidelines for erection of building steelwork Multi storey buildings and structures |
AS 2243.9-1991 | Safety in laboratories - Recirculating fume cabinets |
AS 2476-1981 | General fumigation procedures |
AS 1470-1986 | Health and safety at work - Principles and practices |
AS/NZS 2243.1:1997 | Safety in laboratories General |
AS 3780-1994 | The storage and handling of corrosive substances |
AS/NZS 3576:1998 | Clearing saws, brushcutters and grass trimmers - Guide to safe working practices |
AS 3765.1-1990 | Clothing for protection against hazardous chemicals Protection against general or specific chemicals |
AS 2225-1994 | Insulating gloves for electrical purposes |
AS 1796-1993 | Certification of welders and welding supervisors |
AS/NZS 3833:1998 | The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods in packages and intermediate bulk containers |
AS 1485-1983 | Safety and health in workrooms of educational establishments |
AS 4187-1994 | Code of practice for cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing reusable medical and surgical instruments and equipment, and maintenance of associated environments in health care facilities |
AS 1627.6-1994 | Metal finishing - Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces - Chemical conversion treatment of metals |
AS 1473-1991 | Guarding and safe use of woodworking machinery |
AS 4326-1995 | The storage and handling of oxidizing agents |
AS 1627.5-1994 | Metal finishing - Preparation and pretreatment of surfaces - Pickling, descaling and oxide removal |
AS 2601-1991 | The demolition of structures |
AS/NZS 4233(INT):1994 | High pressure water jetting systems - Safe operation and maintenance |
AS 3961-1991 | Liquefied natural gas - Storage and handling |
AS 2714-1993 | The storage and handling of hazardous chemical materials - Class 5.2 substances (organic peroxides) |
AS 4081-1993 | The storage, handling and transport of liquid and liquefied polyfunctional isocyanates |
AS/NZS 4452:1997 | The storage and handling of toxic substances |
AS 3660-1993 | Protection of buildings from subterranean termites - Prevention, detection and treatment of infestation |
AS 4332-1995 | The storage and handling of gases in cylinders |
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