AS/NZS 1850:1997
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Portable fire extinguishers - Classification, rating and performance testing
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Classifies extinguishers according to the general classes of fires for which they are suitable and gives a method of rating. Tests for Classes A, B, C, D, E and F are included.
Committee |
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0 7337 1016 6
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard sets out the classification, performance testing and rating of portable fire extinguishers.The materials, methods of manufacture and performance requirements of portable fire extinguishers shall comply with AS/NZS 1841.1 or AS/NZS 4353, which refers to materials, methods of manufacture and performance of extinguishers and any associated compressed gas containers.
First published in Australia as AS 1850-1976.
Second edition 1981.
Third edition 1994.
First published in New Zealand as NZS 4507:1978.
AS 1850-1994 and NZS 4507:1978 jointly revised, amalgamated and designated AS/NZS 1850:1997.
AS/NZS 1841.1:2007 | Portable fire extinguishers General requirements (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 1074-1989 | Steel tubes and tubulars for ordinary service (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 1841.1:1997 | Portable fire extinguishers General requirements |
AS/NZS 4353:1995 | Portable fire extinguishers - Aerosol type (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 1841.2:1997 | Portable fire extinguishers - Specific requirements for water type extinguishers |
AS/NZS 1841.2:2007 | Portable fire extinguishers Specific requirements for water type extinguishers (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 2507-1998 | The storage and handling of agricultural and veterinary chemicals |
AS/NZS 3833:2007 | The storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages and intermediate bulk containers |
AS/NZS 1596:2002 | The storage and handling of LP Gas |
AS 1799.2-1989 | Small pleasure boats code - General requirements for yachts |
AS 4326-2008 | The storage and handling of oxidizing agents (Reconfirmed 2024) |
AS/NZS 1841.1:2007 | Portable fire extinguishers General requirements (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 3961-2005 | The storage and handling of liquefied natural gas |
AS 2809.1-2008 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods General requirements for all road tank vehicles |
AS 3846-2005 | The handling and transport of dangerous cargoes in port areas |
AS 2834-1995 | Computer accommodation |
AS/NZS 4487:1997 | Pyrogen fire extinguishing aerosol systems |
AS 1799.1-1992 | Small Pleasure Boats Code - General requirements for power boats |
AS 2809.1-1999 | Road tank vehicles for dangerous goods - General requirements |
AS 4214.6-1998 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - FE-13 (HFC-23) total flooding systems |
AS/NZS 1841.8:2007 | Portable fire extinguishers Specific requirements for non-rechargeable type extinguishers (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 1841.2:1997 | Portable fire extinguishers - Specific requirements for water type extinguishers |
AS 3689.1-1989 | Automatic fire extinguishing systems using halogenated hydrocarbons Halon 1301 total flooding systems |
AS 1894-1997 | The storage and handling of non-flammable cryogenic and refrigerated liquids (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 4326-1995 | The storage and handling of oxidizing agents |
AS/NZS 2022:2003 | Anhydrous ammonia - Storage and handling (Reconfirmed 2023) |
AS 2746-2008 | Working areas for gas-fuelled vehicles |
AS 2714-2008 | The storage and handling of organic peroxides (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 3007.3-2004 | Electrical installations - Surface mines and associated processing plant General requirements for equipment and ancillaries |
AS/NZS 4681:2000 | The storage and handling of Class 9 (miscellaneous) dangerous goods and articles |
AS 4332-2004 | The storage and handling of gases in cylinders (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 4353:1995 | Portable fire extinguishers - Aerosol type (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS 5062-2006 | Fire protection for mobile and transportable equipment |
AS/NZS 1841.1:1997 | Portable fire extinguishers General requirements |
AS 4214.7-1998 | Gaseous fire extinguishing systems - Triodide (FIC-13I1) total flooding systems |
AS/NZS 1841.2:2007 | Portable fire extinguishers Specific requirements for water type extinguishers (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 1596:2008 | The storage and handling of LP Gas |
AS 3846-1998 | The handling and transport of dangerous cargoes in port areas |
AS 3676-1989 | Portable fire extinguishers - Guide to servicing |
AS/NZS 1841.6:1997 | Portable fire extinguishers - Specific requirements for carbon dioxide type extinguishers |
AS 2714-1993 | The storage and handling of hazardous chemical materials - Class 5.2 substances (organic peroxides) |
AS/NZS 2927:2001 | The storage and handling of liquefied chlorine gas |
AS 1851-2005 | Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment |
AS 2444-2001 | Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets - Selection and location (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 4081:2001 | The storage and handling of liquid and liquefied polyfunctional isocyanates (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 1841.8:1997 | Portable fire extinguishers Specific requirements for non-rechargeable type extinguishers |
AS 2187.1-1998 | Explosives - Storage, transport and use Storage |
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