AS/NZS 2243.8:2006
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Safety in laboratories - Fume cupboards
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Specifies safety requirements for laboratory fume cupboards and test methods to determine their performance. Siting and maintenance requirements are specified and requirements and guidance for the use of fume cupboards are included.
Committee |
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0 7337 7388 5
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PublisherName |
Standards Australia
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Supersedes | |
UnderRevision |
This Standard specifies safety requirements for fume cupboards and methods of test to be used to determine their performance. Appendix A provides the method for conducting a smoke test for a fume cupboard and Appendix B provides the method for determining face velocity. Appendix C describes typical materials used in the construction of fume cupboards and includes recommendations and requirements on material suitability.Fume cupboards covered by this Standard are intended primarily for use in general chemical operations but may be used for the special applications set out in Appendix D, provided that the additional relevant features described therein are incorporated.Recirculating fume cabinets (which recirculate air and do not extract to the outside atmosphere) are not included in this Standard (see AS/NZS 2243.9).NOTE: Appendix E provides recommendations for the procurement of a fume cupboard. Appendix F provides an example checklist and report form for compliance testing and Appendix G lists documents relating to the subject of this Standard.
Originated in Australia as AS 2243.8-1986.
Originated in New Zealand as NZS 7203:1987.
Previous edition AS/NZS 2243.8:2001.
Fourth edition 2006.
AS 1940-2004 | The storage and handling of flammable and combustible liquids |
AS 1444-2007 | Wrought alloy steels - Standard, hardenability (H) series and hardened and tempered to designated mechanical properties (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 3000:2000 | Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules) |
AS/NZS 2430.3.6:2004 | Classification of hazardous areas Examples of area classification - Laboratories, including fume cupboards and flammable medical agents |
AS/NZS 1668.1:1998 | The use of ventilation and airconditioning in buildings Fire and smoke control in multi-compartment buildings |
AS 2243.7-1991 | Safety in laboratories - Electrical aspects |
AS 2444-2001 | Portable fire extinguishers and fire blankets - Selection and location (Reconfirmed 2021) |
AS/NZS 1716:2003 | Respiratory protective devices |
AS/NZS 2208:1996 | Safety glazing materials in buildings |
AS/NZS 2243.3:2002 | Safety in laboratories Microbiological aspects and containment facilities |
AS 1807.20-2000 | Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators - Methods of test Determination of sound level at installed workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators |
AS/NZS 2243.2:2006 | Safety in laboratories Chemical aspects |
AS/NZS 1530.3:1999 | Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures Simultaneous determination of ignitability, flame propagation, heat release and smoke release (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 1288-2006 | Glass in buildings - Selection and installation |
AS 2243.4-1998 | Safety in laboratories - Ionizing radiations |
HB 13-2007 | Electrical equipment for hazardous areas |
AS/NZS 2243.10:2004 | Safety in laboratories Storage of chemicals |
AS/NZS 2243.1:2005 | Safety in laboratories Planning and operational aspects |
AS 1807.15-2000 | Cleanrooms, workstations, safety cabinets and pharmaceutical isolators - Methods of test Determination of illuminance |
HB 13-2000 | Electrical equipment for hazardous areas |
AS/NZS 2647:2000 | Biological safety cabinets - Installation and use |
AS/NZS 2243.9:2003 | Safety in laboratories - Recirculating fume cabinets |
AS 2567-2002 | Laminar flow cytotoxic drug safety cabinets |
AS/NZS 2982.1:1997 | Laboratory design and construction General requirements |
AS/NZS 1715:1994 | Selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective devices |
AS 1444-1996 | Wrought alloy steels - Standard, hardenability (H) series and hardened and tempered to designated mechanical properties |
AS/NZS 2243.2:1997 | Safety in laboratories - Chemical aspects |
AS 1826-1983 | Electrical equipment for explosive atmospheres - Special protection - Type of protection s |
AS/NZS 2243.3:2002 | Safety in laboratories Microbiological aspects and containment facilities |
AS 1774.36-2009 | Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods Determination of resistance to explosive spalling |
AS 1038.2-2006 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Coke - Total moisture (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS/NZS 2982:2010 | Laboratory design and construction |
AS 1470-1986 | Health and safety at work - Principles and practices |
AS 5239-2011 | Examination of ignitable liquids in fire debris (Reconfirmed 2024) |
AS/NZS 2243.9:2003 | Safety in laboratories - Recirculating fume cabinets |
AS/NZS 2243.10:2004 | Safety in laboratories Storage of chemicals |
AS 1038.9.4-2006 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Higher rank coal - Phosphorus - Borate fusion/molybdenum blue method (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 5388.1-2012 | Forensic analysis Recognition, recording, recovery, transport and storage of material |
AS 4969.3-2008 | Analysis of acid sulfate soil - Dried samples - Methods of test Determination of peroxide pH (pHox), titratable peroxide acidity (TPA) and excess acid neutralizing capacity (ANCE) (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 60079.10.1:2009 | Explosive atmospheres Classification of areas - Explosive gas atmospheres (IEC 60079-10-1, Ed.1.0(2008) MOD) |
AS/NZS 2891.3.2:1997 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Bitumen content and aggregate grading - Centrifugal extraction method |
AS 2503.2-2006 | Refractories and refractory materials - Chemical analysis Aluminosilicate refractories (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 1038.10.1-2003 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Determination of trace elements - Coal, coke and fly-ash - Determination of eleven trace elements - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (Reconfirmed 2013) |
AS 4969.12-2009 | Analysis of acid sulfate soil - Dried samples - Methods of test Complete suspension peroxide oxidation combined acidity and sulfur (SPOCAS) method (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS 2830.1-1985 | Good laboratory practice - Chemical analysis |
AS/NZS 2341.20:1998 | Methods of testing bitumen and related roadmarking products - Determination of sieve residue for bituminous materials |
HB 37.4-1994 | Handbook of Australian fire Standards Building materials, products and construction (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 3502-1987 | Urine - Determination of total arsenic - Furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method |
AS/NZS 2891.3.1:1997 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Bitumen content and aggregate grading - Reflux method |
AS/NZS 2647:2000 | Biological safety cabinets - Installation and use |
AS 4969.6-2008 | Analysis of acid sulfate soil - Dried samples - Methods of test Determination of acid extractable sulfur in soil residue after peroxide oxidation (SRAS) (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 2243.1:2005 | Safety in laboratories Planning and operational aspects |
AS 4969.7-2008 | Analysis of acid sulfate soil - Dried samples - Methods of test Determination of chromium reducible sulfur (SCR) (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 2381.1:2005 | Electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres - Selection, installation and maintenance General requirements |
AS 2891.10-2005 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Water and volatile oils content |
AS/NZS 2243.3:2010 | Safety in laboratories Microbiological safety and containment |
AS 4156.3-2008 | Coal preparation Magnetite for coal preparation plant use - Test methods (Reconfirmed 2020) |
AS 1038.18-2006 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Coke - Size analysis (Reconfirmed 2016) |
AS 2503.1-2006 | Refractories and refractory materials - Chemical analysis Silica refractories (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 2243.7-1991 | Safety in laboratories - Electrical aspects |
AS/NZS 2243.9:2009 | Safety in laboratories Recirculating fume cabinets |
AS 1038.1-2001 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Higher rank coal - Total moisture |
AS 1774.24-2006 | Refractories and refractory materials - Physical test methods Determination of the resistance to thermal shock (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS 1038.21.1.1-2008 | Coal and coke - Analysis and testing Higher rank coal and coke - Relative density - Analysis sample/density bottle method (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 2891.3.3:2013 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Binder content and aggregate grading - Pressure filter method |
AS 4969.8-2008 | Analysis of acid sulfate soil - Dried samples - Methods of test Determination of hydrochloric acid extractable sulfur (SHCl), calcium (CaHCl) and magnesium (MgHCl) (Reconfirmed 2018) |
AS/NZS 2243.2:2006 | Safety in laboratories Chemical aspects |
AS/NZS 60079.14:2009 | Explosive atmospheres Electrical installations design, selection and erection (IEC 60079-14, Ed. 4.0 (2007) MOD) |
AS/NZS 2891.3.3:1997 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Bitumen content and aggregate grading - Pressure filter method |
AS 2503.4-2006 | Refractories and refractory materials - Chemical analysis Dolomites and magnesites (Reconfirmed 2017) |
AS/NZS 4782.3(INT):2006 | Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications Procedure for quantitative analysis of mercury present in fluorescent lamps |
AS/NZS 2891.3.2:2013 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Binder content and aggregate grading - Centrifugal extraction method |
AS/NZS 2891.3.1:2013 | Methods of sampling and testing asphalt Binder content and aggregate grading - Reflux method |
AS 2503.3-2006 | Refractories and refractory materials - Chemical analysis High alumina materials (Reconfirmed 2017) |
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