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BS ISO 19119 : 2005 AMD 16410



A superseded Standard is one, which is fully replaced by another Standard, which is a new edition of the same Standard.

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BS EN ISO 19119:2016

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1 Scope
2 Conformance
3 Normative references
4 Terms and definitions
5 Abbreviated terms
6 Overview of geographic services architecture
   6.1 Purpose and justification
   6.2 Interoperability reference model based on ISO RM-ODP
   6.3 Service abstraction
   6.4 Interoperability
   6.5 Use of other geographic information standards in service
   6.6 Architecture patterns
7 Computational viewpoint: a basis for service chaining
   7.1 Component and service interoperability and the
        computational viewpoint
   7.2 Services, interfaces and operations
   7.3 Service chaining
   7.4 Service metadata
   7.5 Service instance of unknown type
   7.6 Simple service architecture
8 Information viewpoint: a basis for semantic interoperability
   8.1 Information model interoperability and the information
   8.2 Extended open systems environment for geographic services
   8.3 Geographic services taxonomy
   8.4 ISO 19100 series of International Standards in geographic
        service taxonomy
   8.5 Geographic service chaining validity
   8.6 Services organizer folder (SOF)
9 Engineering viewpoint - A basis for distribution
   9.1 Distribution transparencies and the engineering viewpoint
   9.2 Distributing components using a multi-tier architecture model
10 Technology viewpoint - A basis for cross platform interoperability
   10.1 Infrastructure interoperability and the technology viewpoint
   10.2 Need for multiple platform-specific specifications
   10.3 Conformance between platform-neutral and platform-specific
        service specifications
   10.4 From platform-neutral to platform-specific specifications
Annex A (normative) Conformance
Annex B (informative) Example user scenarios
Annex C (normative) Data dictionary for geographic service metadata
Annex D (informative) Mapping to distributed computing platforms

Gives guidelines for the selection and specification of geographic services from both platform-neutral and platform-specific perspectives.

Supersedes 02/644601 DC. (07/2005) Renumbered and superseded by BS EN ISO 19119. (09/2006)
British Standards Institution

Standards Relationship
ISO 19119:2016 Identical

ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information Web map server interface
ISO/IEC 2382-1:1993 Information technology Vocabulary Part 1: Fundamental terms
ISO 19114:2003 Geographic information Quality evaluation procedures
ISO/IEC 11179-3:2013 Information technology — Metadata registries (MDR) — Part 3: Registry metamodel and basic attributes
ISO 19125-1:2004 Geographic information — Simple feature access — Part 1: Common architecture
ISO 19117:2012 Geographic information — Portrayal
ISO 19109:2015 Geographic information Rules for application schema
ISO 19108:2002 Geographic information Temporal schema
ISO 19118:2011 Geographic information — Encoding
ISO 19111:2007 Geographic information Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO 10303-11:2004 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 11: Description methods: The EXPRESS language reference manual
ISO 19110:2016 Geographic information Methodology for feature cataloguing
ISO/TR 19121:2000 Geographic information — Imagery and gridded data
ISO 19115:2003 Geographic information Metadata
ISO 8601:2004 Data elements and interchange formats Information interchange Representation of dates and times
ISO 19116:2004 Geographic information Positioning services
ISO 8879:1986 Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)
ISO 19101:2002 Geographic information Reference model
ISO/IEC 10746-2:2009 Information technology Open distributed processing Reference model: Foundations Part 2:
ISO 19107:2003 Geographic information Spatial schema
ISO 19112:2003 Geographic information Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers
ISO 19105:2000 Geographic information — Conformance and testing
ISO 10303-22:1998 Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 22: Implementation methods: Standard data access interface
ISO/IEC 10746-1:1998 Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Reference model: Overview — Part 1:
ISO/IEC TR 14252:1996 Information technology — Guide to the POSIX Open System Environment (OSE)
ISO 19113:2002 Geographic information Quality principles
ISO 19123:2005 Geographic information — Schema for coverage geometry and functions

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